.Mntth.7. !·.:2:_. s.Themn· r1erofhi1 tcac.i.:•.;. l,Thlti~tSC• ump1ni"3 hismi.dftc· ... \ Minillus ,~m~l\main· &ai•ethe ••rcdi~ o( thcirU1i1li• fhrie. 8mnon in the .. ru ount• 1 ;arableexcellcncic of hcaucnly dotlrihc; thus \A of Chri11, wdlall fee how this is done;not b)' much his enemies thc..Scrib.c:s that came to outward pompe & ctlatc,or bycanhl}' mtancs: tempt him did confctfe; Matt: t "'1J·.MAfttr, but by truth aQd foundncs ofdoehinc,by ~enlc thouArt trfl<. Andtt~chtjl rEi! "AJ •f Gfdtm•IJ· for Gods glorie,& for tht good oftncns fouks And this wns long before corifittried by M•["; on<) by. an vnblamcabk life. who deliuered the promifc of Cbrill ~n.to the Sccorldly, henet ru!Gods !ninitlcri ( ifthcr ~>gh<m'"' people, inr.,.,bofomomh Godwol'idput hu ."'~rd; will be followers of Chrit\) mull lentno not "'f .. rpm· Deut.t ~.t8.and Joh. 7· 1 6. Cbrill con!efieth ondyt? troth !ouild and hcauen.ly dochin.e;.'l •h •s. that his dl)ftrine Jfi.AI noJ hi.NJWnt ,JJur his FlltherJ but to obfcrue th~rein adJUine and (pidtuall thatftnr him; . ,._ ' m~nt~r of tt'aching: 1, Cor. •· v, 'I• and 1 J: I I. The manner of his teaching wa' hcaPaul f3.ith, bit priAchingwM r.~t '"humant wift~ uenly:and this i'hew~d it felfe in fundrf things: dome, but in tht plaipc ~H,dn!c~ .cf rh~ fpirir ; - for,I.Chrill uughr in his ownc name as a Lord comparing fpirit>~J~ll thing• »'ifb fpirirua/1 j ofhis do&ine,andnot as amcffc,ngcror inte~.. things: which is then donC:, whfn the pcopJC prcrcr thereof, as the ProphetS were. I J. Hrs B may acknowledge the gr><C ofGod in the t.ca- i t . c>ch and rlcliueric was with fpeciall S""'" cher.As iris faid of.rhc ignbtanr man who i§ .uk. 4 .v, ,., Tb'f"pt.wonJemiat_tht g.ratirobuked of rh.cProphets,r. Cor,t"'· •5· H" "'" worh that pracud,d our of hit m.wrh, fa/IJ dorl'nt on hufaa; and fotrh plaih•!J, God whereinheexpreffedhis humilitie, his mcekt... iJ in J()H inJuJt. There is-g1·eat ~ifferrncc to nctfe,loUe~ n-.ercie, ond compallion, pl>indy be made between< difcourling in Phi!ofophie; /hewing by his fpcach th3t he was inducd with. which may be done by humane wit, and prea" all gifts of the fpil'it aboue meafure: in this reching in diuiniric.He that can difcourfe well id gatd it isfa1d, lfai,so·4· Godgas~, him (tbor is, Philofophic, cannotthcrupon prcfently prciidi 'Chrill) ihttonf!'' of the ltArntd, to ht< ablt to and difpenfe the word ofGod aright;for pr<O- /J•~awa1·din Js1e r--Jo~. for th' comfort And ching Js afpiritUal! duti<,whic\1 CaNnOt beper~ '"''P•4ng df"' diftrffed confoima; whteh no formed byn~rurall gifts only. The Proph.r!fay , "'""· 7 : tnon but Chrill is able to doe. Ill. As he <lclimull haue htS tongu• touched 'lf'ith a eo{, .from 1 Uercd the word vocally vnto the outWnrd earc, Godr altar, h•for• he 'could[peak,[ and"'"" iJodt fo he was able by rhe powre ofhls Godhead,to w.rd vnroth, P"fl': and Poul the Jllofl famous make his hearers giue attendance, and to reof the Apolllcs, ddimh in <11 his Epillles, t• ceiue and belceue rhatwhich bee taught. And *' pr~tud f'!"', r~at hu mouth mi,ght.~t<.qp(n<d: !allly~ bi~ze:ile for hisTarhet~ -t;lotie, •nd his ' wncrchy he dotll fignifie;thot todeliber whol– c:arnell delirc to bring the {oules of men vnto c feme doClrinc in fpiriruall manner,for the glo.< faluation,wbichwere principall ttides of his rieofGod, and thegoodofhis p<Ople, is a minillcrie, did alfo adde grace· and authoritic great matter, and cannot by narurall gifts be thereto. , attaintd vnto. And i11dcc:d this is th2t teachin~ I! I. Tile rhlngsthot went with his dol\rift which fauesthe foule, and a~Clst~ .heart ot did alfdF•ufe aerhoririe in his minilleric; a.ild him that belongs to God; which <s the thing thcfe were two: I Mirad"; as curing the ficke, that euery miuillcr of Gods word ought to laand calling our deuilb; which did greatly conbourfor, \ firm~ h!rdochin<VIlJ9·his pcaien:l'tfi\J'J<.y.H· · .. _-. !hirdly;fetingCh_rii_l inhis ~rtiailn~dorh w< .,;(;n . whenhe had cutcd ont that W3s both dcafc: mamtamctheauthormcofhtsmtmficnc~cuc..: ri\:~.i"t~i"tnC and dumbc, thepeople wtr( luyowd ,u.cjur(~tj/o::. ry mi~ in hisplace is taught tO m~~ntaine 3nd i di_r;nifie 1;. nijlmL l I. AnvnblAmuh!,/if,; for he wos lefiu preferue the dignirie ofhis profe!lion:Wc :ire i ~;::p<ol< • ·Chrift thtrighttori4, -who pcrfotmed all things all of vs by our profellion Chrillians, and b>J \ · rim the law required,fu!filllng rhtwi}lofG<>d baptlfme the fonncs & daughters ofGod,no,J _tn futfcnng:,and fuffcrmg mhts obedJcntC. bur dutic iS tQwalktwonhie this our calling1l. Further, note the phrafe,in the originall it is $t tO takehCc:d webring it not into comempt. 1 faidhere, Hee rPM teaching; that is, it was his !t is amoft hainouswickedndfc foranyman tq vflall,.,anner ond cuflomc,thus fo pruth with ring a·lhundervpon rhe name ana rdigiotiof auth<!ride.Hercln Chrill is a notable prdidmt God; and yet nothing is rnprc frequent in this vnro vs fot fundry duties. . ouragc:formcn \Vi! needs bechrillians in proJ Firll,hereby eucry mini!lcr ofGods weld ls f'dliion, and therefore will ti:ci:iue the Sacro4 ,taugh;,_t,q.g'ain_r?in.c t~l~"'crecji~ of~\~ !ll,inillti< 1 ••. mn15s '::hicb.b~ !hehi~hdhop failcs of;rl proi 1and l:o prcrcrue thc·r.Imefrom t'<mt~mp~; cfp'c:- ·- fdfion ! andyet tn thcuhues they lrcpror.,nc.; cially in his owne pl:tce,and inhis owt1perfon: ~~d Hue as thty lilt; yea, and if oth~rs will not though <::;hril1: werehere in a mc:ane and bafe iO)'ne with them in their wickcdncs,. they .,..,.j]\ dbtc, yet/le wouldnot fuffcr his calling to be notfpare tofcorne: a~d r~uile thct!l.But ~ertiry I 'cont.~mccd,buJ ge.rsgra<:J: thcrcunro.AndPaul thcyfinne fcarcfully,mdill1o.~ounng th<~rpro. ch;~orgcth Timothic ~ rp foe th.'lf no nH~ntkjfife fcffiO;and though th(y c·h_argc others withhyJ ~U).oHrh, 1. T irp. 4• 1 z. and to Titus he giucs poerilie,tbat en~c.:tUour in fome t~·utht? be ~~ni I '.he Ji.kc. comm:mdcanem,Tit.:.t s.Thefo things .fo.,.,':Crablc to the1r profeffion, yet t•~cy thCf<:luc~ _(pta.J::' trtld (,t'bort a11d rdn~with all auth;.Jfi~. I praEtifc n"'ofi sro(lehypocrif1c, when ~l~ the)~ Su .'h~t V~~-~1J'j_fothu. Now in th_c e::x5plc 1 wi1lbc3rC the n~mc of ChrifHans in profdli .. 1 ,..._~,_.,.-'--,-------------~----:7. J___ _____~::-.-on;; L:-~--