Sermon in the 8v1aunt, . V • ! -;w- ., tofore done the like to others: nnd therefore it ~ like, Hcn<t we mly obll:rtiC thiS rbTI: of·Goll! ' ad,i. ;.. ~!;;, I is iufiice with God· to reward ·~he .f.1mc iufii.:c in th~: puni01mcnrof.BhtfC'! h.ahi~l~·) t 1 6 1 ~:~~~t~~;u;; kind, whcrcl.\'ith wee haut wronged others. rcw:trd men. il1 th(ir ki~dc:, pu!if!11~ri~ th~'tlYtn tbt!r kind. This is S.dom~lf!'counlell, Giuenot. thine heart the fame thtngs\liC:f rbflCtrd. DrrHicl , I ~.dcf.7.tJ• to all tbe word; th 1 .Jt. mm_jpeitl:J , leaft-rhouuio~· finned by tolmfliw'ng ;:Hlultctifi\Vith' B:llbjl:i:l •hMrr: thy fom:mt cH.,.fing th~e: [?~ofrtitnua!fo 6~ the wifa~f.:jf'ri,th ;· a.ll<J '<?bd ,hy ,,·j'y ('o 1 q,U: thintb:art f?..nowctltrh.~tdiculik_~P.ife hAft curftd lltl11mem ra1.fCiii<.V.p turl"l ag:ilil!t!Hm i:;ui ot h-is orher1. ~ .~ •. J · : ,I, ~· O\\'n houle illlthen:tmc kind:.fot-hif6\vrlfdli:rt'C H<>wtr~cct Secondly, in this -proofc \Vcc..m~y~alfobb... AbfO!on dcAo\oned .his fad}(ofS( ~an'Ctibin'eS lf1 a~oo.I fcruc the right ~,-{·ay-hovv tO get and· keep~ a· ch.c (i.ght ofall 1fracl,2.San{:c:i.1J. t'r'.& t 6Fz. 1.ll n:tmc. good .name! td wit'; by. iufigtng:.othcrs .wah And ~xpcr,icncc OlC\'\'eS ~ ·t.hir: 6/()od f~t"l(fi'll/jtl Chrilli:lll iudgcmcnt, C~trying a.dt2titablc opi• 61Dt~d; ·fo:nt.hOtl~h the rnUnhc1Cr efc3pt1 t,tl nion ofcutry on~, fpcakiug the: bcti ofilicm irt' 1 hands' of thc.tiuill Judge·, yer the terrOr :i.I)<j: all compomies,fd'farford\ as \VC can with go·Od vengeanceofGod doth ordiha'.rily purfuc-hi'r1'1 , confcience,& ncu-cr iudgin~:; hardly of anyJ till to ddhuclion. A notable ex-ampic hereof Wed VIe be indcedc lawfltll-y called thereunto, hl- B h.~u< ir>;thl: ~10ly league (as lt,i>-<:~Jlc,d-;) bpt inuing a good ground-for, and:doi~g Jcca rtlc bl<?odic: ~ca.gue; whqein ti~c enemies it fur a good cnde:lfrhouwouldjl./iu<lO>tg(falt'rr of;Qgd~ g<ace &,truEII,Oi\1 ~djlfedcra!e1hilMl the Prophet) nnd fugood iiayrs ,~·lfr.tme IhJ fciucs eo ro~t~ Otlt the true relig~!!,; -~n~ fhc Pfll.;.pJ. 1()ng1uft()m euill, and thj Iippes tiJat !heJ1f,ea/:.!.::no :p.i\lfe~ors tlltrcbf frotn ~rhc earth}£butt:~ g,uile:chat is,fpeak no~ettill ofany'man_,t~ough Lord ha_eh tcvt:::u·ded t~crn in their kind,\,:~ . 1 thou kno\-v ill byhiiH,diltho1l b~ la>;!ullr cal• ncd thm o\vo fwords again{\ themfducs,eau; Jcdth:trcto. ~ . .c "!LJ··· }'' t 1.' fingthtmtofpoil.concanoth~t;acCor~ingto l Thirdly/r<II'H tht~;orifldcratlon of this pro• the prophcGe of!fa;, Woe to rh<.; rh"' Ip~;/,ff,rJ; 1 uidence ofGod; whereby he or<ltroth •nd d1f" ' ~l#notJfoilrd.'>ipd·doifl wick}dirf(ln4ihcj.Jid"1.0. !•ofeth, th~t defatfl<FOtlfpthets'!hall berewll'- wickrdlr agaitljJ thu' whrn thou /halt a4i:;q 1 de.t ill their kind, ana thnbyothcts j>WC mly i}oile, rhiJH)''6e ipu;/ed, Ifa. ~iJr: 'I / .\ gcuhcr , that, God.•knowcs cucry vnaduifed '\ .This rc~·~r<\ing iofHcc of Go~. ;Vell o?fe,\.1 . A t~rrhr 1 !) thOught of the hean, :md cucry ra!h cenfure ut~, dorh dtfco'ucr vmo \'S, yea ana-dc_notilice ~ :_u,opptef· whid\ ·we fpcakc or thinkc ofothers; .els how .tfcardiill \~'oc, not onclyagainfi al!. t"hofe·thnc fon. could this be troc that rath ludgcrs .fhall be fo 2 giueput ra01 iudgcmc-.nt ofother~rfbur :~g:a1p'iti their kindc, may conall vturefs':'md opprcfiors; who mete out li::~fd te3lethcir thoughts,& many rimes·their words tbcafure. vnto ~thcrs 1 cucn cfuc-ld( wiiliOdt • from tho eyes ofmen, To this putpbfc Sllo11lcr'cie :but fo lhall they b'cfhueil again. Cbdf , rho!\ 'adrnodifhctR, not (tJ curft the King, flo'!!bt h~u1c hand h:ilith heretofore lame fore ...Ypqriln thJ rh•tJ!,ht, norrlurichman in rhJ hea cham- -<hts land for ma-ny ycares in dearth an<! fc1frfi" :!~ctcf,JMo. ber,for th~ fmfl/f oflu.tlkn Jhalltarr~e 1h1 11bice} t.f.r, which aHO in fome fort~'hath be~ne inadt a11dt/Jatwhichhar/,.,;ng.<jbd/dec/ge.r/i~ m•tter. more .grieuousvpon the pb'orc by h:i'td h.<';t~! And this mull tta<!ll Vs tb·make ConfL1cnce of ttd rkh mefl, whoare like to great fifues drat all our ipccchcs antl thoughtS that conccrne 0...: , ci~ofuc the letTer: for thCygrindt> thefac~Jlo,b thcrs,ye'a then when we our tC_lucs·are iudgcd. th'tpc"rf·,aitdplutk.! olfrh~ir1kjm:e.rfrom them,~ When Da•idWlS rlikd vpon bywitk~d Sherhell'jl<(h ft•m rhebones by thcir' «•ickec!.coJic~ mei he {hied hitttfclfc with the ctinlldcrat-ion toufncffe, yca·dbubtles thCir cr~.c!ti.c co!lS·rn.'a>~ oftl;is,that God lt"!wir,& hadnppointed Shfm~l "Y :l mans l!fC.Some ~n highe~ p;;a,·e ~Y 1ntlo2 to curfo 1Jauttl)1. S:1m.r - J · fing·,& raclflngofr-.cnts:Otb~rs df 'riiC:ihcr r~:·(, I.>illy,llCte it may be doubted hq,w,Cod <an by;ngmffin"& wltllholding-.tlic"eoinrnoditid i bee clc":ltcd from the guHt ()f rafl1 iugdemcm, ofthe land-~Jtl1 the tdn-ni•?>·n good til ~ ti't·~CS~f' 1fccing in Ms prouidencehe caufcth it byhis det> dtanhcornc;.\'herci·A(3s the'I\op~ct"faith1if'i~ I crcc• .Anfiv. Though he dccrtc i~·,.yct is he free NJttj m4f:,f the Eph:rfo!J:t/1, '4"dt,luShef~lgfMr; AT,oS f.s; •from fault thereof: for firfl,he d-ecf.C-es'it'flot t-G that is, fdllitdcformuch~=tefftn!ng the !'TI'e:t1 . be the caufc thercofhimfelfc; but tGpermit it ~~r~,& cnhaUnC1ng thc ·piice. And inOccd fuch , among men, lcauirtg thrnlf:o bee the authou· ~ timeofdcanh i's the \1'orld!i:i'gs day,whe1:cin , ' thereof' fccondly, hec decrce,.o difpote of it they doe inrieh themfclucs b]the fpoile of the' l·wc11,nnd to order it as affiHpunifhmcnt ofthe po'orc:butthey mtJfl: knChV'thac afc:ircfull woe' r:1fh rl•dgcttlct'lt ofOthers; and fo _in no·:f"Or-t is h'dongs Vnto thenl:'for the hke rnt!rdlcffe mea:-: the c:'lUfc ofthe cuil1 i'nrafh ~udgcmcht~~ ,h.Q'w... fure fhaM bee meafi:ued to the-n'l _ agailie; ~nd' I focucr hee difpofe here<>ffut fh< iu!! p~ni!hv.•hon they eca(e tO fpoiie ,lheh ffiallthe)' bee 1m<l1t ofoffende,s in this 1\ind, · fpoikd:for wl1e thehandof God i..hta(iy ~p~ ThctCcond co1'1firiilation of the firtt rea<on· 6'n the poo~<" \ then f1o do' i~.vcnge:mccpre- ·i~ c:dnt3incd it~ thi5 patabl'c, v;·f1ich itnd(ith to paring for'il:l.rd 'hc!itrrd rich m~n,.,vho ~tfc'rC:l(C tne (an'le end<: wkth the f6tn'icr fcnteilceif And <hef,mc. Tlit I.ord forbi<llleth<(o iroitble ih; I . Jf'lthw1Jat111cd-Jtt. cjOtlhufc,lr {/;a/16e"mtAftt-,edro JJiddoW iitl_"(t,rbth~icl:/;td'.1 <E'-i6_t,l.2-2·;,~~11 3.>,' &f. 1 jOHfty,atn~ 1 that 15,the l.of(j hath 01da-m'cd that _fOr If thou Vt.\·t' · tind· rrfntbf~';Jffcf'J :;-::-'nJ4 lc ' .::L:.;·:::-~-c_.·o..;:l~_e: Ora}! be rc•vorded Ill tl~:~~~,~~~~{:l_~~~~::·me~ f,~ifljhi~r 'ht1.;-\ iM•rrh.7·1 ' 'V.l. r _J. .