Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I ·-- - ----- - -- 1 _±_,/ rU1 Commentarie vpon _ 1 ;:~.:.;·~,·.r: \ fclucsin a {hangc tcmptltion, "''hereby ~od ·1A thy tcmpr:tuot1, 0 Lflrd tho~t~rh:hoHI!til th 1 J ~- ' vfCth w cxcrdiC his children. The LorJ after j hodreandflfh ofJnmc, ;et. ~tli I ~nf!m the~ f~r th'lthc harb rccciucd his children into his fa- \ euerlajh,,g life: y~, and though Cods :mocr uour, cominucth not alwaics to manifdl that 1 !lwuld fccn1e to cnt..:rcafe, yet fOr :~.ll that t~kc I fauour vmothcnl; but oti:cmimcs puis backe i fa(lct hold, and famt not; Jorfartbwlllncucr the feeling cf it for 3 rime; that aftcr ....vard, hcc falie r1,cc: lt \\Ill rcfl:orc Gods louc wiH:n 1t may t11C\\'C it ag.1itH.:: in more comfOn:lb!c man- \ fecmcs l?fl:; 1t wtll fct 1t bc:fore rhme eyes, \ ncr vmo them, :md tktt they m:~y ati:cr ... ,•ard I \Shcn ir tccmcs to be hid, For rnarkc >vvdl.but ll'IO.rc iCnfibly fCclc it, and more c.wne!Uy lone .thisone reafon; i( f.tith '.>'.'ill giuc IifC cucrla(Hno it, and mo~c carefully labour to kccpc'it, .,.,·hen I \ a b~cin.g, anJ make it.prHcm ro thy d:Puls tht:y hauc it. 1 ,whtch mdecdc yet ncuc,r h:td bccino to thee: 1 No\~ ~Or the time of thi.s cclipfcof. the fahow much more can it ~!ue a. beeing::,ro .Gods 1 ·. uour of God, he notondydarkcncth hts loue, II fJuour,and tnakc ttprdl±ntto_ thy foule which . but makes them ft·cle alfo. {ilcl~ a tne~furc ofhis once had, :md in~eedC"- haJh.fiill :~ bccio'g, and 1 wra~h, as that they w1ll_ohen th~nkc themwas, ncucr.loit mdecdc.,_butoncly to a mans · fduc:s cafbwaycs from tbe b.uout ot Cod. Da1 B feehng? Thus, true faith is able to ani\.vcr this :11id "Jnd /06 were o!Ccn cxcrcifed with this j I tcmpt~tion, whether it co;ne in life or in the 1 tcmpt:ttion, 33 :tpp.carcthby their moll: IamenI pangs ofdeath. ~ ' I table Jnd bitter compl:lints: yt:t Dauiddoubts Fourthly, whcrc:tsf .?ith is called anet~idence; I not, Pfal. 77· 9. to ch:alcngc the Lord, that he~ h~nce we lcame, that the n:tturc off.1.ith £ hat~} farg_ot ten to•··~'!ou.J , 11mi hathJbut v pIn~· :1~c indo~bting,bu: in ccncntie :md 3ffurancc. 1 loJJ111g kj_11dnejfi m dti}leafure. And Iob,chap. fheRom1flt doubt1ng ofthe cffencc of~'ttitb. is 1 5. 2~. con1p~aincs t~ the ~ord, that hee w~ia~~co~tr~ric to t~uc f.1.irh,as darKcndfe (o li~ht: teth /;ater tblfl._'{,J agamft. han, ~md 71Mf:p htr:J rorf:url.llS :lntlld~nceof rl.•i11[;fhopedfor,that is, to poffojfe tlufmt~s of hu youth; .,\·ords, Js 1t 1t conumccth the mdgemcnt by vnfllliblc .a:r.. , may fccmc, of m~n forfakcnofCod: and ingumc_rr_rs; knowing as certainly the tnlth ofthe deedc f~ for that mne they thought of thempromdes, and ofthe things hoped fOr ... as that fclu". lfir pl~a!i: rhc Lord th~sto dcalc wirh ' God is God, llmRomc will needs ioyn<f4ith vs,fo as wee!celc norhwg clle but b<S wrath a.ddouhrmgJ whJCh mdccddight like fire.and wra{Hing with our c.oniCicnccs, lilcither c:u1 watc'r, and can ncucr agree cogcthcr in em·ric think< other:wife by profcnt feeling, but th>t C refpecr,-bur onewill in rhe endcdeflroythc aGod bathforfaken vs; whatfhould wee doe in ther. this pitifull cafe? {houl<i.wc dcfpairc, as reafon 06i,&, But itfeemcth, doubting is a p:m, would bid vs2no, but take rhis courfe; Call ro or at leaf! a companion of faith, for we doubt thindt Gods mercifull promifcs, and his auncias well os bdccuc: '1nd who is (o faithfit!! as em forrner louc; and cafl rhy fdfe vpon rhar doubter!> not? Anf;We do fo: but what rhen! loucJthough thou can!t not fcde it: when thou we: fhould not; for God commands vs to be.. haft mo!l: caufe to 4~fpairc, then labourag:J.infl lccuc, and.not to doubt: therefore tobdceuc, it: when thou haH,~o rca{On to belccuc, then becaufc: it is commandedofCod, is a verrUe: 1 bclccue v:ith all thypo\\'er. For, rnnembcr the and ific be averrue,then todoubt is avi'ce;fJith 1 1 power 3nd prcrogatiuc ofthyf.titll: it bclecucs :mddoub~ingare both in a good man~but faith not things that, :1nd manifdHy appcarc, (o is a worke.ofgrace andofthe fpirit;doubtin.g is, much as fuch things that are ntJt, and hauc no I workeofthefldh, and a pcicc of the cortl.l}'ti. beei."g. So then, v ..:hcn Gods f3uour fccmes to onofrhcojd man. ~ . be lofl, and to hauc no brcing ro thee, then is Fiftly, iffaith be a lubflancc ofrh;;'.(' hoped Gods f:tuout a f1rol>ieC1 fOr thy fJith, which for,. much more is it aft:tbHanccro thc6electJrr: bdccu~s thofc thins,s tlut llrc not. Let oll the i ifit giucthofc things a beciug which :1re oui of deujls in hell fct thcnlfclucs againH thy poore D 1 him, m1rchmoredoth ic giuc.apcnnaneilc b!-c.. (oult·, and ifthou hol:teft faH this fai~h , they / i~g vmq the belecuer ~1im~clfc, firengthening c:tnnot al m:~l.;r thee !mkt· vndcr ic: for when h1m to !land and contmuc m :~11 affaulrs. So, I the dellill faith, Thou hall lofl Gods fauour; by Heb. 3. '4· Fatth is tiJilt ,wheub.J a belemn; ir . faith am:ttl at:fwercth,thcugh G?ds fanour be JhPa_inrdtf11d_vpkoldcn: ~o .chat indeedewem.ay lolhnro my tccling , yet ro my lairh it is nor : firly f.ry, Fa<th IS rhe fp_mtuall fubflancc, and My faith gincs ir a becing, and lo long (fay the fpirituall !hcngrh ot aChrifl1a~ man' and whJ..t thou \,·ilt)I will ncuer fcare rhat jt is loft. accordL!1g' to the mcafurc of h1~ faith~ fuc~ lS When God pulls backchis fanourand fighrs a- <he m~afl<re ofhis fpirimallllrcngtb,_ gainHrhec wirhhis wr2th; J.ocas Ja.cob did, Th1s ronhderauon bath ,dm,ers comfort:tGen. j:. 27. 29. wrdtlc wnh God, though blcvfcs, but cfpcciallytwo: I. VVhe? any ofj thou hauc bur one Icggc: that is, though thOll vs :1rc out of the re3ch of a re.mptauo~ , fo j hauc but one Iittfc: fp<lrkc of{t1ith, fight with long are we confident ofour OY\'ne Hrcng~h : ! tl:ar!itthf:lith, by hold by it on God, and let but when \!.,ie arc· aiTanlted by the Dcmll, l him.JJOtgocvr.tillhech, 7 th 6kJ!Crl rhee ~in turning the world, :-~ncf our ~wne flefh, then we fhall ! dgaine vnto thee his f:utour:tblc cOl\nten<'lncc: finde, that to rc~fl1s an harder t:1:t.tter then i and (ay with IQb, 1 3· euen in the: very heare of ! 1 wedreamed of: for, ;:ts poffiblca~ 1t JS forwa- ------~----~--------------------------·--------------------~------_:~~