Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I 1i -~-~-J TheTable. · / . 1 naruralf ignorance ofGOd. . I 74·1.-:!·~ -----/ !lureadegreeofmurthen 45·'·b I Getting iH, COJI{i.cmncd, t 37. 2.a Gifts of the Spirit oftwo forts. z t8.r.d GJorifie God: motiucs thereto. 1 26, 2.b 1 GOd: hov.' to concciuc ofGod. 78. t .c. how he may be 1Cene. 15. 2. d. Gods n:~mc what it lignifics.t z4.2,C. of flndifying it. I 25. t.d. whcreto Gods tides fcruc.9S.z.a.Godsom– niprcfcnce. 78. 2.d. po:-Yer. 1 5 t .z.c. know– ledge of his crc<lturc. ro9.r.a.250.2.t Good: what makes a man good. I oo.r.c Goods t<rnporall diflinguiO;ed.9o. z.b. 163. '· d. how eo glorific God rhercwith, I 38.2.-a Golpcl dcli:ribed. 33"·b. how it differs from the Law.34·1 .a. how it rdhaincs our natu– r>ll delirc>. 212. • .d Grace , how goncn, l r9· I .c. \ the good vie ofn:lCurall gifts. 219,2.b. whether true grace may be IoH. I -J-5· 2.c. comfort to theweakeingracc. 219.1.d. Grudges in he>rt forbidden. 97· ' .d Guile ofSpiric, ..,vbat it is> and whC it preuailcs. xo8.z.a H HAireof the head, howabufcd. 8 ;, t.b Happineffc: how tO know our happindl'c before God. 1 '. z~b. it is accompanied with the croffc.J.z.d, worldlings crrc in iudging ofir. s.z.d Hatred ofour brethrcllis in Vs haturally. zoz.I. a. of hating an encmie. 96.2.d. 97·'·d Hearc: Gods readines to hearc. 216.z.b. how God helres the wicked, ibid.t.c Hearers ofGods word; their dtJticoz6a r.d. 2 55 . I. a. all hearers bound to obedience.257·'·d obedient hearing is uue wifdome. 2 55. z.d. bad hearers. z57. z. e Heart, largeiyraken. r68, z. a. how tOkno\ve the fllte ofthe heart.I68.z.b.beware ofde– ceit thcreiO,l)9.1 it is purified.r 4-2. c. it mull not be parted fi·omGod. IJ7.1.>. who hauc hollow hmstowards God. 38.'·a Heathen; thclr infight iilto religion. J J 6.2.b. their conccits of Go·d. ihid d Hcauen :'110w it is Gods throne. 7J.2.c. how the third he:tuen war; exempted from cor– I'Ul1tion. J 68.1 .b. ho~;\' to know our title to it. r6S.2.c Hcretikcs: the 2.bundantc of them in the Pri... mitiuc Church. 23 5.1 ,:1 Hcrodians. 4r .1.:1 Hoarding ofcornc. 46. z.d Honour twofold, religious_and ciuill. 124. z.d , HumJnitie ddCrihed, 1 8.1.d Humilitie. 18.1.)>. daily humiliation. 141. r.b. a ground ofit towards God, 97 .2.b Hypocrite whz.t ir lignific:--. I o6. I .b. kindes therof244·z.a.propcnics. J66,1 .. d. 203.1. <1, danger o[hypocrific. z6o. I .c. \\'hat gifts 1111 hypocrite rm.y h::me. 244.LC I I D olatric of the hearr. 203 _1 .cl 1gnoram pcrfons ::tdn1onifhed.256. I .c.theil' ~xcufcs ! CIHooucd. 77· z.b. 226. t .d. nuns Illumination twofold. r 66. z.C. illumin:uion ofthe Goft>cl may be loft. 174- 1.b I Images of God :tbhominablc. I 14-2.:1 , Impuccd righrcouli1dfc dtfcndcd :1gainft the Papilh. 41.2.d Itching hun10rs in matters offUith. 2 3).J.c , Iuda~Jincaf..1llcreilgion. 229.z.b ! Iudgcmcnttfourc kinds of b.wfull iudgcmc!)t. J 194. r.c. how to iudgc our (clues for fin_~1c. , 204. I. b.Iudgc1ncnt ofothers t\o\'otOld.z 1 o. . 1. d. hovHO iudge rig1nly of others. 197.1. ! d.Iudgcs ofothcrslbould bcvnrcproouablc. 1 202,2.~. R~01 iudgcmcnt defcribcd.195 .r • 1 1 b. the pradifes of it. 195· 2.:1. Rcafons :.t-. g.1inft it. 196.z.d. 198. i.e. 200.z.b. rcmC-, dicofr:tlllllldgcrncm. , 20-2,:2..£! A right Judge in matters offJ.ith. 2 24.1.c Iul1: \Nhar makes a tnan iufi. IOO. I .t lu(tilicacion cotiliHs not in remiflion of .finncs oncly.I40.1.a. lt is by imputed rjghtcouf– ndfe. _ 4 r. z.b.c K T.(Illhig forbidden:· and the kind~s thereof. ..r 47.1.b.d. when 1t tS lawful! to kill. thd.e K111gdomc of God clefcribed. 150. ,.a t88 r. d. it is twofold: gct1Crall. r 2 7· r .c. & ~'ccial. I27. 2-.d, J88.z.a. ho\•vGodskingdomc comes. I 28.z.b. hindcranccs to it. t !9.t .c. funhcranccs. 6.r.a. r '9. 2. b. all arc oUt of Gods k1ngdomcnamrally.I89-.1.a.our duric to get in. - :ibid.<L Kingdomc ofhcaucn. S. I .d. it is t\ovofold. r 50. z.b. Gods foucraignc kingdomc prooucd. I 50.2,c. · · Knowledge: trial! of our knowledge6o. r.a. Godskno~,o\•ingoffometobe his. 250.2.a The fruit of this knowlcdgc.z5 z.r.c.·a mo– tiuc to know and louc God. 2 5z.z.b L LAbour vainc Y\'ithout Gods blerring. 181. 2·,C, Law in gcnerall detCript:d. 3j.I .d: parts of it, Ccremoniall, lndiC!all,1\1or::tll,ibid.&c.'rhc law is perpetuall. 36, r.a. no creature can di– fpcnfe wich it. ibid. d. Intcgritic ofthe Lnv, 37.1 .b.pnmlcdge ofGods la\.,. aboue mans. 48.2.b. 69.1 ,c. how it rdlr3ines our na~urall ddircs, 13 r ,I,:l. Iawes of Toleration. 68.r.a League betwccncpcople twofold. 18.1 ,a Lending handledat largc.9 ;. 2.b.and94· how it becomes a v\·orke ofmercie,· 89. z.a Life ofaChri{han. 2 2. 7· 2. c. d. a pattcrnc of it. I .l3· '·d· 1H.t .c.Spiritu•lllifc. z zS. r .b. etcrna!llifc. 217.I ,c. Rules for godly life. IJ1.I,d.J93·2.b.howGod diecmcs a god– ly life. Z5f.z.b. Temporo!llife harh hi< cer– taine pcriod.t8 2.t.c.hov,, it is lez;d by faith. 228.2.b. mii;.:ric ofm:mslifc. 1-9~ ,"Z.d Light t'v\'ofold. 26.2.a.all Chri!Hans 010uld be lights. z.6.z.d Logicl<c approoncd. 95 .2.c Long-fuffcring dc~crib:_9_~----- 18.1 .c ----------------------------- - ---Looking____ _ _