1Matth.6. ~ Sermon in the'~ount. rightcoufnes: for thcfe two arc neucr fcuercd; A difpcnfcd; for rhere God hol4~ 0~t his ft.-cp- , 1 whom God iu(\ilics by the rightcoufndfe of ter, and offers himfelfe to bee L~r<l and king The mea· Chri!t, them he fanClifi.cs by his fpirit. The full vmo men: a.nd therefore Drmidcalls tlus !1lti11- ' nin~. meaning rhen of Chrifls commandement here Hcric ot rhe word, the rodde or f-eptrr of Godi Alluen1tu· hllvoutof Go~s king· dome. ts rhis; Firftfork!, &c. rhar is, abouc all things power, Pfal. 11 o, 2. and in the- parable of the in this world,lct your principal care be to profowcr; Matth. I 3.19. the Cofpel preached is cure vnto your fclucs the kingdomc of God; called the wnrd of rhek.jngdome, becaufc hcn:py · that is-, that flare of grace, ""hereby you may God reueales rhek.lngdome vnromm, l!n~tr.twenioy Gods fauour in Chrift, bccing iuflified flatu them htto tt, CoJo!T. r. 1). Antl fdr the by his obedience, and C.1ncHficd by his ipirit, lame cauic, in the parable of .rbe field, Manb. whereby you '"'alkc in goori wbrkcs. l'J. 24. is rhc ·fame rninifier~e of the Go~)cJ 1he~fe.. Fir(\, by this conunandcmcnt of called exprdfely the kj;;gd,me of God. And Chri!l, eofoek.! Gl)dJ kjngdome, \\'C may gather, therforc when the Church dcm:mds of Chri(t, chat by nature we are all out of Gods kingwhere fhcr H1all finde him, he bids herfollowe dome, ddliturc of the grace and fa:tour of tluftcpJ of thefl?ck} to rhetm!J oftheShepbt'ards: God, and indec:dc vnder the power ot Satan, B Canr.t.7. that is, the affrmblies of the Soims; and in his kingdome of darkendfe. This the to the preaching of GoPs miniHcrs: and ther~ ho.ly GhoH fhe'-1\'es in callingSatan ~thegod of fore, ifener we looke to gcuhis kingdomc_,wc thu world, z. Cor. 4·, 4· and the prmce Of rhw rnufr diligently frequent the r1liniHcrie of the Wl}r/d, Ioh. t 2.31 . bcc:wfe all the world n:uuword, and labour ro profirby it, becaufc here.; rally are vaffals ,·nro hirn;yeilding him homage by God doth not onely rcueale, but conuaie in the workes offinnc: and therefore he is calhis kingdomevni::o men. led the' prmcc th~tt nHeth in the aire, thttt Secondly, wl-ienweehauefoundrhis king1. i:nwin. rP(I1'k!t in the children of difo6edience. And this dome, we mu{t fceke to enter imo it; for it i$ naturall mi(erie is iullly come vpon vs, for feenot enough to bee where it is., or to hauc it aing we rcfufc to yccld tUbieCHon vnto God in mong vs, fOr fo the Pharifi.cs had in the time of his kingdomc, are we not worthily left to the ChriH, Luk.r t.2o.Now '\-VC cannot cmc.r J.no_t power of Satan, to bee made his Oaues ~nd our felucs, without the fprciall \'\'orkCofGods drudges' ? Now thit men Iiue naturally out of 1 holy fpirit; fo faith our Sauiour ChriH,Mat,t8o Chr'iHs kingdomc, may appcare by the courre ' 3· E),·ceptyehe Cmlllertcd & become tU littlcchilofthcir liucs; tOr howfocucr mofi men can bee ..... dren ,oyee cannot enter into the k.fr,gdt;me of God: contented to bcare the badge of Chrill: in out- C· where two things are required in him chat ward profeffion, htaring the word, an·d rccciwpuld cmer into this kingdomc: Tohecome ,u uing the Sacraments; yet in heart and life they littlet:hildren; and to 6econrterted. We.become doe homage to the deuill, forthey pu!J.thelr as little children in humilitie, meekendfe, and neckes from the yoake of Chrifi:, and runne freedom from pride and cli(dainc;for we know with grecdindfe to the workes of finnc; they the child ofa Prince wil without dtfdaine aJfoaccount afiriCtcndeauour after morall obcdiciate himfclfe inplay with apoore mans child: ence to be curio0tie and prccifeneffe, and whC and fo ~·cein confCiencc of our owne finncs, they be dehorred from vnlawfull gaine and mu(\ be humbled in our felucs, and made bafe vainc picaCures, they will not hclre, rtdr co11.: in our own cycs,layingafide our natur:il pride fcnt; whereby in etfect they fay to God with and fdfc-Ioue,and difdainc ofothers:for a hart d Iobu.14o wirked men in Io{;, dDepart [Yomvs, wcdejiYc· f,Nelling with pride and fclfe-louc, cannot en• ,Of'rl)e ~tfO)"P/cdgtcfthy wayet: and with the wictcr into the iliait g:ae of this kingdome. Ae Luk.l?.t4 ked citizens, t we willnot hAunhis ma~ tor~t~ne' gainc, we muff: be conuerted a:1d regenerate by amrv1. the fp1rit ofGod: fOr r e.t·cepr a manbebomcar Ioh•J·J• Secondly, here Chrilt would teach vs, that gaineof water, andofthefpirit, he cannOt foe. t/ 1 e 1 our princip.dl c~trettbou~all other thing.rmuft 6ec, rJ k.jngdomeofGod.This c6Uerfion is not a change 1 Wh~t 'c:'~ towinncfor (1/l'f' {ciii6J thekJ,ngdomeofGod: I fhall ofthe fub{lance ofthe foule,or of the body,or 1 uedionl~ not 1iccdc toprooue th'is to beoui dury,fceing of the faculties or parts thereof, but onely of it is thconely thing which Chrin here intend' their cuill qualities :md aClt.ons; whereby the to commend vnto vs, and that by rxpreffc c6.. Image ofSatan in finne_<J.nd corruption is abomand. But fome will askc, howwe lhall win li01ed, & the imageof God rcnued/or ~n.ow- >nd get for our felucs the kingdome of God? ledge, righteoufneffc, and true holindle both I1lc~ne~n,, A nfw. We mull doe three thing5 fo~ theobin heart and lifc.Whcn this "''ork of regenera... taining ofit: Firtl, wemull Come tO the place tion is truly begun in vs, then doe \NC enter in- ,.,·here this kingdome is to be found. Stcond.. to Gods kingdctnc , eucn in this life; for hcrely,we mufl then enter into it. Thirdly,we mull in the ignoram .dccciue thcrnfducs, that think wait for the full poffellion ofir. we enter not before rhc time ofdeath, ~;h~;~t:is. For .the firO: This kJngdome iS not to bre Thirdly, wee muf!maitcforthefruition and., ~· ·w~irefor found m all places,but there oncl)' whc.re God fullpoJltj;ion of tt: this ~,-,·cc cannot get before j full poifdli· doth manife(l: &: reuealc the fame io the fonncs the day of death, :.nd thcrefo.rc wee mtlft cn.. 1 on. ofmen; and rh:tt is in the ajfemb!iet ~.fthc {ai11t1, dem1ou,r our (clues all dur life long after our /-w=h.::erc:t::.he:_pr:u:::b:::l~ik:_::<~n:::'i:::n~i(\:::e:_;ryr_:o':'f:_'r::_«-::o:::n:::c:<il::'in'."ti'."o'."n_:is~___l.~c~o~nuer~~ to kccpc faith and a good conI c___....:____:_____________ _____~R:_;~ . fcicn<e , TogctOods ~~~tmoeur ,bcJfccuc.