Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~htth.aJ.Io hl· Macth.t6,6. Sermon inth-e~ount. -~~--~-~~ ~;;-, ~ -, t7roffe faults of hotorious pcrfons an:.rcproo- A This prrtClifc of nfl1 iudgeh1em (On(ifls in ; ]~~:-:h~:\i Jl ~cd and condemned for this ende alone, that two things:fidt,rhc cui! mind ·ofman prcp:trc~ uwa. " 1 others may take warning thereby: rhus Ch~ifi matter ofwrong iudgemem:& 1Ccon~:iy,giucs j ·· I iudged the Pharilies both for life and doc1nne fcnrencc accordinglyofrhc f.,yings and doings i before his Difciplcs, calling rhem H;p()cntu: ofme-n, and likc ...\·ifc of their pedOns. for th~ ; tharfaid,anddidnot: and their doCtrine !ea~(t~: firfiJ the cuill mindc prcp:;rcs matter of rafh 1 . and that moll: iu!Hy and wifely, that his D1fctiudgcmcn~ thus; ir fcrs !t fc!fc: to pric and in.s. 1 plcs anP others miohr bcv\'arc of them: au.d quire narrowly imo the Jiucs and Cehauiour of) thus he call~d Hcro!a Foxc, fo difcoucring h1s men, aQ..d to fee if it can fin de any mauc:r in • fubtiltic for the admonition of orhcrsj won;! or action wonhic rcp10otc. Jndcedc 1. I The 'thing here forbidden, is rafh iHdgcth~re is a Venue whereby one man doth ob.::: ! fnmt, '"'hich one man doth vniufily giue of an ferue another in his "' 'aks, bu~ that l!i dircC:tt d ' other; and the rea[on why we fo vndedl:and to a good ende;namcly,to reCt itic artd rcforme 1 this place,may be dra¥\'llC from the the ~ ,vcrfc, him in his wanes, :md to further him v\hcn bee ! where inHancc is giucn of the iudgemcnc here cloth wdl;bm for one man to obferuc an other ' forbidden, in a quicke cipialland fh::upe cca- B for this ende, to find Out matter of dcf:m1:ltion ! furc of' f'inall faulcs in others, not fceing farre and reproach, is a fault dircCHy for~iddcn by~~ groffer.and greac~r in m.Jr .rc:Iucs: alfo S. Luk.! our Sauiour Chri{l in this place. Secondly, 1 fetting dov·:ne thts prohtbmon, fudge not, exwhen matter is fOund, the cuill mind aceor~~ pounds it in rhc next words, by co~tdemncno~: dingly giues ccnfurc:this cenfurc is giuen,firf!;t which mull be vndcrfiood ofralh cenfure,ai ts of the perfoos of then; then of their fpceches .. • . plainc .by S. Pau/Rom.z. t. In that thou ittdand aCtions. 1\:lfh ccnfurc of mm s perfoni, (s•1 :r~~(;cne"r~~~. J.eftan,~ther , thou condemnefl thy felfe, bccaufc \Vhcn a man thjnks othcrwife of the p·crfon oF Conl. hou dofl- u01ly condemne himof that where... another,thenin confcience,and by G ods word: 1 of th9u t.hy felfe art guiltic. Now that we m:1y he ought to doeo Example of this wc·hauc·ht: ~ better know the thing forbidden l firfi I will Satan, for when the Lord commcndcd fo6 fof.. Job t.8,9, !hew '!~-{hat rafhittdgemcnt is, and in the fccond his fidelitie; Satan telL~ the Lord, that/ob iH.:.' 10 ' 11 " place mak.c knownC the common pr11Clifos dc;cdc ferucd the Lord~ but it was oncly fOr his· thereof:For rhe firfl. I owne profit , for (faith hee) withdrnwe thot~thf Rajb iudgcmmt, Uwhen ~fan (U/tl mink we hand from him, rmdthoujhnllfecJ whetherhe-will· ~c amtjfoof othn-I,forfomcmillmdc. Iu this C not~u~ferhte t~ rh; face: This then "" e fee is :t dcfcription, fir!l obferuc the roote and ground I dcullhfhpraChfe,and ought to be farrc froil1 eofallrafhiudgement; towir, 1t11citillmindc, ucryoncofvs. We mufi remember wharan "·h~r~by we loue our fclucs too wcfl;and want auncicnt Diuinc h?th taught heretofore, th:ft A~1gull 1 the loue,ofour neighbour. This w e tcfiific, by there arc three thi11gs exempted from the iudgconfdi:::J. b~cing Ch~rpcfighted,to prie iiuo the lilies and mcnt and cenfure of mc:n; the Scripmres, the~ bchauiours of otherS, &are as blind as beetles Counfel!ofGod,and the condemnation ofanl mam ro fee into~ our (clues: as alfo by giuing our 'perfon. {dues cxaC1ly to ccn!itre other mens fayings I Rafh cenfurc of mens fpceches and actions and doings, and with delight to hearc their is giuen many wayes: I. When things arc wel1 :r~ ~~:rb~~ faults ripped vp; but for our owne courfes, we 1 1 done, to carpc and cauill at them «•ithout .an.y hl11.iour. would not haue th~m called into quefiion, nor iufl: caufe.. Thus the profeJlion of Religion at contr?llcd.SeC'ondl){{ he~e no.te the manner of thi~ day, is accoilhted of many to be btn cqunralh tudgemcnt, whtGh IS to tUdgc amiffiof o... I tcrftit holines , and the due obedicn€:e to tht therJ: and this thc:y ~oe'W.I:z~ch iudge of other I morall Law,is nicknamed and tcarmed preCife~ mens perfons and domgs wtthout acalling, or ncffc, ::md the profdfours thereof called Pur-i.::s vrgc:nt neceffitie: fecondly, which glue our · ' uns and Precifians, for this caufc onely, rh:q (cntcncc ofmens doings, bur not according to D I they make confcience ofwalkins inobedi~nc<: the law ofcharitic,which binds a man eo iudge 1 to Gods law.! I. WhenaCtions or fpccches in- ~nd f3y the belt ofochc:rs alwaics,fo farrc forth . different, arc taken in the worfcr parr. Thus as may fland with good confcience, and the / was Dauids k,jndncj]~ ill accepted of Ilnnilh word of God. Thirdly, here note ~c enie of j king of Ammon,whcn Dauid fcnt his fcruafi($ ~ ' '4 ' ralh iudgem~nt; for as it is ill grounded and 1 to wtnforc him •lierrhe death ofhis fathct·:for guided, fo it aimes not' at the uformation of : his nobles told him and perfwaded him~ that the plrtic, nor the detellation of tinne in our Dauid fent not vnto hitn,becaufe hehonoured (clues and others, b.ut it is directed to {omc his father (though Dnuid Yndoubtcdly fcnt wrong ende; as firft,to rdlifie·th6hatredofthe "'"'\'\·ith an hondl and vprigllt hea•t)but as it wcrC panic,and defire ofreuengc: fecond!y, to decraftily to fcarch Out the citie, and to fpic it light our felues with the faults ofothcrs;thirdout, and ro oucrchro"'' it. No'\v hereupon D.a• ly, to_dcfamc our neighbours,& to ~r·ing thcn1 uids f~rU:tnts were badly imre:ucd,and 0 1 atnc. to an 11l r.ame, that our n:1t11cs may bean•away fully frnt a"'· ay~ whence grCw the wairc that the praifc without comparifon:.and Iafily,that cnfued bctwecnc rhe~n. I I !.\¥henVpOn light :\·e may fccmc more holy then orhcrs,- by bee.. occ::d!on and vnccn:.lm reports; "''C ft~fpc"Cl: at1d ~g.much in cenfuring finne in others. furmifc cuill of our neighbour: fufpicious in- .~-.;__--=c-o--------,------------------------~!_ec~e_ -~~" ~