,__ __.c.__,_-------------~--~---·---·----- 19%. I eAn ExpojiJion ofChrifls ~·;;rb.6. ! ---' i fo_u_le_s_t-il-1 "-·-cc_a_t_ta_i-nc--,o~fo_m_e_g_o_o_d-alfutarice A p~tnll bleffing-,-. -,1-fo ___ :r_h_i_s_P_A_"_·'d_c_o_n_fe_{fg_ tb- , --- ~ 1 1 in this_blc{fedelbtc, The way \-\ c mufi remcm.. Pfal. 1 J oj. ThoHflidbjfpr~l!enr rr...e witiJ h/krJil/ j bcr, Is by true conucrfion and regeneration; b/({fings: and ~a!omqn fouud i~to' be true; '-\ho I & ,,,,?-[hall difcc-rnc our Cclucs to be regenerate asking . ondy a wifo ~md ~·ndr/ftanding -ht'a._r.s; ~'~&n:c~~~:~~- . by thcfc fruits of the fpirit in \o'S j'to wit; I. A rcceiucd thereupon rrcb(s ami htJnouY"dtejides I i trne touch ofconfdcncc for our tinncs,both ohH rl•fodome, 1. Ktng, i·I ~.And lo d1d /..i~ob, . 1 l·rigio.all antJ :lC}ll:tll. I I. A godly lbnowe and a""hoM~ngoniJ God1 prtJtearon w1th mei.Jtt.to ::1 Gcn.:8.1d I gr!dc ofhcanfor offending and difpleafing ear~, 1111d doathtJ to pHt on'; thoughb he Went b d1 cn.p.11i Godby Qur tranfgrctliQt.JS. l I l.An.earndt deo"'t 6ut W1th .11 ftajfo, }tt retHrned w11h two fi.t·e,, pr t-rue fpiritua.B hunger :md thirH after baru/J. . : . l ChrHl:,and.his ri-gh-t:coufilctfc, tdl:ified by our Now the confidc~tion ofshis·bountvofGOd 1 Dmic, from ,. conibnt and ciiiigcnt vfc of thofc mcancs the I mufi teach vs thcfc duties; Fit:fl:.l to b;fttre o/ ~~d) bounl..V9rd, pJaycr, :1nd S.ncramcnrs, wherein God all Jinne., whereby \\'C due oRCnd and Ji'f}>ltafe I I I giu.Cj,gra.Cc,:!nd -~!1i.1ranCc ofmercic:IV.An vnour God,who i:; fo gr:t.tiou3 and bo~ntifulllvn- (ainc.d·turning vmo God fi·om alllinn.c: bynew B to vs:ifour outward dl:atc did.depcnd \'pon o.. , ob~:;:diencc, haHing aconfiant purpofc ofl,-cart I thcrs, we would rhcn be careJltll 'fo to carric 1 1 1 n.ot to_ltnne, and a godly cnde:1uour in life to Ol~r ~clues t~wards them, as _that we would nOt~ plc;-~fc:God in <1ll dllngs. Thc!C :11-c the markcs wtllmgly f,lUC them any offcnC"e, or ca!.l(e ·ot , I of the nc:wc creature, who hatb true tide to 1 diflikc: how much more ought we tht'n t€1 l Gods,k_ingclom<";which ""'e mull bbour to find I iccke the continu<lncc o{Godsfauour toward's in out.lducsfor our comfort in the vfc ofGods vs by all good bl'hauio\lCJcing,on himdcpcnrls ~ j creatures: and if wc·finde them in vs,our tide 1 our wholedhtcboth lemporall and eurnall? is-goqd, not oncly to his creatures, but m his 1 Secondly, to tr14jl God wi1h our ~~uc-J, /,~,1/lh., 1 1 :kingd~11tc, notwithflandingour ownc vnwor- ~ /J:Jdin, anda/! w;:hat!r, for fpodc, 1aimcm, and thindlc by om former iniquities. proteCtion, in the fobcr vfcof l:'tw(ull meancs 1 4 . . I V. ln this,that t<:mporall b!dlings arc defor be is a bountifull G od.ThirJ.ly,to fcekt for Apr~u"~"r pcndamsonGI?dskingdomc, ''•emuft Je_arnc J hcipc & fuccour from Godin<1Ilditlreifcand ::i~:~~J.]t.1 on i· comcmation& p:uiencc in all tcmpm.-..11 loOCs 1 w:~nt, fOr he is bountiful!; hug:'u('th toallmm wh:ufocucr, though we loofc frcinds, goods, I lib~rAif;, and rtproar.hrrhtl.oman, lam. 1. 5. and l:mds, libcrtie,rcputatioH, or life_ it fclfc,yct vrc therefore wee muft be rc~adic and forward to m,u!lnot beoucrwhclmcdwith torow or grief: call ' 'POll him, and to make our mo3ne vnto for if ,..,.c be Gods childrcn,and rctaine 'lis fahim. Fomthly, to louc fo bountifull aGod,yea uour, the kmgdornc of. hcauc·n remaines fure· C toenforce our hearts to all duties of louc covmovs: .,.,·hile a mans froeke rcmaincs, tho~gh wards him: Salomon faith, E,ury man U a fomc appuncnanccs be taken from him, he {t-tind to him that giwnh gifts, Pr(lv. 19. 6. countshin~fdfc well enough;and fo mufi wc in but none is to be compared to God for the al worldly lo{fcs,whilourtitle is good to gods riche·sof bountie; and therefore our louc to kingdomc.Herewith our Sauicur Cbrifl eomhim !bou1d abound. Fiftly, to be thankcfull forts his difciplcs,Luk. T 1. ~ 2. Fea.;-enot /iulc I vmo God for all the gootl things wee enioy; f.Qck.$, for it ~~ you>' 1-'tabn:rp!~afurc to gmc JOtl f?r whatfocucr wehaue,comes fro":' his hounthel?jngdom.Now if God giuc vs' tha.t with his t1c : a.ud th-~rcfore wc muH fay v·mh DaHid, fiuour in Chrifi,~,-,-c-~ may be fiu·e he would giuc what/hall ! giHe1m/p.Jhe Lo;-d, for 'all hU [,/cf-~ vs all tcmpor'lll bldfi.ngs, if he faw them to be Jings ar~vpon mt, Pfal. rI6. 12. I j . In aword, good for vs; .for if hr: ha«egiHcn -;;JChrift, how ,,.c mull labour continually in heart and life, )hall he no_twith himgiue1.1s AllthingsAlfo? t.o '-'\'alke wonhy of the Lord, and to pleafe Thirdly, thispromife of Chri!\, to giuc his him in all things, bccing fm;rfu/1;n all good kjngdometorlumrlw fceks ;r, and bc(,dc, to caft workp (asthe Apo(Hdaith) Cololf.r .10. all Icmpora/1blr!fi•;gs Vf/13 them' if they {eckc D 4 r t fi th his kingdom<prinripally, cloth notably comV • 3 • L are no or e mend vmo vsthe boumifu: gccdndfe ofGod; morrow, for tiJe morrow fhaU / for here we fee he giucs to his childrenmore / h then they askc or fccke. And this bountic of carefor itfefje:the day athenGo..,bouo· God,Paulexprdfcth .. a grofid ofour prai(,ng ourPh with h;· !Jzj 01Megrz_IC. I Uc. God, Eph. ~. 20. T ohim tbcrc(tJr~ that~~ nble :C n f" to ef,oc cxcecdinJ. ttboundantlj P.!Joue all that 'R'ce Here Chrifl the third time repeatshis com- 1 can .uk.; or think_; , according to thepower rh~tt mr\ndcrncnt again it ddhuflful cnrc,propoUded I wm·(sth ;·, vs, bep,·aifo in rhc Ch:a-ch, h; lefru fi1il in 1hc 25.vcrfc;ln whkh often repetition, Chrift .- where we mull: ob(cruc, that he fpeaks hec intends to make YS more cncfull and dili- ~ ofGods ability to be bountiful, <IS brmiglu ingc~lt,bpth to learne ~nd praC1ifc the famc.And to :t.Clion in his childrcn.fo :1s he is nor.oncly ahereto he alfo addcth :11C.,.ucmh rcafon to er.~ l bic but willinghereunto: and hereof wehauc I foreh ::md furthcr .m.tr obcdic.nce, dra\.\'11<:from 1 d~ily experience in the blctTings ofGod v.-hich the daily guefand trOllblc •Ahich a.C"companies ! \.'-'C' doe cnioy~ for when we pray for G)irin!alt cucrr d:~y of our lif<'. : graccs,G<:>_d giu_es ~~,and ~~~Y tcm- I The ExpO{irion. C.-rre l:orfi_o•_·;_;u_m_o_n_·,_w_:_t_l~~-t ~ -----------------------=~1~------ 6