Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ • _ rdnExpojition ofChrifls hj< ~m<t/;rp f/>!i,Q."'J' f'[ath b< /:jnd/<d., a~d 1:,;/i·A,;,~,i~h and ;onfidq with thy f;lfo cfthebeam , kjl!J~~~witkrh.r.fw,q_Yd: andro'urrwiJ! wt..;. .. ; that is in thine ownc eye? By: h~~~m~ is· here ' tltw,n,m:d_.r<JHr'chi<f.fttJ.fitthn·le'-" This1s Gqds :meant ,gr6at· a11d nourip1'f r11igning fi11nu io 'WQrd, an~ Jti.,_nltl~hfhuHi. The LP~d him[elfc ;m:ms heart;. fuch as. wound tho .co.n(ciencc; fotcto!Q th:lt·,t:ev,·-ardS'_thc latter da)!, iniq~t-ilft 1 ) which are hkc vnto a\ the cy.e ·; .\vhich M~nh.,rr:z.. foould ,,bow1~,;tff(i f.PdJ;iJi~_fko_ukhPnxe·cold:.: and d0th llOt\oriely 1 ble1riitb,~ut quitc.PiO~~atltthQ are l)gt rh~lc,th<lititrn;> '(vb<r<'.o.t".<l::bti.(lfpak.c? light.Stitn~ "l"Yhm askc.iJJ.w.qatfenfr, Mm:b.].j ~1 for v\'hat pown tp:th'dycGofpcht,Q;'<~·,ithdr3"t')'C ·fj)okC,fceing tbc eie is noc capable ofa bcJmc ? tm:ns-1_;.ear,t:sfronlj$i.quity?ancl,.wlitn.w;~s there An f. Ir1s'fpokcn by wayoffuppofit1on, as a fit .. , 1 cucr lcdfe ch:l.r~tlcirh:en ·is aiqw_?: w.cll i t.h~fc -are had bcche iatdtJ 1 tf Jt \\',er.tip~if.blc that a bcame · 1 ' forg_r!Jnpc;.rs:at,gr:~wc;t iudg<:m.cnts ;;atld chcrcTcould be m th~ t'yc,rhc ra(h',confurcrs f-a,.ulL-as as fpr~ i<A rh ..cfcn~ .... ~God,lc~v;s·ntJ.k~qmfc.i.cnCe akamtJff'tht- ryt: thJS ktndc of ,fpecch IS v.fu.. of.this and ~11 other Gnt1<~c(l.OJ)jmcoiifiderati4 all1oScnprute; lfI cc~ldffi:~wlfh ""tHNof ~\l .lff _thi~ ;th:\t t?r:;: Lord .'"''iilli:J.·)'.(YS....hotn_c:in J Angels, ~a1rh S. P~tH(, t.Cpr. 13. r. thatas,fiaprl!a~ ~t_nd~ vvh~r~1B \.\'~offend.. . -•~~u~ 1 · -.H~J , · pofc Angel$ bad tongues , ~nd that.l.couM I " v. ~-; -Aw4 '(:!J/:Jj f/.!ef'-tbdtj tlfe ., 1 fpeakens doquentlyas~he~. Thc;vorcjs 0f~hc . . -·. ::•:-:- "' :h'...,.; };:)..{. :· ~ .,_, ... Jb-111. !;Al'oui~ 1~.J . ~ .. .-.. B,~:v. arc fot:_ fu~t\:ance all ~ne: wnh -t:h~/onncr ~ ~ . mote t at tJ·tn tny rrJ!JJers ~e~ . Ill the l· Theddfcrene< b;twecunhcJ!l1sonly .,:1, ~ ·· 1,G'~!~~ {i~. · ·,l : · :b t .tl;~!.t , this; in '~hc.3. v. <:;br.ifi fpe.akcs ondy o(ra(h 4.t:Ja percezue , .-IJ.Ot toe.· 84U1:t!> , iHdt.<m<ot concriM< th<mind<; but·in, the 4 • that tJiil'ihine'O).'£n'/:'iie"?,'·· ,., I •' nctpeakr<of.rajl>-iJidgrm.<nCf!rrmd inffetch', 1 ... r.) . • ..... · ' c: • , ·.·. · I Huw fot<Jt tholE 1• th;d,~•thrr ,&c. )S_o.tlmin o·, 4• Of<hOW fayefl. thoti"'f()tbY, both vertes the words m.'parablc-bming .:, .. ...- ..-; · f.~.· :.J~ . ~-~) :·- ·; ,t thts fcnfc ~ wtth w\tat·facc,honc{hc, or confci.. I h1other; ·.S~lfj:r me'' tO· tafl out . enc~, .can!\ .fault with th,yb~~ther · ·0·· " ... '. ' ;:{'h... •._. .. · ·I. ·, elOhcrm<houghtorfptaco,Jhou:thyfclftbce, t/Je mote, .QUJ.O; t me ·c.;.e., &. tJ.e--; ingratnt~dwith greottr.faults an:d otfq,,esi ''o"''da' be:.m· ;, 'n th'z'n•'e'' ""ne' et'e? i [\l:d hence the fecojld:rcafonmay. be .thus cqn~ 'lrt--_l !~' r' J.:~-f""J, ~ I~ ti,W. . • 1 · CCIUCd; ' , . ~ · . : -.~l!cf~1tWo VEl-rf~ conulill£..11 fccand. rc~o.n: : Ht rhar harhgrtnrn:[nu!u, not cmfort tq-mf?rcc,POo fonu<;>•:nmand,.mcm agamfl; le , ·. • him that bath i<f!<r: .· · . ;~tlh i~dgcmep\._ Th~ ,mq;tn.~t~g ofth~W9rds·is. ~ -. B~tt he that giuurafb iudgeTMnt, h;,~b•. greA- ~~,l~: W'v foeft rf;ouJthat-,is, v,pon.,whar groUnd, . , , urftZHI(J t/;tnhe 'lf!hrJmheun[Ne~h.; -(fm:i: ,for. 'l·bat:cauf~,~·ithx;hat conf.;i~ce Ji#dP'-"" ' · • t}mforrno m4J1~11ghtr.vferpfhiltdg,ft,, .And fo iD ihc1;v.-IJP'P/aieft t_hoHh hat is,.with! , Thc-propo6tion or fir !I parr .is omitted {'fiql.rhou.SG Jnl.Jqh ~hcfe tmcrtogauons.h~,&; , 1 4·v.whereupon the condufipp f~Uc;m·s ;1g·ai!1ft.. I \\'h~t facc,-w_;th. \~·hat'fl-ie and co.ofc;ic:qce- !. Aifumption·exprttf.cly;fcc.downe ~n.t})c. 3· aqd ,ll'~.h import. Suft~Gght .~•ere. is,(;,ota ligbJ pr lrajhiudgcrncnt, · . . ·. ·. , , ., : !fld~cn bd_1olding of the UlotC-.1bu~ ..aJCt;iJJ~ 1 ·Vpon:this forme of fp.J:rch, H•w foeft thou? Ourwordt!! lw~\~-.2ttCnt\Q.ll,, a.fcrious and cpnfi.dcr:lt~.· ob- : whyp~;ej! thoTI? that is, v~i~h wh~t fac~ and ho· rhou.:hu · ~·~U~tion thc:I{C,of .. A motl' ]the~v>Qt•_d vfe-d ia·~h.C. nd~tc, :~.nd vpon ·what ground? \~.t m?y lt:~._rnc ~;~d~~r:ew.L or.Jg-Jl}all,n)ay..a~i'.}'dlQ:c tr.anhatc:d aftrawey.Or. 1 thiS JnfhuClJonsth:t.t our fpeec.:hcs. o_ur.vcr~ . 1 . 3fC,f~e of ll ftr_aJ~4,.as amote, as itt ,hath beene ~n t.hought~1nuf\ be ~.oncetuj:d and Vtterc:d vpon. f~,nn~rtilpcs; ff:Jr.·i~"~ill .bcarc·~jttbrr tr:mOarj"" · 1 good g~ound-, and Ill ago.o~d f113~ncr. Eftablifb 1 ?P. ,;)'tt d}c v. 0rd-beJrm, fccrrw-s r;1;hcr-tohauc th] tho11ghts b; cosmfo{l,.( fa_t-th Sal_on,on-) <i'_tt16J:. P~ov ~~J. ~c; 1-.#ttJWe, ~hell tq a ~Qtc:·~t·W~t.c;;h· . co~tnfe!L mak!*'arre: tC01ch1ng v~ to h~uc dm~- I ~~y!jOeucr it be t~ktt),,_ it figtiifi~s [1!'!111and/if:.. 1: Cl:.i 1 on from tho word ofGO:~, for th~ ,ground rle.fmn~J,flS li.nnes;ofi~I~Or:li)CC•and in~rmitie, rDl' and m,:I~O<'r of ourv~r;ie t.hou~h~~, and ~~r al~ '· . {uch, ;ts. the .b~t- C~nfh~ns.doc c01nm1t, and. · ouraff.ure:s.,Om S-au1our1~hnfi b,1dd~s_vs :tal:!. .LW!:,,.J~ <annCit be free ft.:om)ll this lifc.Againe,it fJ-gni·- h(ede.ho'R'·W't hMre GQ~s word: and ·Sa(omOII- . fics foppofod fin,n(i ; fuch as are . not. inQcc(ie would dr3w~vs to this h~edC! 2.11d attemi~:>n in J finn~>..bcfOrc Go~l,but on.Iy in his opinion ~ha.t pM;er. alfo~ !Jr not rafo mith.:.h]!HJ-'J"f.h, n()r let thJ. Eccl,r.s·'· gi.ucs r:lf11 iurlgc;menr. Andpercti/left not 1 this hMrt he h(lflie to vtter a,rhir.g h~fore G_o_d: nOW 1 • ptr.c~iifing is· aCtion·min4c-; that w.hich they fpcakc_ofdi~ine cxcrcifCs,h icy {boding in con.f,dcr~trion anrl.thinkjng, whi.c:h.r; this pl:"c _by our .SautoUr mlargcd .to CU~EY· followcs after fu:ing. Thus the \.\'ord:js vied·~ , . though-t. o(thcheart, an.d. ~vord.of the mopth Luk\x2.27. Conjiderth~ lilin of rht;Jitld; that· ; th:a· ronCZCJ{I<:S.Pur br.ot-her. : . ~"4·J . is-' )ookc ,vpvn them, and then confi~cr \\cl.l ' . furthcr,m thcfc word's ,~u.lf tbou;, ~h~t .1s, thcrcofinyour mlncl.And,Jan\o1.~3 ,/In th 1 ,!t ' with auentiQn :'lnd.cOfiderat.ion.bchold,c!llrur iJedYes.the wfn:.d, (:)~., doth ir-not·;-UM\.t 'Vntoa-tmm Sauiour Gbrifl,olCqu~iOL-~ vs ·with 3 COI!IITIQn. tiJd"! nP.HoLos h/4.!Mt~'r:aUf~tce.maglaffe: that js~ ..fault wherewithour t~atur.e is gcn_Ct!lllYifb.ipcd toon~ tJtft_tice~ .~nd.cpnfidc:-t;s ?fhis fhapc.· So · ~ and cdr·ruptc~ : t,o_.wtt, that-vn· _arc f(lt7{harpe. t),at C~ri!1s mcat}ipg is,as ifh~ h3(i faid,lt f11<1}; fghttd inorhrr_mr1fJ: l.iuu ar.d (Jjfe~cN: this ap-r be rho~ fee(!, 'but ,why docfi. thou not well . p,arcs in that men con "fily d1fc.srne --· --:-:::--::.=-.. ~- ..-.-.M . . - · · f.-1~tlts M~n~cor· nlptpryin& inro1hc foullt5ofo– thcu.