Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

.llfatth.7. v.~,f· Sermon in the -~ou11t• lOi I fault il) others , and cannot .fee great offcn_ccs ! A in rhcmfducs, nay when they can·finde no mll fault, yet they will make tho[e taulc• which in– deed be none at all.Examplc hereof":''" hauc m the Scrib'Cs and Phari!ies, in their ccnfurcs :1'– gainfi: our Sauiour artd hbrdifciples:thcy rhem– felues were hypQcrircs taint::d.with·gri"cubus finnes., arrJ yet tht'y pried. to findo mbtcS i11 Chrifl:s eyes: for when h(!c wroug1=t.mindcs, cured thcdi[ca[cd, and did good vmo ~ll,thcy blamed him as abrea~er tif the SaHbach .dhy, I and as a companion of. Publicans :ind finnctsJ though bee conucrfcd 'With thC.Illrfor.~'t~~lr good: [o chey blamed his Difciple<fo~ caoing with vnwa!hcn hands, and for pludmrg v.p- the B cJrcs ef j:Ornc on die Sabbath day .to fatistle chcir hun'gcr; and for their [cldome falling. This fault was inLhe Conmhians, who ccnfurcd P4ui and his minifteric , for w:mt of clo– qutnce and cxccllenciCofwords,which was ll1 other Teachers among them J as may appeare ! by his .rcbukingofthem, r.Co.r.i• And the CliriH1an brethren among the Rbm~nes con• dcmncd one an other in the obfCrUauon of dayes and times, and in the vfe of~.hC·creanircs ofGo&, Rom.r 4'· which was norhingcllc but nl11 iudgcmcm. And this no dou~t is a fault which raignes in our,congregations, eucn a– mong:the better fort at; for <;lecpcly is our natur.dbincd \-Vith this corruptiOn, and fo I prone it is eo this !inn_c, that ci.Jcn the.y \.\'hich J hauC.r.ccciucd truC', can hardly abHainc , frot1,1 the praCl:ifcs of nfh iud&cmenr. C The conlidcration herof mufi rCach vs theft duties. Firfr,to take know{edg·eof thiS corrup– tion ofour nature, <!.ii.d ofthe. \.Vaotofbrocher.o. Ly loue in vs; for \\hy fhould we fo foonc [pie a fault in .an other, I( ut bccaufe wc'e'wam loue andcbaritic to l1is perf011? Wee may (onfider the Vil.eneffc ofthis praCtifc by refcmbhnce in fomehruit crcaturs,. fo.r \~'c accou,m rnofi bafe– ly ofthofe raucning fowlcs 'Nhich delight. ~n _n~thit~e ~mt in; and fuel~ for nll llie~orld ace thofc rafh;ccn[urcrs, all >heir dc– ,ligh' is in ?ther mens faults, which maks tlicm fo fharpc llghrcd to·ipic rb·em our, · - 1---l thcrs, which they1ike and appr·oout: jj:l ihtm:. : l [elues: now the caufc hereofiS, for :hat.dlt I affeCtions doe foliowc rh_e.rl1inck , ti11 h r.s tl.t Jninde is,JliCh arc t·he.arfe·cl.iE~hs::md mans mind 'I naturally oux.watvi1~JlOt inw:u-th it 1~·c:s ! I -~cry little fault!: in others{bllt will ndthcr fe(} ! 1ibr <:ondcmnc the fame'faults;,nor:grcatt!r ln it felfe: nay, ~athcr ic caufcth man tO·iouc thoft 1 himfclfc which he: dccd1:s inblht!r!/, 1 And thcretOre in the amendcmcnt ofour liues. .we·mu!l bcgione in our ownc·hcnt<:.>,:md curnf: i the cic of.:Our.mlnde inward, tO ieC pur '"0\\'Ht , linnes; and la.boUrfirfi to h.a.uc our hearts i.Cm.:. ched with forrow for thw1·, :md w hac~ £hCt'!l firfi in our feluc::;, and then ·ro prc;ccecle ro h:tte th.em in others. 1t is aprcpoflerou:; couFii:.~,ari..:. ·'fing from the corruption ofn:nurc: to he-g_-i~tH! ! with che hatred and difltkc of6nnc1Jut t1f'ollr I fclue<, · .. 11. 1Jo51r.. Fltcthcr 3 here in thisrc-afor~·dttt Sin ne~ rtitf.:~ Sauiour Chrilt rn~kc5 a difference qf 11hncs: ~i,nc:;e:n G~fomc :u;c as mott-s/ be:1mcs: cttery fin ne 1 indeedc is death aud cO"ndcmnariO, and )'.t·c all ! are dot eq~1all, budrtrrt different in dcpces-::-~s :I fomc men arc·drowncd in the.chancll :ll!H mid~ I Jlc.Of the rea' feme byrhc fhonrc fidc;wbich places- differ in depth and d-aT1;gcr ,.t,hough :\Il l 1s one i~ r_egard ofdeath: f.omcmcn ·iJ.ldt)rC dri• nation ill deeper meafure,Ionic in'kffcr l y-et both are condemned. Hut -the Pap1Hs abufe Bclbrm.tle tl~cfc ~·ords, and wo~ld ·g:uhe.r hereon a d1!. n~;~;~~~~-~ ibnCbon oflinncs wh1ch God octh ndt aiiO(\'"; e.g. 1 to wit,that fomc fins ar'e·!Venial,•whic.h dcfduc ~, not dcath,and thcfc arc::hcre calledmotu: fomc againc arc mQrtall, dcferuing death, and thofc are called beam;s. But the moteandbeamc arc both rr.ort:dl finnes. A more or a Prnwc-m""Jy 1 (omctime put om the eic, though indccdc che.\ beame be~ more forcible to dalh it quite ouc: and fa do fmalll1nncs woulld the.confticncc~ '· 1' .~ t.'·! and damnc: tile foulc, though greater finncs db tnm:: decpely wound the confcicnce &. plunge -the lame into hCJl: ftnalhmd grc:u: fin~,cs, both deHroy·thc foulc,thOugh in a different dc.dr~~ ..).q ,:~; ~ the very more is acadly linf'le,though In nfmtc' the beam bcmor'emorcat.This diflinCHo''n$tftfy I f\ Secondly,when'wenrc abour-t6 cenfurc an..y ina.n '.wee mufi in (regard of this corrUption) ·[ulp,cc\ovdelt•cs, a·nd our fpccchcs, & call our [clues backe to:! viewe and confideration of borO\>\•ed frorn former ::~ges, but abufing:t}Xc D Primitiuc Church fi·om whente thev.had it:for l that which we are'r6 fpea.kc; forof"t-mtlcs \'\'e \ fee,th~n w:hich weought not to fee, and there– upon fp.cake that V\'hich wee ought -in confci– cnce to q:mcc:tle, Jlhyfitians giu~ this note of a phrcnfic,tobegin to tdk!'V,p.flrawe.r: now when _rhcmindc lookesnm inro it fclfc, bttt pries into other mens aCtions, then no doubt it is not r~ght, but is corrupted :tnd infeCted With a CJ)i– nmall phrenfie, and therforc the danger ofthis I ciifcafc muft CJ.ufe vs to.looke vnto-ouf ft·lt~cs. Thirdly, here '-'-'C:c rn~y obferue a reafon of J t\1c {hat)gc beh:tnio.ur of men in r~gard of fi11: I for this \Ye may ea(lly percciue, thar men v.ith ~pen ~~:_:HI~~~emnc chofe things in othe a.uncicnr Fathers calle-d,fo_me fin.nd vr:fi!W!, Ho~v t!u~ r:t.' not becahfc tbt:y dcferued not death, bot bt- ~ thcu ullcd caufe they were pardonable i.n rcg<1rd of the fomc: finn~s Church) and did not inCiu·tC the ccnfure of.e~- ''cm:tll. commul)lc~tion :and rhofc the>: cdlcd lnort1ll or cnminall finnes, \'\'hich had ·the cenfurt ofl excommunication paffed ag:tir.ll: them: fo th2t the Papifl:s 2buiC both F:uhers_and Scrip(tl"re in this dill:in&ion. 4 Thirdly, Chrift naming rh; verie eye, ami~ 1 1~~:~~i;:;'~.cnot the face,or other pans ofwe bo·dyJ v-:ould L:cm :~ mau 9 hereby giuc vndcrtl~md "'.,\'hat is the pro-, l!~t)d mu~ pcrric':md fcopc ofrafh iudgcmcnt: namclv,to' 1 1110 3· dcfa_cc t~"tc '~cry intcnrion ofhis hbrt ofw!1bm I ccnlmc IS gmc-n. When DaUJdfem his feru:lntS' to Jftmrm king of Ammon to comfort him'\ S 2 aFter I - - ----·--------'----