:z.o2. j rd n ExtJojitionofChrifls \ M.mb.7· i r ·"'·4·•· 1 la-:ft-er_h_i_s-::fa-th:-e-r-s..,-d-ea-th-;t_h_e_P_r-in-c-es-· o_f_A_t_ll_;_m_o_n_A_m_e_n_f'_"J_P_'_ac_e_,p_e_ac_e_,r_h_en_c_c_m_u_Ji_u_dd_e_n_d_<j_rn_u_CI_i- l ---· -~ told their lord, that Dauidsferuams "''ere but on. Now men do thC mofl fcarcfylly crie,p.cacc, :!.iS3.m.to.;. Jfriu that cam( to foarch out his cirie: thus they peace, vmo thcmfclucs, when they either ..,.,:ill iudgcd nfhly ofD:lUids fat):, and their int(.:nt not fee tlv::·· finnes. ;- or fccing rhcm, doe net was to corrupt rbe.hondt mind of Dauid: per... wc!l confider thct:eofin their hearts.VVc thcrcfwading the King that Dauid and his rcru:lt"'tS fore mufi labour for this grace tohallC a dearc had another intent anl\ end of their comming fight into onr fiuncs, for wirhout that wee can then they mad<; kn0\\'11 to the King So that the ncucr forr.ow accol'ding vnto God, nor repcm rafh cenfllrcr fcckesto blcmillt the good mind vmo life as \\'C oJghc to doe. , ~ ind confcicncc ofhis brother. And hence wee why_[erftthou, &c. and hlJJl'f.l)ef!t!"Jcuto thy !i:~l~e1s1 ~~1!~ may •Ncl be vrarncd eo take nonce ofour natubrother, J In both chcfc phrafcs conhder how be blame~ rail corruption, how chat without Gods fpe-- Chrilt would hauc aH. thofe which arc to Piue . 1 l~llC. ciall grace we doe plainly hate our brothcr;els iudgemem ofthe offences ofothers, to Qc ~hCwe would neuer fo fufpitiouily pric imo his fclucs vcithout rcptoofc and blame : clfe they 1waycs as ro dcprauc his good meaning. Wee arc no fit phfons 10 giuc cenfure of chofe that 1 nmll therefore c6tcnt our fc:lucs withdie fpea- :S be vndor cht. And therefore the Magifhace in , ches and :1Clions ofour brother, :md take heed the tov·:nc and commonwealth, the Minificr in how we deale about chc cie; ch::t is, \1\'ith histhe Church, the mafier in the familie,and cueintent & meaning; that \o\'C mu(\: lcauc to God, ry fuperiour in his place mufi labour to be vn- '''ho-only knows the l1e<~n:&. for his aCl:ions & hb.mcablt : fOr if.chcy be tainted with groffc fpcechcs(ifit may be) we muA: a!wales expoUd !inncs, they can ncucr throughly purge rhcm thCin the beerer plrt: ifwe cannot dcfCd amis that be vnder them• .A Miniflci- (faith Pmtl) doing, yet we muff cxcufc his meaning : if we muft hevnreprooueublr,I. Tim. 3.1.and fa likecannot excufc his intent, yet we mull think the wife the Magi!hatc, who is Gods vicegerent, befi ofhis confcicncc..: ifwe cannot excu[e ·his and cuery goucrno\).r in his place. . confcic_nce; yet we muft iudgc it to bee but.~ Laflly, in both vcrfes obferue the conditi- ~~~~~n[.;~- finne of ignorance;ifwe cannot doe fo,yet ·we on of thofe that arc giuen to rafh iudgemcnt ' lcftpcdo 1 1i. mufi chinkc that it was done in fOmc grieuous namely , that of all men they arc the worfi : temptation, and th:u if...,ve our fclues had been Chrill makes thCw carric bcames in their des, in hkc cafC, we fhould hane done farre worfe: when orhcrs hauc but motes or firawC'S. The we know not wh€God may giuc grace to mt, C man that i$giuC to ccnfure othcrs would fccm or \'V ben hec lcaucs them to themfclues ) and to be ofall me moll holy:but the truth is, there therefore in regard of the minde and confciis none fo bad as he thogh he be aminiiler,.ye3. ence, we muficomprirnit our iudgement at a!l be he what he will, nay the better is his place, times. the worfe JS his fault:&: the more he is giuen to A1tdpn·cciue/lnot l chat is. though it may be this finne ofccnfuring, the worfc he is,for the thou fcdl: it, yet thou doefi not well confider letfc he fees h"1s ownc finncs : nay, let him liue ofic.Hcrc our Sauiour noteth out a fec6d main vnblamcably before men, yet he hath a heart fault in mans nature to be thought vpon;namcfull ofpride and fclfc louc,& full ofdifdain toW.L'lsjunll Jy, carna!lfocuntie , whereby though in fame ward his brothcr.And thcrforc let vs take heed ftcutit,ie. fmall mcafurc m en fee their offences, yet natuofthidlrmc, eucn when it beginncs to creepe rally they ncucr thinkc on rhcm heartily & fcvpon vs. tiouflyastheyollghttodoc; S.PaH/faitb, AH • l:jl ,fl ' !p!,.,-.,.. w•~thctHhatflecprft,fignirying,th>tbyr\aturc v, 5• rypocrztr,,,r ea}. out we lie !'lumbrmg in finne: fo as though wee the beame out or thine onme . may fometimc haue a little glimmering therof, '!J yet we ncucr throughly behold and confider eye: and thtn Jhale thoufte the as we lhould: the Lord himfclfc complains ! D ofrhis fccuritic in finnc in his owne pcoplc:Nc ; cfeare/y to cajt ont the mote DUI M<nfmh, what hallc I delle? Jcr.8. 6, This was oftb'IJ brothers eve. the finne of the old world; the; k_ne-:t~e nothing ...,- -:,; tilltbtflood came, Matth.24·39- it may be they This verfc containes a remedie againfr raf'h , !F:~~~~~Nd7. had no"'' &:: then feme conceit thcrof, but they iudgcmem: it depends vpon the former verfes menr. thought not fcrioufly thcron: now as-the daics as an Anfwer to a fecret obicCl.ion thar'mi'ght ofNoe were, fo !hall be the dayes of the comthence arife :forwhcrc>S ChriJl had (aid,l#dge ming ofthe forme ofman, il1rcgardoffocwi;ie, not; andwh7ferft tho11amqte in thy hrotlm·s tie, &. thcfean· thofc dayes wherein \.\'C now liue: (f!"c. fame man might fay, belike tl:.cn it is not for how[ocuc:r we fomerimc rhinke on our lawfull to correCt my brother by fpcach, and finnes,yct we look nor :n thnn with both cies, by rrproofe to feekc :.m~ndemcnt of his as \.\'C doe on our neiohbours faults. Wee mufi fault. To this Chrifi b<..Te an!wrrs; th2t he forhere be .... ~arned to tak<..· hccde ofthis fi.l~ne: for bids not brotherly correCtion and admonition, ic~s a fcarefttll c:tf<· either ~or to fee our finnes, but the cuill, corrupt, & vnchri£Han manner of or fccing thcnt eo pa{fcthcm oucr '"''ithout fcrigming admonition :tod corrcCl:ion; whe as mC I ous con!idcration:.~fhe Apofile faith , when take a prcpoAcrous coudC in ccnfuring, ~~~ . -~-----·