-------'--~----'---:-·~---~------~~~ I l"'r."'M. Sermoiiintheaio#f!4 j!Jj I 1 :2.-1:- --' is, f,or t1.1c time to come. This may fecmc a I A anqgrjcfc fufficicnt, ~hrough the buhnc:> that I {hangc comm:tndcmcnt tending to patrqQage f~~s p ut·tDcrcon ~n~i belongs Vnro it, and rhcr'"- / Jloth and ncgligc11Cc; but we muG know, th:lt 1 fbrc wee :ire no~ tO :rddc ci).crhmto 3n0thci · ~ dvublt: there is a doul:>Jc care for the time to come. I. . dai~S care ahd gri.cfC 1 fOr fo we fhc:Ul.d btiilg ; r,;:!~~nce I Agodly Iawfull care. I 1.-- A di(iruHfull &in~ vpdh our (clueS mOre ·c~rC 3nd grief~ ~)tCti · 1.Godly. ord:natc car.c. The g?dly ca!c i.} that, whcr:hy needes. 1 a man prou1qcs for 111 chcume .prcfeor, iudl Th~mon·oJP,, th;l~ is; the tirrtc to cbtpc i fl.vtlf .things JS ;J.rc t)ccdfnll in the ti1:ne to cpt.ne,, :md cm·~fortt foifr. ~Iere (hrift 2r.f~y.qs a .qudti01~ , .ca.nnot then be .provided: this lawfull care \,.C whi.ch might ·be- IJ?adc from ~i}sfoq'nrr eorh+ mayobfcruc in ou~Smtiour Chnfl, for be lpd a mandcmcnt; for baujngfOrhid,d~f? care .for thC baggc tO~kc~pC prouifion f.or himfclfc anJ his 1110f'!'QW,fomc mig.h~{ay;!i~\S n~~ll we .do~ 0!} difciplcs,.whith IHdttj>ba~c,Joh.r 3·2.9.&when the'morrp'lv, an4 ~he time to cOme? ChriH 3.11- , .Agabm tOrc:co)d of agcrlcr~ll f<ll.pinc~, the Dif fwcrs, This d:iy~s.care m,ufi be to.day, ai1d to' eipLuprouidr.dr1[oreh.md, to fend fuccour to the morrowcs carc~tp mgrro~~·,cach·jlny tnull: h::~nC brethren whleh dwelt in Iudca, ,6.8.1 1.38,29. his pwnc care: fuch care ;ts is F.t ai1.d necdcful! . And thns may a nades-mat'l proUJdc for 11.l:linfor the time pref~llt:~rnutl no.\\' b.z.takcn, & fi1c1T tcnanCc whjlc his lhcngth and fight is good,a~ B [hings as are no\-V nc~dfiil,nm!l: n.ow be !Ought gain11 the time ofhij age, ~herein he may bee for; blit fuch C·are as is fit to bee tah·n in thC vnablc to follow his c,aUing. And thus do men time to come, mufi beepu~ 'iff:to his proper in fit fcaJon prouidr.: for food and raiment.And 11 time; ::md things then ncedcfull, inufi thc..:n be· we may prou!~c to day·,that i.s, in the timeprcfouglu for, when thcit fit timcfallcth but: cut·; fem, for any ncedcfull thing, wh.cn to morrow rie time and c'ucry day muft haue his pr6pCr ·Will not affoard it. care alone. ' :.Inordin.nc: The inordinate and difi:ruG:full care for the In this rcafon w~ehaue ~ mbfi n,OtabJd ruiC A f-idc /~; pro_uidcnce. mon;:ow,is that whcrby ~en vcxe their 111inds, for the w.ell prdering of-ol:!r !iuc·s: tQ \-\'~t; that. onfiifco and turmoi!C themfdue$,tO preu.ide aforchand tuery man muft fe.!1o"We thedn1ia ofh,#lawfMlcJ.:. f~r 1i1<h things as may well enough be had in lmg , ~nd how rhe dfcha>;ge thereof "'illyeddi the time to come: rhisparu and rmt.t afunder him rhir.gs necrjf4rie ar.d cpmtmient ftom ri,mi rheminde,as the word..{ignificS;::ind this our Sa.. to time, and fo acCordir.gLy muft walli.! rhcrt'mi uiour Chriftforblds. It is indeed rhc cotm;non that is, doing onefJ fuch duties diligeHtlJ a~ rlu' .care ofthe world, and we may obfcruc the prap1·r{ent til'fltrequirerh nthi.shar.ds, for tbeprocHttiCc of it rhtee waycs efpccially: I. When men ringof r/,;ngt then mme ;tnd nadefoll; ~nd F prouidc fo much worldly goods f9r them- C procuding b; drper.domcr on God.r proHid~nce, in fclues >aS WOUld lC[UC for many fa.nilycs,ot for fuch Cdr< and labour, M Ujitti,;g for the prcfont many generations: there be1Dany fuch gatheroccafi~n, rm;e, andftafon: !mt for time to com: goods, whicH {(rape together as though they lt.f.lneon Godt pro11idrnce, refpiti.ng rh~Cl!re thrr~of lhould ncuer die, and they fcarcc know any r;UGodrcquir<itar thy hand"The pra.'tife herecndeof their wealth. This praCt:ifc o.ur SauiofSamHtiinioyoeth Snu/ 1 r.S::~m.xo.7. H'hrn our Chri!t here forbids. If ony inol~nd might thefcjignu (ofctlab!i!hing thoc in the king-. fcrk for fupcrAilitic';it is the J{in_g, whObounty do.mcJ lhall c.omevntoth.f'e, doeM occafion fl:4/l at all times wcil bcfcemcth~and yet Godf()rbad fornc; that-is, doe the prcfCnt dutiesof~King· the King oue1'his ownepeople , tp mifltip'J ouerthlt lie bdOrc .th~e, without troubling and much hU borfcs andfurniture, hu jlLuer and hj.s vc~ing thy fclfthrough fc:lre .of.c;~rc oft'hings gold, Dcut.I].r6;l 7• i I. When men fcckc to to com,r.ill God offer th<todty hond.And this prcucnt OJ!lloifcs arid ca(ua.lties, 3nd fo plot for -!hould be euery mans praaifc in his callin~ 1 thcm(clucs, th:~t how focucr it .go:\.,·ith ().thc.rs, and fo fhould their prcfent diligence tdl.ihc yet they fh:11l fC:clc no want; though Others their obedience,& cle:J.rc.thcm from prefurup· Haruc andgoc naked, ·they·Inall be full_~ :md t .t.ion, 3nd thcirr.cfpiting of future c:arc till time well cloathcd. I I I. VVhcn men prouide for to .D require it, argue their faith in .Go..ts prouidC::a: ~byand to n1orr-0w together aforchan4, \.\'hen and thus t~ty ihouldncirhcr fooJifhty feed vpas the t'llOrtO\\'CS proutlion may fuffiCJcmiy, on vnccrt~ine hopEs,nor,nccdeldly vexc: thcmfafc:Jy, and foonc euough be made on ttownc fclucs with.vntimcly cares. day : Thts Cht. tfl dot~ _ch1cfly a,me at, as crofThe day htttli enough' with hM o~ne gricfc : fing the prachfc of taith whcrebr we lhould . 1 thot is,cuery day by reofon ofmans hnnes,harh datlydepend vponhis proutdcncc. . trouble: .and gric:fc enough, through th3t care r: l :Jh U and h.bour for pr.ouifion whichGod thcrcotl ror tiJe morrowe tJ care I rcquircth at our hands; and th.erforc we. thould forit reLif:. thedavhath enour;rb l )et cucry day content lt feltc Wlth ·hiSow.n~ J t 'J t, ::f · ; ~ c~rc, and not adde thereto an otber chucs I I With his Ol~negriefe. griefc. . ' . · ... , . . ·__ I In thts_btaneh ~ft~c.rc:J.lo;}, Chrdl fct ?ut :~~:<~;;,~~~;Y I ~·l~,fi~ifl~;. . Thc(c wo~d$ cont::llilCCht 1 tfl.s (c:lucnrh rc3• the con~n1ucd tTllfC'ttc o_f m~-n-s mturall hfc; ; ol man$ hfc• . llfu~J ,~·re. I ~on ~gamlt ddlruHfull care : tnc cffetl: whereof J.:coh f.1HI to P!Ja'Y'ao!J, 'J"J.Je ~i'fl)Ci of 'l'i':J· pilg1·i- \ ! Js thts,eucry daycfmans life hath care enollft·h mage bmte heme f~w" a17d euill, Gen. 47· '9· I ·-- - -------.--- .- - - - --R 1 -·--==-=~=---:-:-- An& . ----<-