Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

Thcddcrip– tionuff.1.ith., the u.[hap,to the Nebr. ioycs thereof) whithfalt/J reprcfcnt~th to ~is I A Jiuing with him' ycc were... ~s- gootl :1'5, aL!m foulc: ~nd thus falih n1akcs c~at pr~Jeflt .wh1ch frcmhim,bcc.::mfC they bdcc·uc not in him~Aad isabfcnt: and 1 nakcs th;l.t m3tllfCH a !"I-d vdiblc; .AbrtJham, though ChriH was tO f3r fi·om.flimj which in it fdfc i.:> ~nviliblc: in\1itibk to th) yet by his faith was p'rcfe;ltV•i th him. ,\,• cycs_ofthc bo~ie;ic'~nakc_s: vi!i.b!_c to ~h'e c~re or I. Cor. 1o .3. the :mncicm h?kcuing lfra.:lit.C:s the {oulc. the !Jpht! ofv:h!Ch c1c ts both gwcn ate the [:me fpiriwalt 6;·:-..zd ,. n.r:d 4r.Ar.k_: , and continued ,~~11,.f d~ily fl1lrpCned by fauiag [.c;,1~ /JNn'tmtll rock£ , and tb.-1t rrJc/:s wru Chrijl:r j{litb. And ehus faith is ;.1. mofi cxcellem euidence How 'ould they cat~ an cl drinkc ChriH ti-llo:r.g ofthings not fccnc. So rhen the \.vholc fummc before he :was? I :lr.!~\'cr, rhcy did ic by.n·afon ofthis fir(i: ctfcCt, is-br)cfly thus much;··"·hcrc:ts ofchat wondc!fuH povvcr ofJ!ilh,which mak!;s things to be bcl~cudd;as ~;rfc~Hott ofCanCbfia thing abient, p1·ciCm to the bc!ccuer: bt t~l:tt cation; refurrcChon, rgJotJ~'attcn;~c. arc not faith they rccciucd ChriH, ~s !iudy, as erti:tCft:- yct (cCLlC, neit~cr can.bc, 111 that they arc not ally, ::s much tO their profit and comtOn~ asu-:.c· yet come ro pa!le-; .yet 1-f:rm,:tp ha~1e grace ccrdoe fincc his comming. _ ·' .. tainely to b!leeue.t!v:. .promdcs ot~God, thclc Ifany tn:tn ac.:ke how could their f.'lith apprc:. things {1 13\l hauc 3.bccing to his foul:: in. - th~t h~ud th:ir, that then was not; I anf\\'Cr by gfboth his iud,,emem kno .. vcrh ~ffurcdly they mngthcm intcrdt :md ride to it: :md fo the kt... , (h:tll come to!u.{lC, ~ne\ his !Oulc lnmo£1 iil!~ly B thcrs ~re faid by faith to hattc t-ccciuc:d Ch,ift~ l and iovtUll rcprcfentations, fccmcth to cmoy becaufc dtcir faith gauc .them rigiH and ride irrl them.~ H · ' Chri(l, and in th~ir hcarrs rbe.v klr the cffica.c;c Hith~fto of th-e meaning of-the of !·~is death and refuncCl.io1;, \\hen:by rhcy fidlcffct't, died to Gnnc,and were renewed in hoiync!'fc-,:rs , Now in the [e,ond pb.ce, let vs fer wh3t inwell as \vc.arc nowby the fotmc cffi.c~c1c. -, x, .(truelions this firftcffeCt thus vnfolded doth Secondly, where:.~sfaith.:..makc·s.· things db- ' minificrvntovs, '- ~ fenr, prcfcnt; . \;· ·.. I Firfl:, whcrc:asjtti.rbgiues a fubfl:ancC;& be~- Here they arc con\uced that. tench that the inc' to thing~ that ire nor,we learne that the f:tLords n~ Sacra~<~enqvnl.dfe thC body th~rs in the old Teilamcnt th:tt liued before the and blood of Chn!l: be ctwcr trucly rurnc.:· 1 incarnation of Chrifi, were uuclyparcakers of to the bread <'od winc,ror :tt lcaft•bc inor·a-IJ.Qnt I the bodic and blood nf Chriil. -. the bre"d; a,nd that foJoe is lo·cally prefp1t; and I Ifany alle:tdgc that this is !hangc, confidemufi loc:'ll1y and fi1bfl:uwahtbe rct·~luc-ch:. and .-ing that Chritl had then no bodie and blood, this (fay they) is 1hdno{hcomfdnrzblc rccci~ n~ithcr had he anyv.t1tlll the Incarnauon; and uingofC!uiH: forwhir-Comforc..isit to rc~ciuc I I ho\v then could they rccciuc that which thca c oneabfcnv? but thc(cmOJ.l.kllOwc-not tnis nt>~ was not? table prcrogatine of;true faltlh;Fd.ilb criues.bccl graunt it is true, they thchhad no bccing, ing to things \.\'hich arc nci-t;~nd .n1akcs .thfnos and yet the Fat~crs rc.cciued them'. but how prcfcnt which arc abfent '' they thcteforc. r_l~t \ can this be 1Ianlwer by the wondedull power Will haue Chnllloeallyprefen , they take thi, off.ut.mgfartb, whic.hmakes things tha~ arc not noble prerogatiuc from faich ::fOt: .:here iS •no. in nature, to haue m fomc fort a becmg and thing abfcnt,·\"{bich faiddh?i:ld makeptcfcnr! fubfificncc: and fo wa~ Chrift (though he w:1s \>\'C necdc,not.goe ~n this,So:ct:::mcnt to ·require to come:) prcfcnt totbe bclccuers of the aide a corporaHprclCncc: iris fufficicnr if. \'VC h:u,:c I time. For, Apoc.t3.8. Ci:•ij'f f1~t,Lam6e f/aim: true faith;_t9r that m:lkcs him prcfcnc much ft()1n the begimting ofth~'!orld: that is, fi:tine at more cot)'ltortabJy, might- be his bodilv i wc:ll then as now: :md that nOt oncly in the prcfcncc would be vntd vs. . .. ~ ~ l counftll and decree of God, whereby hcc is If any man a'skc how this can be? I anfwcf, ! boine and i1aine in all timps and places •.nor . Thcfaithofthe:ccciucr knmxcth bd1; 2..nd•y.ct 1oncly in regard of the ctcr:naU powtr, efhcare:'lfon can f.1.y iomcthihg in this cnfc :tOr fup.o I cic, and merit ofhis death, butaU.Oeucn in re:.. pofc a 1t1an lookt.'ror6efily YpO!l aH:ure; rht:r~ fpc:8: of the heart of the be!u~r, whofc f3.ith D arc m;1ny thoufand rnilcs bccwixt his eye :md makes that, that is locJlly ahfont, after a fort the fb.rrc,yct the flar and his eye a;e fQ_,,hitcd trucly and reallyp;·efent: e~;cn (o alfo is Chrifl: togcthcr,3s th'Jt the fiarre is af~cr a fOn ptcfcnt a Lambe f1:1inc from the beginning of the to hisc:yc.So if we regard loc3l difbncrc, web re '\Vorld, a~ farre from Chri!l ascarth.i5 fi·omhcau~h:bui Sec a plaine dcmonfirat)on hcreofin Ioh. 8, if wee reg:1rd the nawre bf Faith'·whith is tO s6. .Abraham f•wc m< ( flith Chrill) ""d r.iOJ· reach it fdfcto Chrill,where euer ho.hil,itr d13t ud: How could this be> when as ChriHV>:lS rcg:ud Ch1 ift is prcfcnt:& v1:hy 01ou!dn6cthis not borne ofa thoufand yeares after. A"f. This be fo? for ifthe bodily eye, to feeble and.weak:, could not be in n:afon. but it was indeed e to can reach fo farrc :'Is toa fb.rr<!, :'!nd ioynctit eo .Abrahanufa~·rh: when:by he fawe Chrifl:- more it fclfe, ::md 10 make it pr·cf('nt; wt.y fhau~d· no·t liucly, and more to hi; ioy and confol:ttion. much more the piercitlgC!yCof the foulc l·c~ch fo many Joo. ycarcs afore he w2s; then many vp to ChriH,and m<tkc him prefcnt to the--c.-cmwhich liued in C.hriGs time, 3nd f=\w him ''nnd I fort able tCcling ofit felfc '? ., 3~;11: ~ i· I! i I • !1 J 'i I I . l~rd him) an_:i conuerfed with him: for' they, here \.Ye learnchm:v to beho~l,~_5'111' \ ._:..o.~---~-~--~-----------n=· .=b--.:2 fch;s_~~-~'· -- -- - ----·- -- ·----~ --