\ 194 ,._ ~ _. __ v!nf!xpojiti"onofChrifls' I And /Qb[aitll,Mms tlJtriJ.s-8b;}cof~twoman ~ ~f A that \\tee· hauc, mosni·ng and r.uc•~ing, to the: • foarrcont:wl!ancil, and fit/! ofqroHble' , ·rob, Jii. hlcffing and protection of God; for·•ach day I I~. But our=~auiOur Chri~1ht-r~ goes beyond and night hatil gri~fe enough, by rcafon ofolir ihcm both, fl}'ihg, "E:~}cry-d'.y'ofamam !ifth~tth i1nnc, ..... hieh of our fcl ucs we cannot vndc-rg"O _ g_ri('feen'<>H.giJ ¥hi.1 ownf:'. J:lits becing ·wtllcopw1thout the l1clpeof Cod. \Vhen our Sauionr I D\m~s. .ildcrcd, 1nl }' teach.vs t,hcfc things: 1. To~lke Chrill wasldd!('-vpob the cro!fc , he ((lrr.mrri- . 1 : in onr ·dtllinsS fObcr}y,.wilho~~ Int~ng.!i1~g,.our dtd hisJottlt i1{tO }J11-flllhe•·s hJ!xds-, luk. 2 3 .-16. · I feluCs in \\•orldly cardi,fof~-HC ~l.il:,t difeh!lfg-c And !l()l)C of,.,., hat1c affur{lnceof our contimt- '3 ofthe ddHesof!~u:7 (11Hil£'~\ \\~l! brjng f~rrbw a~ct in J)t(·~but thot1gh .we bt wcU~n the mofand grciii:: ciVJu'gh vr.qn Y.9.,·{v.•c"' n'Ccdc 1\0i to m~1g, \\'C may 1 be <lead m the eutnif!g; odlhH~ i/dde thereto-BY our <-arkil,g.cnrG; fo-t: rhe·morc at night ;':md dead in the morning ;·:~nd therewe Care,"thc.mOrE"iniftWbk .ts.Oilr life. I ].'To fore we mtlfi not forget the praCHfc cfthiS dulabour tO. widldf3~,o\• et"ri'-hc3rl!l ·:!rt·d to l:Hl1lngc tie: Dmrid di~ !t lfl the time oftrouble, thcugh our atfcCli6S'ftbm dciigh¥'ih:t:Jlt things of•t·hls he \.\'ere in htalth '· J>faL;1.5. and though ,.~ na~urall hfe,Or-l~ ·th1§ fif~~t fclfc,~for·ir i-s .full of w~.rc free. from penl of death,yc~buJdaily vexgriefc; ~nd thereforeV..•c=n\h'W!o walkc'in our -auor.:.s>.01ould.moour vs hereunto ;for who (:tn calHngs, ih:tt we mayw~h ff>r a. beuer life. in B · Jearne any good thing wtthoUt labour and hcaucn,wher~·"""c'friali h:ittc ffe<:dontc from all pain~? \Vho can doe:\ good workc'''itheut kt · fofrOwe.and·a~'icfc~· -ii'h~ ~dt:Hl .ProphcfEto/ah or op·pofition? lf t_yc would rt-pt>nt, we :uctiWlS w~aric-ojhi)·life bt•rCa'foh<'Ofthc mifel"its of rher ~do~gcd with cmrurtions, or ~tiuwhdit, thoroug1l·thC_calimi'Jt.i~S Of dYe time;~ and med \\ i.th temptations ::tncl ifwc.fccke tow~tlkf therefore cniFC'afes 1hc ~l!.ofd u tak:! away hH in nnveoludi~nce,.we haut the ·world, the fldh fo:tle , 1. King. 19. 4· And Pttul cr\cs 'out, on'c anci the dcuil, all cndeauourino tb nm1c vs v<hilc v.pon ihc h1i-ic6c; r~at flc- tfelr ti.~ort~L!?.h b:-tckc to our old c.: comfc in Jinnc~ So tbat ifwe the bodic ofCICitll thai ~\ias i4~ l1im,Rom. 7'.;4, \\Ou!d deher avQidr euifl,~r doe good,orfup3n{J at a:)\\oth\Ci:-tfmc, ddlrCS~P· be ditfoJuc,d & port ·wtth {omc Ct;.mfort Otlr d:~ily Vr:-:atiolls, tb•bc,\\'ith .. (:flbH, Phi!Jl'· 1 P. '2 3• hot !irpply,btit we mu{ltcommcnd our (Chtes, and all ours.;into bccaufc thete .. ,~s frcdlOmc fi·Om·an fi~u1c, and rhchands ofGod cucry day. And thvs much of th~ mifcrics th~rcof. 11 I. "Etlery d:ly ro C'om:. thi1 s rc:'[on,:mdofChr.iihdchon;uion froJntH~ mend our fclu~~ iD foulcs ~.n~ bodiu, an~ aH fini.A.fuU cttrc• .>· __ .. CHAP.7. · V~ r. Judge not,thatyou be not iudgeJ. · . :z.. For -with rPha.nudgement ye iudge, ye /hall he iudf,ed: an.d rPi~h rPhat metif~reyou mete, itjhaObe meajured toyoua~ gaine. ~~in!~~r~ w~nd to the ende of the: flft counuic to giuc it-tdgcment, nthcr ~n puniverfc, ts conttuncd the !i:u fl1ing offcl'ldcrs, OF rcw::~rding them that doe II _,__."N ilicfc v.mds, ~md fo for- ,C and a(cording to t:he pofiriuc lawcS> of the part of tlus Sermon of our well. The fccond kind is Ecclejinj}iaU, bclon- ) Samour Clu 1H, conccuung ging principally to the mini!lcr, '"''ho in the IHdgemcn~; :md 1t confifieth publike difpcnfa:tionof the \-\'Orci iHdgethmcn,. ;of threepans~ firtl, :1 commanncrs,by rcpr0ouiog and condemning their mar.dm 1 ent, btdg~mJI: then ccrtamc rcnffJ1fs of finnes, whc:thcr they b(: thoughts~ words, or l the comm:Hindernem, m the wo1ds follo'Arng, aCTions. . Jo this fep.fe the1.mbe!cum· is faide to I to rhc 5 ..vcrft? : md ~hirdly, a re~e~te of cutll 6e ittdged, when his. tho.ughts and atl:ions are and rafh mdgcmcnt, m the 5. -yc1fc. . controlled by the word , J. Cor. 14. 24. :md Tbuching the c?mm~mdemem, Iudgen_ot] I thus -NoAh i11dged lfnd condmmd the olde The m~1tni"~(·' Thi·s comm;\ndcrncnt forb1~ 1 l"Po.,.fd , Hcb. J 1. 7· Ofprill':ltc lawfull iudge... not all kind ofludgcmcm,butmufi bee rcfir:u-, mcm, the flrH JS private admonition, ·whereby .J. \:indc-.~ nr ntd to vnl:l.v\•full Iudgcmcnt;for there be fot~re one man doth in ChriH-ian and louing manner mc(•t·I publikc, :md tiNb'pri~:u~. Of 1 publikc, tl~_c firfi iudgmh him : this is alfo commanded in the Manfi.6.1 v.~4· b-"fu11h.tdg· l kit~ds .of" Ja;,.\·fitllludacment, two wl.tcrcofbee I reprehend another for hislinnrs, :tnd thercbj! . is·ciai/lludgmt(nt,bclonging to the Ma~1lhat<.' \o\'Or.d of God, •md therdOre it is not here for.- 1 •h ·· 5 to cnp>irc imothc manners of menbiddcn,Thcfccondisiu!l difprai~.:'_hcnrhc 4 I I' o I { ' -~··----· ------------- ;;r.oJ!e ~