DmieJtobe obrerucd. {p~:k~··~o. thcu. _ Sermon in the c.5iVount• the father hath comillittcd all iudgemcnt vnro A his Sonn~: \>\'ho tlO\N cxccuteth publike iudgc.– niCnt by the magi!h:uc in the comm6-wc_alth, and by the Mi11iHer in the Church; and pnuatc mdgclliCntof.:ulmonition, and iull difpraifc, by them whom he calkth thcrcunto:ifchcrforc thou iudgcfl: anotl~cr, not bceing et lied there.. to, thou th1·utldt Chrill out ofhis office, and robbcfl him ofhis honour, '"'hich is a gricuous fi.nnc, and cannot be vnpunif11ed. I V. Confider Jtfo rh:tt thou <m vnaG!e , wh:ufOcucr thou an, to iudgc aright of orher lllcns ::t&ions, be– ing ignorant of many circumtbrKr.s thereof: for chou knowcfi not \o\'ith v\'hat mindc, or to what cndc the a::lion v..'as done: thou knowefi not the caufe why he did it,nor the £late ofhis B pcr!Ou, nor manner ofhts temptation thereto: anti the:-cforc why iudgdl thou ratl1ly of him, V. He that giues r:t{h iudgemcnt ofanother,is worfc then a thccfc that ltcak·s av\"JY a matl$ goods : for bee robbes him of his good mtme, which (as Salomon faith) 1~ robe choofon abouc great ricl;es, Prov.zz.r. Againe, riches m:ty be rcflorcd, fo can not a m:~.ns good name beeing once blemilhcd in the hearts ofmany. Againe, anu~1 may defend himfdfr from athcifc, but no man qn (hu nnc an mher mans euill mindc, or his bad tongue; nay the backbitnis ~\,;orfc then a mu.rchercr, for he killcth three at o~1cc ; fir(t, his awnefou!e in thus linning:fccondly,bis neighboJJr whofc name he huncth: <111d dlirdl~j ' 1 C the hearer who receiueth this ral11 and vniu{l ' reporr:and for this caufc the j/a91derer ,i$ num·:. bered among thofc that £hall not inherit the kingdomcofGod, Pfa\.1 5-J.I. Cor.6.Io.and the ApoA:lc chargcth ChrHlians to account of fuch raylcrs as of perfons excommunicate, 1. Cor.s.rr. Here fame ·will f:ty; if we may not giuc'our opinion oforhe_rs freely as we haue done;what muft we doe when V\'C hauc occafion ro fpcake ofthem? .Anfw. Thy carriage tovYards orhers mu!l. be according to thefc rules: I. If thou knowc any good thlng by the panic of Y\'hom t-hou fpczakcH, wbcn thou haft o<:cafion think and fpcakc of tlm: ,(rhou know cuill by him . alfo, conccalc it from othcrs;:md if~lrou maifi, admontfh the paruc thereof: or rHc reil 1t to D thofc who hauc :nnhoritic to correCt his faults; and thus (halt thou wi'n thy brothcr.'Somc will fay,l doc.indecdc fomctime ccnfurcmy bro~ rher for his faults, yet onely in detdhltion of his fin ne; 1!ouc rhc p:artie ncucr the V('orfc; and 1 oncly doe it to i0mc priuatc friend that will not tt'll it ~gainc, Anf. But this ex,ufc,and ali fuch like arc friuolous: no colour of good in~ ttnt can cxcufc r:tfh iudgen:cm: if thou louCft him, why doeft thou make kno\Yne his fault to <lnothcr,forloHc comnrha rr-ulritude ofjir.~tcJ? And ifthy confClence anfwer, it"' ill tdl thee, that either ill will to tho-panie caufcth t"e~ fo to doe, or felfc-louc ,.whereby through his dc– f:-~m:aion thou thy [clfc fc~kdl to he a-duanccd :_~~-~e him In the thoughts of other~A In thy ..:enfur!ng therefore lobkc to thiilc he3rq \.~.,.hcther m1lice moouc thee riot thereto ~and take hc~de to rhe ende alfo; for if it rde from a bld ground, or tehd ro awrong cc-de , the ·wb.ole aChon is naught. I I. D.u:ie- . \'\"cc ought rO 2 thinkc a~ wel ofeuery m:m,as po11ib!y we can, yea ofour enemie :ltld of !.is aC!lo;Js :. for loub thinkph TJOJ mill; and in the prctCbic ot loue to... wards our enemies wee become foli0\1\Trs ot God,Mar,5·44>4>· lli.Dutie.Ifthoumarkc j thy neighbours life and b~hauiour, doe it for this cnde,to withdrawc him from t1nne,and tO furrhc rhim in wcl-doing. La!lly, in ,ji rhy !o- 'f cietics and dc:tlings with others, !abc·ur cithd to doe them good,or recciue good from them: and by this means thou !halt efchev,•the fiiJne ofrafh iudgcmC.llt. · Here two qucHions tnay bee mobued con~ q:rning rafh ~ndge:ncn~, and that ncce{[uii)', beco.u!e furmxfes will anfe vpon very fmall be.: I cafions. , 1. £1..!!:fl. When m:ty a tm.n doubt or filfpcd: 1:~rfufpra:· c'uill ofanother? .An[ In all fufpition recourfc I ~!~:;~~~ Q£ mull be h:l.d to the ground thereof, whether It rife oflu!l and fuflicicnt caufe or not. A futfi.: · . dent cau{C of Cufpition is that, which in thc1 iodgcmcm of 'v\'ifc men, bccing well confi- . dt!rcd with all thC circumfiances thereof, iS. iudgcd fufficicnt: anci on tht other fide,th:lt is infilffi(lent,vvhich \vifcmen '\\'ell waying wnh: thf: circum{hnccs thereof, d.oe iudge infuffici..: ct)t: if.ihcn the caufe of fufpition bee tbotighi~·eht in the iudgemcm of the wife and ~odly, \vc mu!t fufpcnd our ft!~>irion: as rhus; luppofc fomc euill is reponed abroad offuch :1: man;as that he is a thcdC,an adulterer, or fucb like;yet thisfame rifeth only offome oneman$'~ repqrt, which becaufc it may proceed frctilan· ill minde on a priuate grudge, we :ire not to'· vcild thereupon to fufpcCt ill of the particfchis ~eport may ,..,·ell caufc vs to fcarch funher into the cafe,and moouc vs to look vnto our fducs rhat we be norhur1 by him. Bm ifthe caufe k thought fufficicnt in the iudgemect of thofe 1 that arc wife and difcrcctc, then we may \.'Nth ... out offence or breach ofconfciencc, yeelde to fufpcC\ or iudgccuill ofan other. · ·· . f I. 0f.eflion. How .m:iy, we gmc ~prigf1e- ~~:"/~ro. mogement ofall men \o~:tth whon•e we I1Ue and d1 c~s rf]tc.– hauc to dealc? Anfw. This is as ncceffaric to be Iy. · knownc as the former, for as we are prone to ~ rhinkc ill, fo wee arc ai!o fo1ward in iudging rafhly: therforc there arc t~ree things required in the iudging of others. Firll:, wee mufi haue . 1 , Rnl~. rccourfeto the caufe ofour iudgincm:for ifthe' caufc: be infi1fficiem, then our iudgemcnt is toO> and n>iowfull. Befn~c rhe Lord broughtvpon the world the confufionoflanguagcs, he is f2i cl to goe downe among thmJ, mu{ 'o [a duir fa£!, Gen. I 1.6. ~md before he <lef1roycd' Sodom and Go1fiorra with fire & brimflone,he· is f.1id to come downefrom hf~t~en tofce whethe'' ' the]h~!ddone according tothccty tht:twaiCfJme 11p to the LoYd, (icn.l8. 2 t. ~;.·hcre0y the Lord ------- ·· would .,