A A Brabamsproyer for Sodom, 216,2,a Adarmfall decreed. 64.r.d AdC?ption, how knownc. 205 .z.a, Sixc notes ofAdoption out bfthe Lords praier.I 54:r.d. Adulterie delcribed.53· I.b. The gre<ttncfic ol this ftnne.53. z.b. Occaiions ofit!orbidd_co, 54.z.b Affections mu(\ be moderated. 8,z.• Atflithon;how to honour God thcrin.12.5.1.c z; z.z.b. how to liuc thcrcin.I9Lt.a, 21$'. . I.e. ComfonSto thc-ai!lieted.7.1.<. 209.1, c. 216,2.d Alchetnifts confuted. r8z.z.a .Ahnes dcfcribcd.90. I .d. Almes-giuing hand– led at large in ,eight pointS.90.r.h. Almcs is lulHcc. 104.1.a. adutie of the rich. :;9,1 .c. whether the wife may ~iuc ;lmes Without the husbands confcnt. 90.1 .b. what makes our giuing to be Almcs.rG.f.l.C,}Aotiucs to j'olmes-giuing. 93·'·" Amen; what it !ignifies. J s 1, J ,d Anabaprifis confured. 2 1·9·•·• Angels;how they doe Gods will. I JJ.i.d.our· imitation of thcm.134•1.h. how 'we are to honour them, · t 3'f·I .c Anger aduifed is lawfull.45 ,1 .d.notes thereof. ibid. Ralh-anger'i• adeg_rce of munher. 4l· :. d Antiqultic, no certen no.tc-of:tnuh. 43 .l.C Appardl, wherefore ord:uncd.l79·2.2. praCHfcs of inordinate c<~.re for app:ucll. . 18 ~· r.c Apocrypha.bookcs not Canonical.2. zI~ 1 .c.for- . bidden by the ancient Chur<h. 208. :.c Apoilirfre:fiue degtces of it, - 1 74· r.c· Armour of a Chrlilian. .· 146.1.d A!fault>what amarrmay.docbeci~<gvnlawful-. ' l.y a0:1ulrcd,. · . • • 89. a.d . Affcueration iu cOmt11on talkc vn1aYdi.JI.81.2.c A!tonilhment by the mitt'!ltetie ofthe word no · , figne of conucdion. 26.D.2.c Athciltne abounding, . · i75;z.d'! 1\uthori~ie of.<:;hriH an~ the,Apo~lC'S:whcthcr ·B·.e~:::Le~r: a to~tt ther; i.n. '- 21 : :::: I ' Bargaining; how to dcalc tlH:rein.z 1.0. r.d Bcggcrs;caufc ofmaoy beggers. 1 o6.z.c.luHic bcggcrs mufi .not be ordinarily rdccucd.9 I. t.<.&.z.d. . <..! Blcffings tcmporall, hoW they become ours. t;7.t.b j ~old~~~~~~-g>.:o:.:tt:.:< ::n:.:. _ _:':_'::; -2::!.:. ' :.:· ~:_ 'Books diuinc, Ecddiatlicall,andh.umane:t.~)- 1 t,c, hercticall bookcs fhould not b<· pubhk– ly fold. .. Z36.1.b BoumifulncsofOod.' 19:. t,.d. dut.ics: fiom thence. 191.z.i Bread, what it Ctguifies. IJ 5.a.d Brother; who. . ~o6,t.d Bruit cre:tturcs more .obedient then man. 180. :z..c. Builders on the rocke.>56. z.b. on the f~od, • 5 8.z. b. c CAlling: each one oughttohauc :> lawfull calling.9.1.-1.d. I p .. r.a. I 37.2.a. our c~lllings l110uld be thc.in!hum€ts ofmcrcie. t? • 2. b. The duties <>four lawful! calling1 bee good workcs. <O.a.b Care twofold. 178.1.a. 193·'-•· the Ghri!lian, mans care.q8.r.a. 188, 1:c. the p~a<lifc of moderate care.t78,T.~.diflru(lfull care with cffeetsand fignesthcrcof. !78,t.d,!8Q,2.C:: 193.1.b. Reafons againll it: lrom the erea,. tion. t!J7.z.c.from Gods-prouidencc.T So.1; b. 182.1,d. from.the v~0itie·ofic.,r.8r.2,o. ir ishcathenilh, r87. ,;b.Godcarcth for '"'· 187.2.d. from the burden ofit, I9J;T.<f Cenfurers c6monly thevile!tpe1fons 290.1,b Ceremonie$ whenabrogared.. 49.:.c Chalenging the field vnlawfull, 8t;·,l:b Chormescondcmncd. . 114,r.d.r 50.1.a Chafht1e_,.how it is preferued. s6.l.b Children ofGod, their happie c/taq:. t9>t_.ll, a ; true note.ofGods child,98,r,.d, childrcp of; 1 wrath. Sz.l.C Chrifia r'ocke, how.>56.2.b his-rightcoufiies, 41,>.c. how he fulfilled thdawe. >4·'·" Church of God, how taught bcfor.e Scripture wa,; written. z 2 ),1,3. it may be hid. 2. 7.z.c. it mu!t be vndenhe croffe, 10.1.d. why the , world -hateth it. 20. :. d. a.fure note-ef the~ true Churoh. e5. t. b. Church an incofnpe– .t~m lu~gc.:2'25.I. a. our Church defended, againCt the nrowniHs. 65.r.a. So.t.c. 240. a. d Ciuillhondtic in{ufficicnt to f::tue any. 41. 2.a I 00, '2.3,~1'-8 .l.,d. 1.4J•1.Q Comfort from God foure waycs. 7. hh Comforts in fundrie tc.mptatiOns. 10.2.h.r77· r.d.zn.r.d · : ·Conunandcments brieflyhandled. 1 < 1. T.~.&c. · 211. Ccmman.dcmems negat~uc bind !l'IQrc thC affirmatiuc.89.1.c.,m:ms con·ceit of kcr:– ping tho Commzndoments. 4l• 2. b. third Z4 -- ~~: ------ ~-