)- --i Looking to lull, or idle loo!<ing. 54- I. c.~~~ ~~:::·his Arkc: rhc. q 0 uaml<ic ofir. _ 6r.a.d ~ --I I toloukrtoGodsgloric. 57.I.C ! Loi1Cs:l ground ofp:nicnccthcrcin 192.1 .b oAth: twothmgs therein. 7)· z.d. fi.raitc 1 ! I , Louc ddCribcd. 96. 1. d. cx:unplcs of louc in bond of an oath. 7 3· 1 .c. acouthaincd ! prat1i1C. 96. ::..b. A rule ofloumgour neigho~ch binds.tb:d. _an o:\th sateen by crronr I bour.: 01. I ,:~..Brotherly louc waming.~01. bmds,73 .1 .d. ~n 1ndamag1ngoarh binds,zb. 1 I.e. How to gctlouc. 21.0. ~.b th~ Popes dil~cntacihn ffom a binding oath. I / . · l lufiin.hcarti:dinnc.55· r.c.kindsoflufts. n . 7~.2.:1, Phan!icsdotl.ri11cofoarhcs.],.2.b ' z.a. "Motiucs to (ubduc ~t. 55 .2.d i~ldil:cC!:oachcs or (wc::aing by the creature Lurhcrs couucr-fion. 3] .I .d forb1ddcn. 75 .I .a, So.z.d. mini"Cd oaths forM bidden. . , 74.2.b 1 MAgi!hacic :~;·?prooucd. 52. '!.c. 84.1 .d. Obedience twolo.d. I 32.1 .b.ncwc obedience m:~giil:r:ltes dutic in kccpingthclaw. 37· dcfcribcd. ~46. 2. d. fruits of it, 25 7• I. b. 'l.b br:mchcsoht.246.2,d, motiucs to it. 257. M:1mmon macic :1 Lord. J ]6. I.a I ,C,258. z.a. hindcranccs to it. 1-, 2 .1 .c. fur11:ln0aughtcr is munher \::i:ith God. 47·2.,:1 thcr:li1CCS roit.I 3::.2,:l,C.rc!'cmbbnceofour M:1ri:~gc ;~t;cr diuorcc tOr adultcric. JO. r.b obcclicnc: to the .Angc~s. I 31 . 1 .c I M:1ficrs ofbmilies duties. r )O, t .d. 22 2.1 .c Occalions ot finncs, or offences dcfcribed. 5 8. Mcditatioil on Gods crc::u:urcs. 7J. t .c I. :.1. kinds thereof. ibid Meckeneffc dcicribcd. 7· 2. c. and h:.1ndlcd by Offcn~es giuen fixe wayc~. s8. I .b. the way t~ the .ti-uits, and grounds therco_f. ibid. d. and auoid them.58 2.d. offences raken, 6 r. 1 , a. 8.I .d. !vlotiues to mcckcucfic. S.::.b. how fourc hc:Idsthcrco[ ;/;;d, Remedies thetcof themc:ckc inherit the c::trth. 9. z.a ibid. d. offenccsl110uld be: avoided. 5 7 .. 2.~ Merdc Jdc.:ribcd. 1z. I. b. dudes of mcrcie. Op_prcffours: a terrour vnto them. 199.:. b i6id.\L Rules for the cxcrci{i; of it. I 3· I . c. Ongina.ll finnc, the greamcffc ofit.. '24-:!,z,d rnociucs .,·ncO it. 1 3· z.a. 181. I .d. A merci~ Ovvnc: we tmy not doe with our ownc what full nun dd<:ribcJ. n.z.h we will, S9.r,d Jvferit ofv\·orkcs confuted. 14.1 .c. 2.2.1.c. IO]. P z.b. t 36.:: 3.I8z.:z. .b 1 pArdonofflnnc:howGodgrantcthit. 1)9. Mind,how corrupted by Adams f:1ll. 172.1.a 1. b. :1 true fi~nc thereof I43·1·,b,it nmH be Minilltrs office twofold. :8. r .d.19.2. c. the bclceued p:lrttcul:trly. 152."2-.c ende chcrcof. ::.z.c. his dutic in prc:lching. Parents dut1e to their children. z i r.·:z..b. z3.1.c. 24 t . : .b. his behauiour in conucrfatheir prcrogatiue for apprehending Gods tion. 1.7. 1. d. 39. ! . d. his commendation. mercies. %1J.2.a. their fi.nncs, 2I], 2 c 1 d 24r.2.d. hisdm.ie m the word 209. 2. :1. to Paflor;how cucry Chriflian is apaflor.zo6.t.b his llmClion. 162. I .d. oi minifters ca!lmg. Patience in afflitlion taught. 37.1 .a. 133.z..a. z. 39.I .b.c. The Miniftcrs peculiar finnc.~4. 2 32.2..b t .d. tOurc kindes of vni~uouric MiniHers. Peace iu generalIdcfcribcd. 17.1. b, kindcs of 14.2.a. their d:lngcrous cf1:;re. 15 .r ,a, whc~ pc-;:cc.ibid, how to get and kcepe true pe:~.ce. tb.:r miniflcrs making apolbfic from the r 8.1.b. Sl.'2,b,I43·~ .c.howto cHccmcit. truth may be rccciued into the mimfl:ery. 2), 8].2.C z.d. hO\V n;iniflcrs :trclight~,and their duty. Peacemakers ;v\·ho.t]. I .c.toGodward.tS.z a : 6. t .a. their comfon in their pcopks vntoPcac.cbrcakcrs , who and their c!btc, 18.:z.d wardndfc. 40. r ,b People ought to be able to iudge of teachers. Minit1-cdc ofthe wkkcd may be vfed. '4I . 1 .c. 141.' .b. their dmie to their Minifiers~28.1. Chrifh mindkric full of Maieflic. 262. t .a. a whC apeople ccaiC to be Gods pcoplc.8o. yet plainc. 26 r .z..c. cauiCs thereof. 262. I .a I .a Mira.dc defcribed. 249. t .a. Godonly works PerfeCtion conunandcd;:1nd V•'hy.ror. 2.d.pcrthcm. ibid. how man works them. tbid, b. fctlion Lcgail,andEu:mgclicall. 7o2.b.Thc miracles :1rc oow ce:1fed. 249. t. c. miracubelt arc impcrf,a. z.J 5. r.:~ pcrfCtli6 in parts lou:> works no futficicnt ground of new doand in degrees. JO:!. z.b. How Godi cbHd Chitte 238.r .:1. 25o.r.b. isperfeCt. ;/;,d, Moral! !:1w ddCribcd in ~.points.~ 1· 2.:1. hO\\ Periuric ddCrihed. 7'. '2,· c. gricuolJfilcfTc of it diftcrs from the Gofr,('L ibid.b. Popi01 erthis tinne. 7!.2.t. Three k~nds of pcriurie. rour in conft)Unding them. 3;.z.. d. \-\·herein 71.1 .d.whether f..vorn members offocierics they confent. 35· J .C be pcriurcd in breaking their ft~autes. 72. I. Mofcs writ the firfi Scripture. :~I .2.d d. whether he maY bcputto f\\C:uc which i:; Murrhcr, :1nd degrees thcrcot: 4>.1.d thought wil periurc himfdfc. ]2.2.d N Pcr!Ccution :~nd the kindsof ir. 20. I. b. of NAmc,how to ~Yet agocd·n~mc. 199· 1.a Ri~ht in pcrfcwtion. 21 ).1.:1 I N:1tur~l1 con~1ption mo;:kcs vnfauouric, Plt:;rifics dcfcribcd. ..:JO.z.c . 1 ,_ 4 , 1 .a Pilgrim~gc going confuted. 12 ~.2.b I 1 Nctghbm:r t:tken two \\'aics, 95 .2.:1.. we mnil: Pla~c:d:fFcrcncc ofpbcc for religious vf~ <!boj nor inliT him. 210. I .c hfhttl. J !4.::..d 1 _:_===:.::._______ _:_:=.:.:._c--'__ _.::=_:::______. _______P_ome_c__ _ . _.J