----~-------------"----------------~~----------~--' ------ ,§ernion in the :...?Jottht.. 1! t(li j Matth,6. ~ Howp&ore llltnflllY. r luuefuffid·· l ~;h~~~ I ma;-conti• ouli:fo. ~--------------~~~~~~~---:~~~--~~~--~~~~~~ I ' fcarethe wane of an)' needfull bldli'ng i for fo A . this life; rbcy rake little or;,, rho"ghr 1tir 'tht l God.pomifed··to his p,coplqct~"giuc the!" a-. I etcmaU (tare of their foules, but lptlid th~i[ / boundance of.all things~; if-they wGuld ohcy' , \\ 1t andHr~ngrh 1n proUidmg tor tht.lf bod1c.9l; · hi$ cotmnandcmcnts; whicbtarc: the lawcs and V\' hi eh is·nothing c-l!C' but t.O gripe the 1 n,a~ I fhtutcs of his king-dome :•Dcut.z.8.t.z.&c. dow, and ro let the fubHancc goc.\Vhcrcirt ~vi! ~ .T.his p'oint then. is to be o~fcruccl for onr 01ew our felut·s fooli01 and (implc)ikc· t~lhtlt d\I'(tt\:ion in pa·rqiG'ul'ar·. Art thou.a:roorc man> <:hildrcn, •.vho arc better pleatCd with the 'gift and:wouldc{hl-bu~ tUAicient t0o'd and raiment ofan nut or aapplt,thcE 'Nith the promife ofr!(h fOr thy tcmp0t~U4if6~"tbcn fitfr,• fe't: thy heart rcuenucsjOC grea' inhcritanre.Il.This rcac.hedt to fcckc Gods killl'domc:, follO\N the wdrd, &, vs with what mindc;wc muH fCckc-thC tcmpoJ . i~botfr tl~ercin ~-or.fegeifcr.at~n~ and new ~be- l r.allbldftngs ofthis life; namely ,\Yhh the. fame. d 1enc.et :111d doubt n:et, Jbut tf thou be vpngl~ 1 honcfi ITfindc; wherewitH \\'e [cckc·rht !-;ing. .;; ! and .d.iligc~t in.tfr1 :~,1 ~ll_I ·c~lling, thou. n.alt I (lame of God, for thcr arc appmtcnaccs_th~l'..; l fintic fuffictcm fbr rhls ltf~:. R.t!:...eft. If rhts bee vnco ,&depend vpon ft:and therefore' wah.Ail 1 thc\·v~y to gee [Jtficicnt, how tomes it that we vprighr hcatt,wc mufionclyvfe la\\·funm.e~u~~ : haoc fo rmny beg-gars that wander ''P and i B moderately forrhe getting ofrhcm.And ~.<·hcl) downc from doorc'to doOl·e? Anfi"· Theyarc we h~uc them, this may 4iret1:19s in thc-r~ghe (for the moft part)"a curfed generation, v~·hich ende whcreto we muH vfc our rcrriporall We f.; h:ute·no regard to Gods or,iin:xnces, eithd for iings ; nzmcly, to the furtherance ofotl r t"t.1U.ci th~ir foulc .or bodies; ~:hey ioyne not them~ and others towards the kingclomc of God; fo feluq to any fctled c_ongrcgatio·n fdr che ob.; wee honoJJr God with our richu, as S~~.!otHol'i . . to.ining ofGods kingdome,-and fothis promilc biddes vs,Prou. 3·9.1 I I.Th1s tdcbeth vs, that 1 Th~~·i&e~ belongs not to them~ but God fuffct"s thctn to they whichhauc no right to Cods kingdotne ~ f~:-;;~~~~-e-:s wan,de1' in an idle tdurfc a:ll the-ir life long; nor pare in Chrifts righrcoufiKs, hauc no good 0Jc$ngs; .dctlitute"bt' this blcffing _, to care their ownc in tere!l into any tcmporall blcflings; a<; food, j I bri:ad. AgaiQc,.arr thou a rich man, and wou1r::.jmcnt, and fuch like,for they arc dependants I deft c~mtihuc in th:tt ctlatc, to thinc·owl'l eom..: vpon G:oJs kingdomc and rightcoufnctTc.; A~ "" fort·, and for t.hc good ofchofc lhat depend vptOr the heathenbclcire Chritt.s comming, ~md on thee? then fee thy h<art to fecke Gods Tu•ks,3nd Pag:tns,•nd all profancper(ons tha1 kincdome 'Nith a tpecio.ll c:u·e, fcckc to pla11t liuc in the Church =n.thfs day, who both htrC'-..: I religion jn rhy .family , and thou and :thiflc tofo.re and now alfo,doe inioy tcmporall ~lcf.:: hou(c null fl.ourith'.Art thou afiudcnr,nn<l defings in great abound3flccfthi:; WC muif know; firdhhc bleffing of God vpott rhy labours, tlm rhc.y haue thereto a ciuil!righrJ.yGads with aH things fufficicnt to thy ,fi-atc & caning? ~ C permifiion,foas it is finne, without good cnu.fe then fir!i fceke Gods kingdome aod rightcouito depriucthem thereof; but ycr ofthemfdu<S nelfc ;)abeur tOr rightcoufncffe and true holithey arc but vfurpcrs-,.in regatd:ef tr-ue t-i.tlc£( I nclfc,and God wilhderheewith his bleffings. fanc1ified vfe before God'; for by 4dfim&falf In a word, whatfo~u-er thou art, lvta"giflratt, we lofl our right and foudaigntie in the c,t~a... },..finiflCl", Mcrchatlt, Tr,adc-s-tmin, &c: t'il:ltl or r-urcs, ~nd it is.oncly rc.fiored and tenued iit worrian, yon:1g or oldc, :and ddi rc(t Gods Chr.itllo-as they which haue nOp2trf tn Ch.ritt 1 \ blcfllng for thy fc!fc, or ahy that belong v:mo cannot hauc this: true title. !his "\·e mu:fi ob~ 1; ~rnrf, er thee, tcmcmbcr the praCtifc of this dutic, and fcruc, firH,-to infiruCl our feluc·s rhc bcrcer 1n ~:~;:~ij~~t;; i vfc the lawfull mcancs \vhich Cod Jaies bcM. the kn0\·\ 1 lcdge of our owne mirerablc !late by. I· ! bur(though all nteanesfaile)yer God will feud rhar cannot makegood claime nor-title before fuRicient. Cod,to the appar"ell vpon our b:acks,·nOrtothc 1 I fore thee in thy c<1lling; and nothing doubt, nawxc; fOr what vvrcrrhcd .crear-ur-c.o; a-rt we, 1 \ Secotu1ly, this ptO!m(c oftcmporallbkffings mcate \\'C put in our bellies? na' of Olllr feluc.f. l ~~;~~l:~~~:e 1 Y\k>n the f:a1thfull fcckm_gof the kmf,domc of I \\'C haue n?t right to the brcath.~v.c dr~v\: i"n at I I Cod, rlct vs fee, that f"oodc, raunem, 3nd all OU1" nofihnJs. A.nd Clft of qucfi:10n this ts the , ~fe. r. Theprepo– Ut:rout courftof worldlings. rhtngs nc.cdfull fOr thi-s liff', ~re appmt.cnances D l llare of euery n>rnrall UJ2n, though he be ne" I and dependants -on Gods ku1.gdom.:; that is, ucr fo great a mcnarkc in rhc world,whilc he is .fuE.h things as ouc1·~n.d :Pehdes h1s kingdome omofGods kingdoiu,.waming righrcoufnes~ God will giuc to them that p1·i?cipally fccl<c rcgcner:uionby le!Us Chtifl-.~cco:ldly,rhis alfol 1 'his loucand fauont by the rightcoufi1tffc of mufi p.erfwad. cucry one -of vs,to p-ltt in praCHf(11 1 Chrh.'l:, and labour for grace and faneliflc:nion the fOrmer infl:ruftion,endcauouring aboue-al! by his fpir1t ·' for if hu haHe... ~iHrr.·v.r Chr~ff;-how things to get Gods kingdom.for our fclucs;fof I .~fhAII heentH withhimgil!-t 11! tt!l thjngJ 11/fo,Rotn. till vve hane p<>ttohcrcin, \.vc can-h:wc l'lo fotm~ I 8. 3 2. fotnfon in the vfc ofCods crc2rures, which' The con8~crati·on ·hereof fcr(JC'j for fpcci:1H J:lccctfarily fcruc to ourr~l'hpor:llllifc.This rca.J I ufe: J. To difcoucrvnt<: vs -the prcpoAerouS km ~lon-c,if.thcrc ·wcr~ no more, fhould fpttrre \· !courfc thmmen take in icrking for tcmrorafl ''s on to all di-iigcncc i"tl this duti('; "' h:n .fha(ne' I hlc_ffings -; for mo_H m.en gcncrnl.ly nc-glc.tl dk,. :md gridC is it to catcoru··brcad in the fight of I· · m:-tmc good, wh1ch IS Gods ktngtiomc, an.d C od, :~.s thcrues :md viorpcrs do in the f1e,ht ofj I wholiy_:_ddi~thcmfcl~cs t() fec.iuhc.thi'\'_~S of 1 FnC:n ? ~nd thcrcford~.giho no t:::R vrlt"~ o..::_o 1 ·\! ~L- --· -~------- r~~·J.L