Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I g Rom.•<– '7· h J.Pct.I,8, i ,.ccr.2..9~ Gods kin~~ domc: hkc: a c:ititwith fuburbs ancl twogatc:s. ,, Ouc. eAnExpojition ofChrifls ~ fcic.nce, walking in rjghtc~ufilcl'fc an~ true 1A r promifc: :Anda!ltbefo thing.rfhall 6e mmiflrcd Matth.6. hohndfe, before ~od, and 111 the praCh(c of vnroyou. The words 3l'C very fignificam in the louc, vprightndlc, and mcrcic towards our driginall, for the: phrafc which ChriH vfcrh,is . :-rtln s;rt'<zr. 1 1 btcthrcn.Whcn the qucfliot1 is wbo P~all dJve/1· borrovw:d from bargainers, to th1s cffc&: as i1z G~dJ t4ber.nacle,tmd uft m ht:S ~of] mountaim; rhofc who Cc!~ cornc. , or other thicgs by rh:~.t 1s, rcm:un a true member ot Gods Church mcafurc, or w:ughr, vte to giue fomc oucrplus ! for eucr? Pf:~.l.s 1.I. the anfv,•cr is, vcrfc z. He to better the bargainc on the bllycrs part;cucn I I walksrli vpri,ghtly ,andwork,ph r!ghuot~[nes. fo the Lord prO!m(cth to rhofc that fcckc his Hereby we tdlittc our (clues to be alrc<!.dH: enkingduJ.lle and rightcoufndlC, he-fide the frutrcd, for Gods kingdomc fi:ands in Yightco~fition .t.l,crc~f, to giue, or c_a/fvnto therh, as the 'ncf[e, Rom. 14.1 7• And thus hauc Gods ch.l- \Nord 111),and.rauncr1t,and all rhinos drcn done, that hauc w:t.itcd for this kingdom, nc~dfull to tlus life. Qyjl. How is t.his tru~, Matth.z 5·4• TheWifo virgin; took$ o;le in tiJ~ir fecmg wc read that Gods children haue bccnc fi1Jcls toligbt tluir lamps whm the hrid~g-roome many times dcflitutc ofthings ncccffarie; as C11m,, And lofcph of Arima;hca, that noble PaulwMofiinhungn·and rbirj! ,infafti;,gs-, in counfellcr , ,,·ho waited for 1hc kingdomcof B coldeawdnaf:.!dnejj~, z. Cor. 1 r.z7. and many God,wasagoodman{;if/, Luk.2.3 ·5o.p. whom the world was not wonhy of, were deThus we fee the way to ge~ this_ kingdome jfitur,,a.Jflifted, andtormenttd, W«ndrm£vp and for our fclues: now thenccdliue ot our cndcadown,-, {httpe skjnneJ , nndgoate skj 1 mu, Hcb. uour in thcic duties with all car~ and diligence· I I. 37• .Anfil'. ChrHtspromifc in this place, & appeares by this,that out of this dhtc,forrruc all other maJc oftc:nporall bldlinos, rnufi bee inrcrcfi to this kingdom,is ncthin{; indeed but vndcrHood with the exception ofthe croffe; . woefLlll mifcric, vndcr the curfc ofGod, & the that is, they !hall haue fuch and fuch bleffings power of Satan i,n the kingdC'Ime of darkncffe:: vnlc(fe it plcafe Cod by tbc wa'nt thereof, t~ but in the fruition ofthis kingdom is true hapcorreCt them for fomc finncs, or to excrcife pineffc: here is~ righrco"fncffr, petue, and ioy in their faith in the triall oftheir patience. the bo!y Ghojf' yea, h io] vr.flle«k_eable and gloThe vfo. Firft, by chis promifc of Chrift we How , 0 fttk rious: "for i /.~e things tfu.reie h:uhnot ftme,edre haue this mofi ctccllem dircCliO from him that furrtmpoul hath tJ(Jf heard, neither ester ennldinto tht heart 1 is wifcdome it felfc,how to order our (cluCs in bl(ffing~. of man to tbin/,J, hath qod prepared for. than I fc~king for all mnporall b!cflings reedcfull io that loue him: and they arc :tll to be had m thJs ~ th1s l1fe; n-amely, we muft firltfoefi! Gods k}ng– his kingdomc. Wherefore as weedcGrc to tf- ':1 Jo'!'c a':d•hif righttof!ftuj]~. in the performance cape: the woe and mifelie of the deuills-ktng... ottholerduties that ma)' bring vs thereunto; dome, and to be partakers ofthe ioyesofhcal and thenaf/thefonudefu/1things forehis life,._ uen, fo let vs lo1>kc vnto the: pcrforrmmcc of (ooci and raunent,jhRIIhcaftvnrovs, in rhC fD~ the former dutics,fhewing herein the r~foluti... her vfc ofordinaric meancs. The reafon.Qercon ofthewifomaYchant that part'd with all he ofis plainc, for Gods kingdome is man$: chi.efc had toget that pearle ofpricc,Mmh.l 3.46.This good and happindfc, 11< >ll tcmpo,all b!clling• kingdomc o!God, is here fct 01,1t vnto vs, l1kc ~cpc~d thcre-l~po11 as. ~PPt_Jrtcuances· to- the a citiewith luburbs,and two g:1tcs;che fuburbs prmc1pall, as lt \Vere mt:tlled thcreon; :~nO ofthis city,~rc thofc affemblies "'her the word thcrfore would ha\-IC thcfc; ofGod is uu·ciypreached and difpcnf,·d : •n<f muft get ¥11to himfclfc che kingdomc ofGp~ ; hercinto comenot onely the eleCt and godly, which istht prindpall. lrhiletht 11rk_: ofthe cobuc hypocrites and rcprobaccs.The fir I! gatc,is um•nt ,., in Obed Edoms houfo, God hlejfe,j thctYt~e11ateofgracc,whcrcinto the clcet of him,Andalj tharhchad, 2.Sam.6. 11. How God alonedo enter by rcgcner2tion; in whicb much more then fl1all God bleffe them, t·ha5 cflatc they continue in this life going on from fCCeiue his-holy fpirit to rule in their hcart•by one degree ofgrace vnto a grcatcr,with code... iD pra~"c? for as Dauid faith, the .~«>dly maplhall uour in all things to kcepe f.1ith & 3 good c.on- · be hkea tree p\amcd by the rJUcrs of rvarer: fcicnce both towards God and men, & fo wait and whalfocuct he doth lhall profper. By the to enter \:.he " of glory, which is fet open bleffing o~Godwe haue h_ad h~s kin~domc avn'to tht,&ctey enter in at the houre ofdeath. mono vs lo~ many y~ar~s m thJ3 nauon, an.d And therfore let vs not dccciue our own fouls, Golhath g1ucn vs wnh JC peace :m'd prote(h. asthc foolifh virgins did with their burning on,with grcatabund:icc-cft~mporalb1dfings: b.mps, and content our fclues,th3t we come to Indcc?c ~od hat~l fimdrie w:aies co~rcCtcd v_s, Church,and liue ciuilly;though th~fe be good ~nJ la1d hs hcauJc hand~vpon vs m fufldnc thin·'~ yet an hvpocritc m:ty goe thus farrc,all mdgcments, as plague, famme, &c. andoften this t~while'wc a;c but in the: fuburbs of this fl1akt:n his rpd4cat vs in the hasds ofour enc. kingdomc: but ifcucr we lookc for the glory mics, and ~11 ~ecaufc we h:me not receiued_t?e ofhcaucn,wc n 1 ufi in this life enter the fiate of word.ofh1s k1ngdome, nor ycclded obcdrtcc ~-. \ grace hy rc•7CI1CI:ation and become new ereato it a~· wee opght; yea and we m:1y feare the tu re~. 0 ' fulncffc ofhiSwrath,vnlcffc we repent & :amCd [ Thus much ofthe commandement;The re.a.. ofthi"s Gnne efpcci~lly.:But ifwe wouldfct our ' [on to enforce it, is a gracious and bountifull fclut:s to fcekihis kingdom, we needed not to fcare '-------- --'------------------