!- e.An Expojition ofChrifls;&c. ' . ; . on, :and communicate with the Lord his holy ·A ' Gods gloric. But Chtift, as we 1)auc fee-ne, ordinanccs,8l_y4c~t m:1~c n.o.confc,icncc offinnc~ ~· taug~t f~rre othciwifc: and;:dthough he miflibut fcornc thotc·that doe. Eph.4. 1. PaHI prai.:. ked .t-hCirptcaching;-Doth fOrmatttr, manner, ~d fgr.thc Ephcfiam, that they might·walkfworomd·en'dj yet he votlchfRfcd to hp.rc·thcm, or thie tlu vocation wherero tbey were called.: and elfc how could he hauc reprooucd thcfcthings Tit~l'S; z. 7· heexhorts Titm . hereunto, that in in thc:m? Which !he;\•cnhat (.hriil would not fO rhings hefbou/d jlm• himfi!fe- an- enfample\of fcparat~ himfclfe lioin their affcmbJi·es, whofe gr;odwor.k.J, w{th vnco~mptdath:iJ'Je,·with g;l'auitie doChrnc hedifliked, "''itb tbc·ddiucrie therof. a_ndintegrltie, &c. Yea verfe tb.he requires ferAnd rhcl'e-foreno man ought to feuer him[dfc Scpar~ti('>n U:lnts tojlJfiJJ Jitch fitithfu!n~.r in ththfentice, th~t from the Ch~~ch of England, for fume :vants ~~;~r~l~·r~ theymay ador11e thediEh·f?te CJjGod. ' : that ht" rherem, V..'e baue the true doClnne of mlawlull, .Andwrt-utheScrilm] For firft, they failed Chri!f preached among·vs by Godsbldling, ' in ths:: matter.; ·thc:y dcliucrcd not thc.dodrinc and though therebe corruptions in m:rnnc'rs aof G0d, but the traditions ofmen about \V:Jfhmong vs, yea,and though they•could iuftly find ings and rythil)gs. Secondly, they failed ilvthe f:mlt \-Vith our do4'rine; yet fo· long .as-wee mahner; they taught cold!y,and without zealt. hold Chrifl, .no .man ought to fcuer-himfclfc Thirdly, they failed in the cnde;thcy taught·in fi·om our·Chur<h, And thus much forthis Srr- .pride and ambition,fccking th;mfclucs, &:: not rpon;~ ·.1-' T '· . ,, . ·•, ~ :, ., ' 0 f , .::..--•. ,..•. ,.,. . . . , ~g-~$:.;...~.~~s~mu~~~ t ,... ·" ...... . ) . •·.. .,.:./ ;· . . '~: >·,· · -,;.,,, ·q --.:-,".- ;\ .... ...1 ,. '),·. l ;.j~ ·_i •.,;, ,I :r.. ' ' - '. \ '~ .,, i • l: ··..• ' ' - '-'Ll"'s;' ;.;tl 1:"' '!'_!:,:·• . ·. ,:,;; ·.~iW•"'-o.J,-.,-m-ll!WU-.Ji~~~· - -.:·:. L I • • ;:f.•"51 o;. • • ·~10 . • . . - ~-\~.,_-.-~ ..ii'--:r~~<-· ~~::.: .'·.·.\ :.:n ,.~, •· ..\·\: ;\'.:, ·;"~ .I I · ·. ic ··! .,,:. · jc ,. I.; ·.;£ . ' ' -,~ ·:::: :_. q: I .'·n-i,, 0 ~· •-:,-u •!- .~t;,:•n.. ~~~· ~.• .;: ) ~- .- .... '' ··• ~mf, • ......_u '!a}>L'''" '"' ... ,;.~, .~: .•1