Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·~ 10 . 1 rv~.· Commcntarie vpon n,,,,,.., ... I - --- l U•J•l 01.1.::~:. I I 'I a. In what manner: Orduin,d. ;. By what I A . fe:'l world? Jhe tcxt-anl\vtmh,itlPMord,,;.,d. -~· mca:1es: ~!' Go:lt wo;·~i. 4· Of what mJttcr:Of I Toe wor.ri lign~dicch thu.5 much; God framed 1 n,thmg._Ot thck in order. the Ages, that is, all CI'Clatnres, "illble~~rnd in- : ~ The hrftpoi11t is,Whar'was made? The tc~:t uiliblc,in a moH cxccllchr,pcrfeCl-,:1nd abfojmc l 1 ! anf\.o.rcrc-th, Th:: wodd1. The word llgnifieth in ordt!'Y',i\5~n acampceucrfm~m kc-cp.sthis ranke [ I ~ the origmJII, Az~J,·and Cu it is alfo takcn,H~b. :md order, ~nd no·n.1iln gocth out of Jr)s !l:m- ! ! I. :. 0odm·;,tdc the worlds or ages· by .Chnll: ding appoiBtcd him: 'So cucry crc:uurc. h<'l.rh ! I l .by this word th~ he mcancth thetC two things, l1i~ due p1ace;J11d hls_:propCr vf~ ~fft:s:rcd ) 1 im I' ~ FirH, times <tnd fcafOns, whil:h arc ordinarie ?tG.od:!~ .thatrthc \:'or.kcm<~n!ll!p oftbc~wor\d I ct~atures of GoJJ as w·c!Ins.othcr;fo·ramongfl: I 111 cuc.ry cr.!.!:ttUl~c_, <tnJ :n.cuery rcfpcC't'\r\':fs abI l other creatures ( G'cn. I.) .an~ recorded <'110 ! folu to:: )•~nd. thus ((}rdaimdj is as·muC.h. ~:fcrI I times and fc:Jfons to bee Gods .creatures. Sc.:l I fcCt!y made.• And thc.wholc world t\'!l9~S tl1c : ~onJly, he vndcdbndcth d1e \vorld alfo, :ltrd· pcrf~.:.eLliody of :1 man_;: \~'h.crc eiwry ri 1 ctb1Jcr ~ all h\ it :and tO 1r is trucly tranflatcd. F9r vvirh 1: Oone;i1)ftlf,vciac, ;md ·lincw, is in hiSprone:· 1 I goo~ re3.(on m:Jy the v-.•ord "i!u fignific r?_e.. plac,c·;xt.nd ·notbing oucOf fquare_ ·.: ·. • worla, becanfe th~ world and 3II in it had their : B Obi(Cf: "Wao; cilcry ~hi!l'g cre:ucd in His Ord? 1 • bcginningin timc;haUc thcir, C<2_ntinoanc~ in ,.~ Jl_lddue·p~:icC"? ~Vhcnr:c thl'n comc·fp many • tim~, and lhaH .O:wc tht.:ir endc in time againe. difQrdr;rs t~thc world? •rThc ,dcuill harh his: I Time bcgunnc them, t1me comiuilcs th-cm,and 1 king<~o~~~,·;t~thOfit-iC ;n·:nyc.s,and fubie-Ets; hec 1' time fh:.Jl end tht'lll: ~n ..d fo thc.worl.d is cucry ' rule~ 111 tnc WH!.ked. ~ow can therebe ·:~.ny or~ I way nH:3(urcd by the compaffc of time~ :md dcr m SaJ;:aJ.ts ktngdome? Agaiue; ,\\•h~qccarc , therefore it plca(crh the holy Gho!l: to tc:arrne fo :n::my ih.crations anrl·fubuerfions-of king1 the wodd, and all in it,Age;,or times. '! domes '; fo rnany warrro; (o much effu!ionof Nowwh.creas it is faid , A~t:s, that is, times blood?ThoGofpcl is tr::mfportcd frmil Coun.. and [e3fons were ordt:incdof God; we !came,! try to Country; duUl. di.ffcntions in Cfdes a.!Hl that iftitnc bee an'eaturc or an ordin3nce of priUatc famdics; bctwixt·m~n and man;bctwixr God(r:rcated foi- fo greorpurpofcs,:~s ta be the , man and fon1e crcawrC's: betwixt creature :~nd mcafu'rc of afi 'thl!lgs) to tal-.c heed ofabufing ' cr~atures; yca,h<iucd often vmo the Co d:ceilent au ordinance : if thou:hafi fpemit . often batred bttv\'ixt d·ea.n1rs oftoht: fame kind, we!!, fpEd it rtil b.:ucr.Timc is fo good a thing, J All thCfc being10, where then is th;ot cxcd1cnt ft cannot be frcm wdl enough. Hut ha1t tbpu C 1order 'v\•hc_rcin th.('y yvcr.e.qcared (. ; miffpent rime ( that i>, abufed it) take Saint i ,~ I '\nf\vcr : tbc Jln1c 1{1' all c>earur,ej\ls shan-, PJtUL! coun(dl , Ephef. 5. I 6. R~d~cm~ the til~~= gcd , -fi . rom that wherein tltc'y, wc;re 'trct~\eli, by that i.s;fccins whlt is paf~ cannot be recall d; the fa,ll pf our~r~ P~\1'~1'~Cod made ·"? dif 7 then rccompcncc the lofl.c ot 1tj by the \\'ell I ordcr,i1efmvcueryrbmgrhfltht'h.1dm'\d<., rmd Get1-1. 11, lxHo\·ving oftilllC to come .Spend cuery hourc la~ i: w~ 'VC'I'J t,o~d: thcaeforc it w~sJn.a roOfl wcll..,anrl that thou maiH doe fo, brc ~lw:Iies I prrfe&order: For,ofderly <." pa.r~ c1thcr doing ~ood to other, or rccciuing good . of_thego~dn"ejfeof a thf,\g: hut diford€1·isth~ from other 1 doe cithn, and time is well fp cnt. I effeCt of finne: it emred \ovith l1npe ; a~d_it is And uke heed thou bee nN of the number of both 3comp::~nion and a reward of finuc. Ha'd tho(c that often fay, they c:1nnot ~ell how t"0 1 we continued in our innocence, all crc~nlt:cs driue a"v\'ay tirr...e : a:nd therefore they dcuifc 1 had cominu~d i? their excellent Orddr. :,bu[ m:my toycs, a-nd conccits, =tnd v:-~inc. pkafures, when wee had broken the pcrfc{_t ~r<lcf, that yc1, manywicked and vnbwfull delights: and God had appointed \'S~ it'nn;ediatcl}' 'ail cte3all to fhift off(as rhey fay)3nd decl'iuc the time. turcs broke thanm.!~r "' herein they wereafore lt; is· wondcdi.tll to fee, that the wicked, both towards vs, a,.,J one amongH another. V•.'hofe ti:l1C of ioy is only in r~is '\.\·orld,fhoultl I \Vhii'Hv•cc obtycfl Cod', dl. c~catun;S obeyeel fc akc to hallcn it , and m:tkc it •ftcn'lc 010rtcr; D , ' 's: but when \.Yeihbukc oft the yoke ofobeyer fo it is, the d~uil! blinding tJ:cm: but howdience vnro G?9' ;'Ill~ 1:ebdlcd ::l.gainfl ~lm,thf cu~r it is, feeme 1t fhortcr or long~r, thar f:unc they be:-came dJiobetl!cnr vnto vs. VVhJ} !1: ·wee one finne of mi!fpcndino their time fr. all conlouedGod, :~.11 crc:m.:rcs loucd :md rcucrcnced dcmnethcm,if they had~o more;fo; if accou;;t vs~but when wefell to hate the Lor<l,tht:n _?emuft b~gillen for tJtcry idle 1..r;rd, :l fc:nefulhtcg~n rhcy to h<'ltC' v~, :m_d not befotc. Ifth~:tore 1 coum remaincs to be made for fo many idle thou fccft any dtfcbcdJencc :!.~1<1 h:arcd m the l hou~~s. Let vs t~cn bevery_c3refu11 in the vfe crc2tun:s towards thce,a~y ~i1ordcr and Yani.ty I of rl-: 1 s good ord1nanccof God, and ~1cucr dcamongh thcmfdn~s '. tha.r.l.c thy 1 fclfe_ for 1t, uifc how to p3ffe away timc.:forthere1s no man thou brc)ughtcft Jt llltO the wor!d wJth thy ' tha~. is a profitablemember in t~c place where ~nne.. . . he is, th'<lt can finde one hourc lo idle, that he t,~(Th1sbcemg fo, wee :~re hC"ncc taoght ""hen lmowcs not how to imploy it either in rccci- ! wee fee' any diford-cr i11 ~~'Y oc:J.turc~ not to ui11g or doing fomc gcocl. ' I bbm~ rhc~ l<~rd nor the c~-c-mur.c) but to· turn~ Wrr~<Jrd..tir.ed . 1, to take nonce .ofomovvn The fccond point, in this example, is the ·1 ftnncs and ,.cd'ri·uptions, ~nd to uknowkdgc manner. bidGod tnakc 3 pcrfeCt:·cr an impcr- . , thisv ..'a~·noffo :1t thCfidl:b'l)t ourfinne was tl:~ cauie ~~-------·----