Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 262 I 1---1 f!l1n Expojirion of Chrifls .I Jlfmtl•.7· i 1 .,. ,.s.. 1 j at the firH fcrmoo of Peter the giuing of A \ theholy ghoH:,rhc people ..,,·ere grc:uly amafcd . at his doCtrine, and bccingpricJ.:sd i1t c::mfcicnce, \ cried, Men and hrethroz, what (halt wee doe? \ ; now Peter fuffcrs chc:m not to ll::d)d J1ill in this I ~fto:~iO,a.;tnt, but laboursfunhtr w bnng th~ to true fJ~thand repentance, and to hauc the \ fame by b.1ptlfmc confirmed vnro them, f:aying A~-~~·"1 !'· ~ Amc,:d)'our lutes, and,v.:; 8 And fo I deaft Pau!\\'Jth the Iaylo1 thac "'ould ktlO.::efl,V'oi' Chr!{lenf\. uerted{O ~~J:..... llcd h1.nfclfc vpon the fuddamc fight ofrhc pr 1 fon doore.P<cmg ol,t''l, for afrt r he was rrucly hUinblcd he brougr t hnn ro btlccut. 1 It m:tybe here demanded, why our SaUIour Chrifi :at this Sermon tlid no more to the l moft of his hcarcrs, but cau(cd then: to won- ; dcr,when 3!: the Apofl!cs c6ncrtcd many thou .. B flnds at fomc one Sermon: :111<1 after brought the "''hole bodic of the Gcndks to the faith. Anf.No doubt he was ab!~ to hauc conucrted them all, and wt tn3y per[wade our [clues here were many conucrttd, though ir be not rccor- ·l 'ded, and though indccdc the moll ,..,·ere oncly ~Honi!hcd. hut this came fo to pa!lC that his W6mi[c made to Hls.D!!ciples might be veri– fied, Ioh. T4-ll. whJCh '""'·that they /hou!d i 1 , d·o. ~:r:caterwork,;J then Chrift 4id; whcr~ofth~s -quefhonlclfc wa~ one, to conucrt ~1oc m thc1r rniniflcty then Chri!l did.AnJ the caufr, hert" qfwere t \r'\'O: I. that our Sauiour Chrifi might ·{hev•c: himfclfc willing to vndd-go th:u bale c... fi~te of:i-SeruanJ ~\ bcr'ci'n hd: \o\'3S borne and Continued till his C:d.ft:ttion; therefore he Was cOntent to rcffi-ainc the powrc ofhis Godhead i C cucn from his miniO:crk, vmill he were exalted I ~nr.o glot"ic: 1I. th~t he might m~kc it manifcfi . tn his;\poftlcs times, that beeinn aiCcndcd he t d_id not ondy li.t at the righthancrofhis fo~.thet, that is, rule aS a King oucr all in his princely J office; but alfo that he did indcTdc gO\:erne his Church h_yhis word and (pirit: j l1d this rcafon ChriHaddcth, loh. t 4· v .I that his biCciplcS fhould do greater wo1 ks then he did, 'b:caufc he wen_t hhfather, there {o rule and 1 'go.ucrnc: his ChurCh. _ l t may yet funhey be a~kc:d, "'·hyChtiil Jid nCit Conuert them ~11, fcc:i!1g he was ablebe-ing true and very GoJ; AnJ No doubt (as hath beene faid)tnany were here: conuc:rtcd, yet nor Rom.t$.!3. 3:11, be,raufc Chrill wJs now rherniniflaofcir- D ·cmncifiolt, (as the: Apoll le fpeakcrh) that is, though in regard ofhis pcrfon he were the pro– phet ofthe "hole Catholikc church:yct at this tim-e: in thls :~&ion he was preacher only to the ---- , ___ , miniftcry of my Prophets. Thusmuch of thC <\ftoni011ncnt lt fdfc. N'ovv fol! ow the c.:ircum– fl:anc-:;s whereby it is amplified :tnd fct Out, and thcya.rctb! eC. The firft circumll:anc:: is the rimc whcn thcv silencein were :1ftOJJi0Jcd, namely, when rh~ formun:v~, ~~~~~J:~v,~;f cnde~. No. do~ln, they were am:!.fcd_m the umc I the Ci1urcb. of h1s dcltu'enc:l>tlt yet th('y were idcJo~t ~ll that ';\'hilc, and (hcv ..:c:d no 11gncs of thclr ~ffcCl:ion til the ftTmo11 \\'3Sendect,And this good order 1 ought to be ob/Crucd ofall Godspeople in the pnblikc-miniHcry ofthe word.In the bhilding: of the material! rcmplc, there was no noifc: or kr.ocking he~rd fo much as of an hammer: whereby \\'asfign ified that in the affcmblics of the Saints v.. ·hcrc Godsfpirirual temple is buil– ding, there 01oulcl be thelike heaucnly order obli:rued; men !hould hc:1. re with quietne:> & filcnce,and {hew their affections :tfrer·ward. Secondly, we archere taught to labour noc onely to be affeCted in the ACt ofhcaring \\"hile the doCtrine is dcliuered, l.H1t to ucafure it vp in our hea.rrs,rh:tt we m~yaftcnvard be affctl:cd n·irh it as thismultitude was. The JCcond circumHance hcre.notcd, is the per/'omwho were thus aflonied: to wit,rhcpea... plcor the mttltirl!de : for after the fcrmon was ended they g:ulv:rcd rhcmfducs inio cOmpa.. nies, <lnd make know11c one to anorhenhc af– fectionsoftheir hcans to\\'ard ChrHls d~in. Hence \\'e may gather, that our S-a.uiour Chiill: deliuered his doCtrine pbinly,vmo the confci- . encc ofrhe meaitcft, and to thC cap:icirie of the ~ ~~d~J:~~:. fimple!t; clfc they could not thereby hauc bin brought to wonder. And'this is aptdiderit fOr all ~initlers tt> follow in their Gi(pcnJation of the word: fo did Paul, 2. Cor, 4· 2. l· in fucl1 pl:tincndfc dcliuer the \.,·ord of God , that j( itwer~hid, hee faith, it wm hid to th~m wb;ch feri/h. . · · . · The third circumAaiKC, is the ohif8- oftheir afloni{hmcnr; that is, his d7ilrinc: They ~Ytr,. ajlo1:ierf, at ht~ D oCI:rine. T_his re::~cheth vs, that the wo;d of Got! mull be fo dcliucrcd tlm the Dotl:rine it fclfc rn::~y ~ffeCt the bca.rcrs. I~ is 3 carnal thing for a man fa to prc:ach,as the con- 1cnnll~ fidcration of his \'l'ir, of his mcmOric, of .his I; prc:,lun;. eloquence, of hisgreat re:~ding, :nay <lffeC1 rile hearers; m:my " ·on hy p:1rrs(no doubt) were iri our S::~uiour Chr~ll, tOr which he might v".·eJI be admired; and yet in ~he difpcnf.1tioh of his I word,hc b.boursby his doChin ·01_1cly m affeCt: hi~ hearers: and fo mull :tll theydo tha.t will be followers of Chrill. I 1 f. Point. Thus much for r:he fruitc of Tholul-ort.. ChriOs {i:-rmon: Now followcs thec:tu(e rhere- ~ ty_o~Ch~ills of, which is cl,rij}ttfllfhot•itie in tcaching,v.:z 9. mtruficne. for ht ttrH_(.ht tU o.'1~ haui•.Jg attt/;:;ritie, not M the I ScribeJ. This aurhoritie in Chrifis mini!lcric 1 1Church ofthe Iewcs : inwhich regard he pcr– ·formcd thisduti~·JS man oncly, ~nd fo couJd doe no more bm ddiucr his Fathers will vnto th·cm, and !hc"''e himfclte willing to conucrt them. A:~d in this man1~tt he [peaks vmo lci'\1- (~lcm;M:nth. 2 ~ . ~ 7. 0 lcn~fldan, fcmfalcm, "'"--'lnw ofterJ would I haue g~uhared ;hy cf,fld~·m, 'd! 4 henm:gathercr!:J her chiclzens,I Jvor.t!d, h;Jt)'ee wouldm;t: that is. as lhc miniHer of circumci1 finn in mine own~ pcrfcm, ' nd as God in the ..,\·as c:wf~·d from three thinf:.S; I. Fron1 rh~ : Clufe5of~; matter ot his fnn,on. I I. Fro;n the mant1cr of I I . his ~lcliu~rie.I I ~.From the things that ace on;~ 1 . pa!ucd h:s tc:tchmg. · . 1. The matterof his fcnnon was the i~~IP_ \ ;;:;~emd· ---~ - ·--·------------ p::!!·~b!e :;·