_,____, I · then. Chap. to the Hebr. I__!___ / red wlllch ncucr heard offatth? nay rray tllOI c: I A Ibquuc, IHgh pbcc' or Oht\\'ard gJtts: bu~ ;tS I I Ifm:1ny a man whtch hucth m the Church, as I God eft~cnH•th h1m, na•ncly, accor?urgro tile I dccpc (a may be) m humane lcarnang aschcy, mcafurc ofjitumgfltJth,\~hlch thou tcc1t 111. hm:; , and of great kno\-\:kclgc alfo Jn the whole do~ forts not thl.[ 'AOrthy ofthy louc, v....htch ha~.l. ! I eh ttle ofRcllgwn(whiCh they neucr kr.cw)ond purcl>afcd the loue of the Lord God htm· r • \rtr could not nor eucr fhall b~: accepted <5f Jclfc ? : God, oncly fo; want ofthtsfaumg f.11th; How Ftfdy,hcr~ is 'omf<:r~ for'!.ll fuel~ JCtn2ntS ~f abfind is it ro imagine f:JiuatiO for them, 1Nhid1 Cod, O.'i hauing rw:: t:mh, yet ~re ll1 b~fc cHtneithcr had fp:ukc of f.1ith, nor know.lcdgc of m:ltJO~l for :vor!~ly rcfreCts; f.?!nC arc. poor; 1 ChriH? Ler vs then hold,rh.:u as thereu no·1:amc fome m b:dc calhngs, Jomc dck>rmcd.mbo<,y; whereb; to hefmtcd' 6m onely tben~m~ofChrtjl: 10~l~C .ofmeam~ s.i.t(s' man~· in gr~at ddhc!Te & fo no means eo be (aueJ lJy rhat ChnH, but onr).ll!cnc t~.l.l tbctr U~lcs; mo!tof tlictn fame \\'lY l Iy f3ith, cucn thlt faith,-[or wbich rhefe Elders . or ed~er _c_omct.llptiblc in the ;\'~rld: Yet Id I were accepted of God. I nut dus Jttt·omfonanychJid Oi ()od : but k~ Sccondl)r, this cxcellcncic of faith 3bouc 2ll them ~onlldcr what it is that makes thcmappr"O_- other giftS ,l11cwcs the vanirie ofthe \o\'orld; fo 1$~dofG'o:l: not bc:llltte, tlrcngth 1 riches, wi.t... c:J.rcfull and c:nncfi in f~ckil1g ,hono.ur, riches, B <\om~,_lca~~ing(all thcfeperifh inthey£ing)bu~ credit, wifcdome, lc;rmng, { :ul wlHch ca11 but rruc btth:i.f thenth~ haft th2t , thou haft ll1Cr~ make them cficemed and ~pr•rooucd to the then all the rdl. I. thou haft aU them, they' world) and fo c;ueldlCand negligent in getcould but mJ.ke thee cflccmed in the world: ting true faith,which \vill both :1_pprooueanlln bm hauing true faith, thou it'tefiemed ofGod~ 1vnto the world, and m2l~e him honourable in and what matter then who eHecmcs thee, and 1 the eyes of the Lord God. who no~? This cro!Tech the corrupT: .'9:lfurc of Thirdly, by this do,Clrinc, the Popifh dothe world, who more eficme a mat} for liis om... Clrine is iuO:Iy condcmncd)'Nhich te:ichc-th th':tt ward gifts and gloric ofriches or l~arning,thcn a man is iufiific<i byh;s wo\'ks, and that faith is for fauing p,racas. Let Gods children when nouhe mofl: excellent ofGods graces.Hcre we they arc abafcd, eont_emncd, mock\.·d, and kept , 1 :Jre taught other diuinitie: for 1 f"hat for which a from :111place& preferment in thJ \'\'orld, lee l ma~t t! ~~ccepted, hJ that he i.J iuflijied: but for them I fay, appc~lc from thcinbiufi iu~gnten~ their faith only were they acccpted:therforc iuto the iudgernemof Cod; :\Ifd bee comfort~d flification is oncly by faith. Againe, thlt which in this, that though they.want a:U.thing:;("'·ith~ makes a mon accepted of God, that mull needs out them) that !hould make thcm.dleemcd-iri be the moll excellent thing of all. For Go.d the world, yet they baue that ( >hthin the"!) wnlch i• goodndfe it fclfe, "egardeth tlm thzt C for which God willc!lceme, approoue,and '"' is the be!!: but God.e!lcemed themoi1ely for knowledge them both in this world,and in·the their faith: therefore iris the cheife .of oll graworld to come. !).nd they haue that rhar will cesofGo.d,in regard ofmaking aman accepted fiand by then~, when tlrength .and beautie'ore of God. · 1 '· vanifheQ, ~o.,·hen ie:zrning, and riches, ~ndho ... Fourthly,hcrc is :1 p:.1ttcrncand prefident for oour are all ended with thcwd.riQ. . :1 Gods chilc1ren, bow to bc.fl:o\NC and mcafi.tre Thus muchof the fccoJ:~d doChinc. out their loue and dlimafion in the werld.God 3· Ill that our E./den ~} failh obtttincd 4 louedSAlomon more for his f:Jith , then for all goo4 rep1n1 t. Hcr.e wee lea!'ne the readiefi and . his gloric and wfcdomc;and cfl:ecmed I'M.Ore of il1rc.ft way to get a: good natHe, A o-ood name Mo[<.<forhisfaith, thet~ for •11 his learning. So isa good gift of God ; Eccles. 7· J."!t uapre" dealc thou wtthtby witc,thy child, thy !cruanr, . tiotf! oi11tment: it is a thing that all tnen woul'd .thy !ric.nd, and with all men. Haflthou a ~,·ife haue: Th'elc Elders had it, ~nd they haue hide ncuer to beautlfull, loUing? honctl, and thnfty; vs cjowne a pkufonnc how .to get it, and ft is ucucr fo to\\ ;ud and obcd1ent a child; a _mofi this; 1. Get in_to fauour with God, plc~1C hirri, I w1fe a.nd tru!l:y fr1 uant; a fi 1t11d for faahfulncs D that is, co1~fdk thy finncs, bcwaiie .them, oct hkc crHnc 0\\'0C foule? thcfc are lndeedc much p:adon, iCt thepromi.iCsof God in Chri!t beto be cHccmcd;;•c___t th:1\k not thy (clfe 111 a pa1atOre thee, beleeUC'thcm,3pply them to thy fclfe <hfc, \\'hen thou hall iuch ~for-there Ji :1 g1catcr I as thine~\\'~~, he pcrfwa.dcd in thy confdc'nCC m:ltterbchmd, t~:n all th~~c. Lookc therefore that Chn{l a1d al for thcc 1 ::l,n.Q that he haeh pur- ' fu.rthcr: Is thy ~·1k:. d:y cml.d, thy fer~anr, thy ch::~fed thy ::cceptation with God. ,. , fneud c.ncL.ted With 1amng~~~th? that JS wonh Thus ·when tho ... ii art :tffured dtatGod apI morc,tltcn all the reil:th:tt ts tt that·m:tkcs them prooucs of thee, Godcm eafily g.!ue thee a bcloued ofGod. Let that rhcrefore,ma~c rbcm comtOrtlblc tefiimonic in thin.c .owne conflibelt bcloucd of thee: and d~:Jt \\·hieh makes rh~ cnc~,U1d he can moouc the hearts ofall men td I fOhonouta~lc bdOrc God, let that make them thitlk~ W<'ll, :md open their mombC'S to fpc3'k·e . mofi.-honourablc andmo.ft dlcetncd of thee: wcl1 o-fthee-; tOr he hath the hc:ur<; of aif men 1 I .So in aB man, loue t.hat in a man hc.(l v.·hich in his hand. And therefore. thofc [hat are io·hiti I j God loucth; and fo thou fha.lt bee fi.a.enot' to · faunm,hr. can bend th(· hearts ofall mcn,to ap- ~ loofc thy louc. EHccmc of aman, not 2s the I I r.roouc them; yet this mufi be vndcdtood with · ~\ orldclleemcth,not according .to his flrt'gth, fomc c~utions.. . :- -- ---- .,.----- --~-·Jlb 4 . >. Gn~d , - -- - ---.........,._ .,.. -- --- ' l ThedefcriP· \=o i I \ \: •J:' ~ - - -- - - --- ---