Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 198 1· dnExpojitionofChrrfls !M"nh.7.\ J--1 - ------ "· '·'· ·j would teach vs,that before he cntcrinto iudg.. A :tfccr a friendly fort, yet wee c:~.n very h:1rdlv 1 mcnt with any man, or any pcoplc,hc firfitaks I brook it; though the panie admoniD1 ing mak'c I good G:onlidcr~;;ion of.the fact, ·which caufci:h knowne. vnto vs, tbar he dmh ;c oncly for our , his punifhmcnt. good,w!thour 2ll purpofc ofdifgracc vmo our j . Secondly,v,'c mufl hauc :lUthoritic and war.- perfons. ramby calling to piuc iudgcmcot, or d3.fome I I. ln/fruEf. Here alfo our Sauiour ChrHl ifi,W!t"l , 1 thing which is an{wcrablc thet:cro,rhough rhe affoardcth vnro vs :l nocable way whereby w"c I ~·~o•qnJ. I \ iudgcmcm be priu::uc:as ro giuc admonition or may come to the knovdcdgc of onr ow~c ~~JS~~~:~l.c. I ' iuft: lii\jHo.tfe; yet 1 Nithout a calling V\ C mu{t finneS,:ltld of the: h~i110llfilCS thereof.When \'\'C own hrl!\tl.. not doe it: he that giucth iudgcmcnt mufi bee behold finne in our fclucs, we h:ucHy iudgc it I able trucly to i3.y, the Lord bath ca!l:d mu rlnu to be fi.nnc: we muft therefore Jookc vpon our todoe. The Magiltratc,thc Miniflcr,ti\c mailer, OV\'ne flnncs in the pcrfonofothcrs/md 1carnc and cucry fupcriour bath author!rie to iudgC' to iudgc ofit in our felucs as we iud nc of it in thofc that arc vndcr hum and for priuatc men others. When we confider ofra{h i~dcemcnt in priuatc i~dgemcnt, though they \\·~m this in others againil our (dues, \\'e count ft a vile authoritic by calling, yet if they haue that B & ''rkuous linne, ye~ odious and imolcrable : which is anf\\'crablc hereto, that is,the affeCt.iand in like fOrt ought \VC to think ofr::d1l iu()g. f>n of Chrifiian loue ; fo as they can fay iA•lth mcnr in our felues tOW3rds others: ~nd fo for!, the louc of God co;;j/trtin:th me, then they eueric other finne in our [clues, w~ought to may iudgc. iudge ofir, as we do when we fee it in the per1'hirdly, \VC mull alwaies haue agoodend~ of fon3 ofothers ag~inft vs: otherwifc ifwe looh our iudgcmcnr, as well as a good beginQing: only to our fclucs,we fl1:tll fOoth vp our fclucs that isj the reformation 3nd amcndcmcnt, not in !innc, making great !inncs,littk finncs; and the defaming of our brother. And thcfc three fi.nall linnes, none at all. ,concurring in all hard fpeeches, they ceafe t.O r; · h h J be ra01 and vniu!t ccnfttrcs. John Bapt:fl calls V • 1., rOY 'n>tl '»' at. iuage- ~. Rule. J• Rule:, thcPhrJrifiuandS:Jd4uca,agenc~·atirmofvipcr.r, t . d. n Ob . d ., ""·'1·'1· Ma;tb·l·7·ourSauiourChriftcallsthetn ·• h;pol men ye tU rge,ye I'Ja e IU ~- b L'k·•l·>• critcs,andpain:cdrombu .-and IoHerodafo.wutc, ed ·.: and'n>itbWhat mealure yOtl Prophet lfi•i cals the Princes and people o(fu-. 'J < ll~•·••· daand Ifracl, 'Princes andpeopleo['Sodom:and· ' '!'ete , t.'t jhatl be mcajured 10 tbe,Apo!llc calls the G,<l<lfansfooicf~ill.J. I .& the Cretians,t;ars ,cui/lbcafh,jf.mcbtlliN;Tit. ' ;){)U agatne. • 1 .a.Reatons ~.l'inftnth jiuolgc:ract~t. 1.12, r ~.All ""hich arc hard fpccchas,, ~ut:y(;t C fThjs vctfc contnincs a double confirmation n·o·flandcrs; becaufc they had.all oft~bcrii a ~~1-. ; ofrthe tOrmcr rcafon, drawne from the euent. ling fo te doe: a11d likcwifc did this on good I The firll, in thcfe words, F.rwith ,.hat iudgegro.und,and·for a good endc. · · m<nt;e i•dgc ,Jcfoallbc iudgcd' anfChriH had . '"Fhusmu£h for the comman.dcmcnt. Now I fa id; Ifye iudgcmen r::~f11ly, then men, follow two rcafons to induce vs wmake con.... by the appoinrn.enr of God in his wifcdomc f~icnce of nfh iudgcment. The former is l;1i.d and prouidence, ih:tll o.ccordmgly giuc raih downc in thcfc words: That;te 6c 'not mdged. iudgmcnt vpon you: but ifye iudge men righAnd it mly be framed thus: · teoui1y, then men againc, by Gods appoint.. lfyc iudgc., )'' f/,a/1 be :udg<d•fmun again< mcnt and prouidcncc,lhall iudgc well ofyoti: ' · l'l1Jth rttjll utdgement: . for fo I take the words to bee meant ofmem~ }3ut ye camtot abrJ"e to b~ tstdgedofrafM:J' ~And iudgemcmby Gods ;ppointmcnr in his proui- :: . · therefo~·e itu{~enot. denc~,and no~ofGod.s iudgmcnt immcdiady. Thefocondpart is vndcdlood, but yet t)ccdfaNow·in this proofc, firH, ·we may obfcrue ~17(;i~fP"· rily cp)leCtcd. Th:conclt~Jion is the commandeone true and mainc caufc of chat pcrfonaJI defon~ll dcfamentit fclfctludgcnot. fam:uion which is commfJn in the \vorld,and it Aun of T-his rc::~Joo doth ~ffoard vnro vs t'"'o i-nfhu- D is to be found in the pcrfon hirnfdfe tha-t is de- ;:~t;:id~~ .tfjoos. I. lt gi.ueth vs~ t~ft·and vic..,,·e of our famed; be bath r~fhly :md vniufily ccnfurcd oowne naturaH pride and fclfe-louc: for when thers ,for v ..•hich God in llis prouidencc, do[h we·hc~re God diihonorcd by fwc::.ring,or oul' moft iufily caufcothers to dcfumchim againc: ncighbours-nan}C dcf~mcd by {, we fo as men thcmfclues doe mo!l ofall wound arc &or oncly not grieucd, but ofren.tltncs <~:re their O\\'llC good n:~mes, :~nd by their bad cath~·caufe thereof, and take great delight thcrriagc toward ether.$, fuftly caufc their ownc in,efpcci:t.lly in hearins orher mens fault~ ripdifgrace.In rcgarJ 7\•hercpfvvcmufllcarn;firfi. ped vpto their difgracc: hueyet we canlQ no to fet l carcfull watch before our mouthcs, to fort brookc or fuffcr our ownc good name to kecpcthe doore of our Iippes, gouernjng our he called in qucfEon: ifour ld!Jcs be euill fpo• tongues by the word ofGod:fon\hen 'we ccnken of, ""c arc prcfcntly filled wicb malice .and f~o~rc othcrsrafhly, we dG~cprocure iudgemcnt enuie, and cannot be at reil till we be rcquaed vmo our (clues. Secondly to bepatiC11t vnder or rcuengcd:nay. though we be in a good m5-- the rafh cenfurcs and t1andcrsof others. for 1 / ner admonifhed ofour fault, cucn inloue,;md we mt1fi thinke, that we owr felucshauc here- ! : ~ toforc - ·