1-8 rv1 [ommentarie vpon -,-.= c·~o~d~"~'i""ll_n_o_t_pr_o_c_u_t·e~h-ischildren a good .A bfl: the \VCanngout, but in the ende vanifhcth namcar:JOng!t.allmen: for then they 01ottld be I an_d coll1cs to nothing, vnlc{fc (as 3 rotting curt'Cd :for, Luk. 6. 26. Cr.t.rfod trrcyecwhma!l thmg lcaucs fomc corrupti6 behind it,fo) the 1 r menfpeafz!we/lofyou: But JhC Lord mcaneth, good name in the cndc bccing vanilllcd, that they fhilll bee accqne,l, .aod hauc a good lcaues infamic behind it. And rhis is the name name with the mol~ anci with the beH. For inwhi.ch commonly is gottcn in the world, bcdccc..le,3 gooclt)atnc(ls all other graces ofGod) c~uk men_firfi fcckc not a good n~unc \\'ith cannot bcepcrfCCt in this life: but they !hall God: but that good name \\"hich is obt:1.incd hauc (uch =t goo'd name, as in this world J11al1 by faith, vvill Hand and continue all a mans llfc, continue and inc~<"lfe,and in the world to .cornc :md at his death lcaue behin~i it 3 f~,.,,.ectc perbe \IVithou~ all blot: for finne is the difgr:.1cc of fume, and :.1bidcrh for cucr in the \o\•orld to a man; therefore V\' hen fi11t1c habolifhcd.,good I CQmc. nnmc is perfeCt. ·~ · .Secondly, this mainraines the cxccllencic of . 2. God \ovillnot procure all bischil(irena I omrcligionagainH AthciHs,andallcncmics of good name, nor alwaics: (or, .a. good name is ir,whi<..h cHecmc and Call it a bafc 2nd comcmofrhcfamcp.amrewithothercxtcrnallgifrsof B tiblc religion, -:tnd ofwnich ciin fOllnwc 110 God: fometimc they arc good to a man, fomccredit nor dlimati6.Bur fee, thcirmalicc is here time hunruJl: to tOme men good, to others controlled: our religion is amoH g'lorious and hunfull. Euery one ·therefore tho:t hath uuc excellent profeiTion, it is the high way to get fai th, may1wt abfolutcly affure himfclfc of a true credit and dlimarion: it makeS a man hogQod n:1mc.: bm as farr~ forth as God 01all fee: nourablc in the fight ofGod and iticn·: tOr by it 'it befl: fOr his owne gloric, andhis good. our Eldersobtained agood report, which con3· The good nameth:itGodwill giue hi.!. tinucthfrcfutothisday. children, (\J,nds not fo much in outward com.. . ln the fourth place, J'f'ere they we!lrt'porudof mc·t-ldation, and fpeaking wcl!,of a man: as in for their faith? therefore their faith was nOr the inward approbatio.tl of the confcieuccs of hid in their hearts; but m:mitdled. in their men. They mult therefore be coJucnt fomeliues: for, the world cannt<>t fee nor commend .ci'n1c ~9 be abulCd;mockcd; flandcred, and.yct them for their taith;but forthc pra6lifc off.-litli. np.rwithfiaJHting they h-auc a good n-:~a1c in the Here it is plainc that men mu!t not be content cbicferc~>clt: for they whofe mouthcs doe 2to kecpe theirfairh clofe in their hearts, but bu(eand cot}d<!mnc them, their very confcu:nthey muftexcrcifc the fruitc.sofit in the world; p;s;doe app.r0o.uc them. . # and chen boththefe togech<'r will make a man .Out of aJl.tpcfe".the point is manifdt, that 1 truely commendable.ThyfAith approoucscbct (i;,pg w[llprocm,c his children a good name. in ;c vmo God;butthc prac!i(c cif it is.th~tthat ho- ;h'is·\Vprld, :is fan:c.fotth as iiis a blcffing ,. and ' noursthcc and thy profcffion in the world. !H>r a;curfe: & th:u .. b~caufc they -:~re apprOoued LalHy, in that faith w3s that which approo9f~im,-altd byf.-rlth infl>ificd in his right: for fo ued our Elders vnto God; here is altorehoufc to,~e is the oncl}r way to get a good name. For of comforts, for all true ptofdl'ors of this in rco.fon it Haods rhus; that tl1ofc who are in ·faith. cfl:imariQn,and good name."''ith the Lord himArt thoupoor:? thy faith doth m:tkc theerich fc}fc :.much more will God make them c{lcein G<;>d. mcd;~nd giuc them a goodname_ with men like Aft tboujimple and ofmeanc rcach?chY filith thcmfelucs. Hence we lcarne, firfi, thlt the is uuelvifodotn: before God. cOmmon cour.fc of the world to get a go·od , l).rt thou any V\':J.Yd:forme-d?faith makes thee nan'1c, is.fond. :md wicked, and to no purpofc: ; be-autifltllvntoGod~ They labour for riches, preferments, honour, Art ·thou wc-ake, feCble, orjiclzy? thy faith mifcdomc,and learning; by them to get efiima- ~ doth makcthccftrong inGod. - ,tion in rlieworlJ: yca,many abufc thefe blef- . Art thou bafe in the wodd, andof no ac- 'fings in v:tiueoll:cntltion,tocncrc:Jfe their ere-; D coum ?thy faith m:tkcs thee bono:mzMc in the ditand ~~~m~ with men: and in the me~ne time I . fioht·of God and his holy Angels. Thus thou [;niing faith IS ncuer rcmcmbcrd • wh1ch mufi ar~ poorc, an.d foolifh, andddOrrned,and Gckc, pr,Ooirc them a g_ood n:une with God. This is a ! and bafc. in the \'\'otld , but marke how God I wror1g coutfe: tuft, we mufi labour eo bee aphath iccompenfcd thee:hc hath giuC thee faith, prooucd ofG_od; and then after the goo~ name whercbyth.ouan rich, and be::tutifull, and \.\'ifc 1 with God, i·olloweth the good name m the and flrong, :md honourable in heauen with worlci. Hec therefore that labours forfauour God; t3y therefore withDauid, the lot UfalleH with men, andnegleCts the tiluour ofGod; he VHto thee in afair:gro11nd, andthou haftlfgood- • may get a good name, but it fball prooue a rot- !J h~traqc, namely, thy faith '-'''hich thou woultcn na_me in the ende. Prou. 10. 7, The.memori.- : dell not='change for all the glorie of the world. AUof the iujl jiMilbeblejfed , bttt the. name~[ the J Faith is the true riches , the found thength,chc . is rqttcn: I . Becau(e'it is loarhtOmc and ft:innour ofa Chn{h:m man:thetc1ore take thy fcl{c king in the fa·ce of God, though it be ncuer fo JOOOO, times more beholden vnto God, then I Thc:Ccfc,ip. 1 uonvll.ith. - I I I . wick!dflMilrot. The good 11amc ol thc·w1ckcc.l / · lalling bcai1ti~, ~he rrut wifed~me,thc true ho- .glorious itl the world. :..Becaufc it will not if hce had. giucn thee vnccrtaine riches', the E::.::::.:_:.::...:.::...~:::.:.::_.:.:.::.:.:=~.:.....--.:..:..--=-------.- __ -_-::_· -·----------·crafti~-~