2.· eA Commentarie vpon \ -rh''""'~ 1 ~~--------------~~-=~-,_- r~~·f\11~,::::~· i :{- JJJ/f•ricAII"fJit(Jl{F; not.onc\y a'kT10w- \A · .: Sa•elifR!r.tiDifl.fl:ff!i('l\~:: ...·, , 'i ··. i !<'.)[\ o:of lh<.~'·otd;~~t,!~ atf~~" d(;ti;c l"e~~t t.a. · 3.· The pcrf~<'t~9n \m,<l ittCOil'l'_fi!h~~~ of I t¥f/l,l}~o(1t, aJlll\htsJatth IS gdr.r.iill not on~; 9t!<[anEliftcdtjon-a!tcr fftli4il:c, .. ::]. ,•-./. '· : ly to_all men, _gooJ and 15a<-t, bUt CUcntOthe - -+·The· Reforr~EtionOfrbTbotlie)3na rc-vui"tirfn I dcuills chemfclucs: lam. 1.19. Thou belecuefl "'-...:: it 'Nith the tOulc. ,:, thc,r.cis one ~;o~h~~w do.c,l1 we;U: tbc~dcml_ls ..-..- 5. G~?'?fcajio!l ~~bodj~_ancifol.!tc. ~""-. alfQb~ccu~ 1t a1i,l gemblc. \Now be:rbat wtl\_ '' . 6, Liforn'EinjfiHJ\ aoo:globc witJ, Ciod itt b.c~tfr o~i ofcblS~ipcu.re'ncrc is'.onc GQO; i hea.ucu/; ~· · ' "'' .. ,~ , ~; h~ (.)'m betccuc hift~ricall)'_a~'Y ihing ip .'~ '-: ·tr.&1'h~y-flw 1io;wi'th thccyeoftlrd;~- .s,r,prurc._ -{ .., '-, ~ l <J f;. • ~ . llo.. _: d1c, n.eah~r rJoc WC ;f.,.)'t't t~~' hbp'\-(fft)f them, 1 ?-· _,Tt{,r'?lc~lom, or the 6nh of m1r?d~s: r :l~d fo•. dpc we: t~~Y had no bcci:ig in the;:~- 'I )which ts. An tn-.\·ard pc_rr"':t~:fl~~pf,·\.~Ji£~rt";J ::r ~fch!cS _n~,rJtCJP, _neither hawe th~y as yet ~0 vs: rWrought by (omt f})CC!:tl! mfl:mClof the holy but this truc{aumgf:tirh gauc to the; m giucs ro Ghu..O:in.lomc..m:lo, .. vo~hcrcby hc~s t-rucly pervs, and will giuc to euery belecuer., ._:;bJJHthe [!..o,-~dcd,thac God wil vfc hirr. :1s his infirmncnt world l;lficth,tUrh accrc:unc affur:!nct: of them forthe working of feme mir2dcs: this :;Jfo iS..l s·~ :"\hat t\icytCcm~ prcfcnt VntO VS, and we fccmc -~cp~rall,both t? _elect an~. r~probrcc_,{udM had _ · prcfcut!y to emoy th~t~: vvc- canr.ot eni9y any 'I" ~~'f~'hf~e(\q\t\',<~po(Hfll;. t< '\•.; ,, 1;:i' \'. ~f thc;n f~lly;but fjlutng 'F!!ithhach '~'R 9 ,vcr, , ~. ~au1:zg__(co_,nmon~y C3l!cd!u/!f;.,~Jg) farth, to ,gtuc them all ,a prcfcm bce!l:g in oUr hearts, 1.whtch ts, A I.Pccul: perfvva0on wrougnt by the and,_vsJUch arc~d._p~f[l!!fi6·;\ Ofthcnl)as grc~uly I holy GhoH- m the heart of tho(c: thac arc cffccicltghtcth a Confhan foulc: infomuch :ts the ;Cl.u:tlly cJl.!ed, concc:~U~L}gJhpr.tc.,onciliatio,n· l ~cchngof~he fwectnc.:ffc ofthi<; glorie,.though ~ a.np (al~ppon b'* C~nfL .... i· . It be ro ·come, oucl·whcL.r.c.th the fcclino of a j :Q:~tCt\~~9 \~f~<;.'~<?~ts . ?ff..zir/,,, the .third is ' worldly mif~ri.c,rhough lt ~e prefe1\r_.:~:.~\\~; p~:'"Y''\Jy PI.C ~tl!1 m lluspl"<:;, ;'\,nl\alth9ugh Fourthly,tp~addc'd,And thre,idc>tc<. • ~)1the,Jcrcription,&; oucrall t~cdicPJ'! ,there, This word llgnifi~th and tcachcth v-s two · ~~~:lp.me tl1ingsrha~ _agrcs to,?f.h}r faiti~ rpe.l_! thi~gs con.ccrning faith.. . - tr; y.c.~J fay thS g~ll~rall fco.p,e,u1 rh:~~. ch:J.pte.r, is 1~ faithU an ~uidcncc, &c. that is, Faith fo pr.ir.cipa!ly oft~at{aith,th~tfaucs a!!!an. !t ~cconuinccth ~l:c mind, vndc-r_lbndmg, & iudgc.. comC\,'o'S thcrcfor<\ t? kamc c::u;dul!y thc·mmcnc, as thaut cannot but mull ncedcs ~·ea it fi~u-tlio;s th:u conccrnc the praC!il(.of thi~. compcllcrh it by force o( rcafons vnanfwcraf3ith, for it.i:> no ldfcJ~Cn ~ f.1t~jt;g faith. , I blc,tobelecue thepromif(JII; ofGod ,:ertcnly. ··:: S,tcondly~ it is,bal~;. Th.is f?ith,is thcgroHr.d · 2. It~s an cuidcncc,: thJt is, wherca$ Jifc ev.-jubjfancc; for tlic word fibnific;th both. _The ,C ucrlafiing and all oth'r t~ings hoped fot, arc t'QCaning.is.: tl,1ings.hopcd for,as.yct ·arc ,not,and j' inuifib1c,andwere ncucr feene ofany beJeeuer [9,~auc no be<:\ng n.o~ fub!h:.nce: Now fai(h, fit~cc the world bcgann_e·: this fauing f:tith hath that,belccues the pr01mfcs, and~pplycth them, th1spowcr nnd propcrttc, to take th:tt thing ill ib:~ifaith ,gil\CS to t_J1qfc th1n.gs \\lhich yccare it fCJfc inuiliblc ,and neucr yet !Ccne, a.r.d fo i10r (after a (ort) a fubil:mcc or fubfifir:ncc in ( liuely to rcp1·dCnc it to the heanof th!?·bdcc- !hc. ht;arr of the bclccucr :, fo that that thing UCr,and tO the ere of his:minde, :IS that ~ftcr a \';'hich ncucr had, nor yet .kith ~~ccing in it fort he prcfcmly fccth and cnioycth that inui- ' ·rdfc', by this taith haeh a bccing in the lleanof iiblc thing,.and reioyccth in that fighr,and cnWeb.elccucr; ~:his 1 take ro,bcc ~lfC true: me;tioying ofit: and fo the \udgemcnt is not onely '1ii·n-g. . . , ; '~- . conumccd,that fuch a.thing fhal come to.paffc, ' '!l ~[hirclly,it follb\\'Cth.<?f \\ h<).t things this faith though it beyet to comc:but the mind(as farrcis the ground or fublbncc: namely, of thii'[.J. as Gods word hath rcpeaJcd, and as it is able,) hopefl.(or,aud t.J.'it!gs not foene.And thdC bee: of concducs of that thihg, as becing really prc:- rwo forts: c:ther in rcg:1rd of the Fathers of fcnr to the view of it. · thc:ol.d tdlamem ::tlonc, or nf tht.:m& vs both. J Let on.c example iCrue for all: Life·eucrlaHOfthe firH forrwcrc theft.' t\\'Q: 1. The in- D ing is achinghoped f"or: nowF.-tirh,not oncl)' I cirna~i011 of CJ{rift. z.The pnbli!hing of the by infallible arguments grounded vpon the / Gofpcl,both to Ic.wc and Gentile in a glorious word and promifcofGod, conuinccthati.ans manncr:.both rhc!C werehopedfor ofthem, but iudgcmcnt, that it !hall come to pa.ffc, (iniO'" we hauefoene t/um: to th~m rpey had a bccing much as hcc dare fay; that he knowcrh cer.. onely lnft?ith, to vs a beems mrhemfehJcs. taindy, there is a life eucdaiti.eyg, as thathee , 1 • . Now vmo rhc Fathers of the old tdbmenc, liueth and mooncth,) but r.h1s Ft~ith alfo (as thc~r f.1ith g~uc thdC two things a brcing in much as Gods word hath rcucalcd, and as I thdr hearts and fOulcs, though they came not f:wrc forth as the mindc of m~m is able to con- ! to pane m:my 'hundrcth yC"arcs ati:cr. ceiue of it,) fo rc-prefCntcth this life cuerla- ' There arc .other rhi11gs which .._.,·cc h.opc for fling to the eye of the foulc, as that the foule as well :Js they, whkh are to comC",& not fccnc. fc-eme~h to n.pprchend and cnioy this life cucr- 1 in rcfpcCt ofvs both; aml they be fixe. lafHng: : yea, ~nd ofccn in fuch mc:-:fure, as that : I. lujliftcatitm, £landing. in the rcl'niflion of he comcmneth the vvorld,.& ail the prc!cm fc 4 i linFJc.s. licity ofit,in comt::.!ifonofthat mcafu~.~f}hc il ------~----------------------------~-------------------------~-------'o~v_e~' ------~