Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I Tl"d<fa;p the rr:Lhap; to the H~hr._ ~ 1-~ hl. l caufc.l)t: lt;and chercforc.b~:humhlcd :todafha.:.t. A do·roe thaq)an·of·hiso""·nC I~nagc, \·v 1c 1 1tc mt'd of our [dues, thAt-·\.\'~. ll'!oUld confound 1 har(1.fct in dry callin:;. . J\.nd knbv... bHthac cxccllcnt o~d(rvAllclr-God tn'lde; ~mJ a11 Jy, that tftbol! ha.dft kup~ t.hdt order, \\'herein ' crcfl~tl~f:.5i (b.ui·fot vs} woUldblue Kept ~Ul this 1 Go:d ar thy crcando ( 3s dlc-tt::'{t C"!.n h;ord.lbu.d 1 ~ d11v: bu~ th<; conm,lon pratl:i.fC is 'ontr:uic, as 1 the<.•: thy n:1rurall glOric \\:QuJJ 11lOJ.C h?.t!t' n.. I I wrl~ P~QOU,C in (':lrticttl:ir,s.i''' '' . ' dOrn-:d the place ihmil)c:irrH,lhcn :-.U ! .. Co...h(ll\Jiie l]l:tns-bo.tlic•purc and holy,:.an4 th1~ :t<::cid<.·nra!l rtnd :lrrifi,::·i:dl :gloric c!\n : .and· 1 i~~~~!~25' thcrcf6Fe1chad no nccdotQ .be but thcr.rfhrc gloric nor fomuch for•thc O:·Jc~ as. l;C ! with !i.~\~H;,-<;aA.t.<:tfh:tdlP,and rhc.ncc.~amc it that ;:tHllhlcd for the Jo.ffc·OftJ'lc orhcr; and !.et rhy I Cod-g:t;Uc lo(-5 apparcU·to coucr rh~t 'fha!}1e 1hat 3,pparcll _teach-dice this ld10·n. · .rJ .. ! finne had brought v.po~n ~s':fo ofc:ther.cfore as a · Thirdly, many m~cn cake much delight fti m:m pupfon his-apparcl~l}c 010u.ld be.humbled flJJl.C .kindcOfmv,ae~ fi,mc in.v~rictic ofme.ats1 and aQ1~uned by it: an.d cl1inkc thus'wich-bim.. n'nd fomc fo loue th~ir hdlie., as th<·y ~:i"rl"not fclfc, This was not fo·:lt the 6rfl; .Aditmsqodic how many crca.turcsJ or kind of crc:aurcS doe· was glori,ous; "''hC~!cc c;tmc tbis ignominic & die,for thtir belly fakc;this is to bc.confider.cdl J1 1 a 1 nc,.which we muH \-Vith :1pparcl1? it For 1take it a great f3ult, fvr l'f!Cn ci;hcr tp b·e came frott) my finnc; the.rforc fa often·as a man :8 too laui{h an.d ca.rcldfc, how maOy crtarurcs puts. i1 on,fo oft 01ou!d be be quite alhamed of they caufe to die, or (though rhey eatcb~t o~e hirpJ~Ifc, v•:htch h.::ah brpughtrhis.il1aroe :vpon kindc) to doe it without alLvfc or further con.: lun:t{(·l(c: fo as now bee Jnutl- _ncc.des haua a fidcution. For, m:uk.c wht:ncc comes this,that cloake to coucr his f1latnc,.,Butdoc·mcn:inake nlan cannot n.ow liuc, or nOt (D wcil; Dut his this ende of their a.ppare.H·?·nay, r~t!her they life mull be the .dcath of other uc~tur.cs,1his ! make it a banocr to dHplay their pride aod va.,. nouriflnncnt a1id prcfcr_u~tio.h, the dHh-uC'~ibn nity; and ·fo farrc arc many from ~.c.~ing afl1a-· of orhc_r ~reaturcs. At rhe. b.cglnning beford med of it, as that they ·arc comra,rt\\'tfc p:.oud finne wa.s, this was not fo ~ no crcaturedid <:i.l ofic. Bu't this is as abominable; and curfcd,and thcr feruC to cl0ath ,or feed c.Ad4m: but this H fcnfclctfe apride, a.s.ifthe prifoncr fl1ould be came "''ich finne; fin ne b~ougbt this vanitie' proud ofhi·s.bolts and. fctters,wl~ich are figncs vpon .crcaturcs,t·Odie for the feeding and doa.: ef his n)ifdcmenour: for, ~;hat IS rhy app:uell thing of man:and had we flOod withourfinnc, (make the boil of it)lt is but a beautiful! do>k no creature lhould houc lofi his life to bee our of thy filthie lhamc: then., as bo'lts and fetters me'ltc. I take it thercf~re th.c dude ofahnuno arc hurdenous, and lhamcfull, though they be ·c moke great vfc ~f his m·co<e in this rcgard.And ofgold : fo is the doakc of thy lhame,thy apfirfi, for me tr.catc tl~at he loucs befi,let him be parell, though it be filkc, filucr, or gold: for humbled for his fiune: knowing thnt ifhe had we fnould !lOt be alhatncd o11cly of-prdinaric not finned, hcc lhould haue had murh more apparell, or batC, but eucn of the moll- gorge... fwccrncilC in other mcare, which not\\'ithfian; .ous; knowing that once we had a glorie ofou.t ding fhoult.l nothau~coft.any creature his lifC, .ownc, farrc abouc all .thc gloric of apparel!: & And fccondlr,for variety be nottoo lauiO,,not the ignominy that finnc hath broughrvponvs, too riotous·: confider ,eucry difh is the death at"' is greater then this glorie .of :1ppardl can take a creature of Gods crcatiolr: confider again,e aw:t}'• • whence .corn~s th~s, thac creatures muH die' Here I denic tlot the vfc. of gorgeous appa.. tO fc~d the~; riot frOm the creation, creatures I reil, to thofc to whom itbelongs: But·l fay to were not made to that end: Innocencic would the rich rn_cn (who, by their abilitic) eo men in haue prefcr_ued all .creatures to..more .e~cellt"n! authoritic,who(by their place and calling)may ends. . . wcarc conly o.ppa.rcll: yea, and ro Princes,who • Sinnc it was, and thy finnc that defireycs fo . 1 may lawfully wcarc fil.kc, filucr, gold; and the many cr_catttres for the bc!ly of man: it is':i mo.ft excellent ornaments ofpretious.frcncs,or D ·v:lnitie come vp?n cr'cntures for mans finnC, : \o\'h:l.tfoeuer: to all thcm,I foty,God hath granthatthcy muil d1c fat mans mcatc. The dC"ml~ I red you thc-vfe of thcfc; bur withall, bee not therefore of eucry .creature, fhould beacOraproud of them,f.or you once had 3 glcric grc{liiuc tOil mans heart: when he fcetli it,it fhou!.cl ter then chcfc, budofi-it by fimtc: and finnc toucb hi:n to the quh:kc, and n:akc him fa.y,l 1 brought afh1mc, which tbcfc canP.ot hidc.For I This creature dicth not for it fclfe, bur.for me; though thy apparelI hide it fi·om the world;yct nor for it 0\"-'DC fn.ult. bur for mine. MitCrablc . c:1n ir not from God: ondy faith c:m coucr it 1 fi-rmer t~at I::~, if I right, I {hould rather I from -Godahcrcforc glorie in nmhing bur thy !.<he- then 1t. made tt once for a bcltcr end faith, bee af11::tmcd of thyotpparcll-: yca,of thy j bt_Jt ·~y finn. hath ~rougbt it to this corruption~ l robe-; and cofllv ornaments.And know funher ' If th1s conhdcrauon rool-;e plat'e, men would t'hat whereas ~\1y bodicby finnc is·bccome [Q not c-ate their or.dinar!~ fJrc with fo little vfc-; vile, :'1 meaner coucr :tt)dbafcr appardl wc.:·rc fit nor at cxtraordinarie occafions be 10 carclrtlC for it. And 1hcrd.Orcknow, t'hat w]Icrc~sGod howmud1 they ftJend, & how manv crc:~turcs l ··hath giuc-n thcc vfe ofcoftly apparcll, andprcthey caufc· to die. • ·. . ,tious ornamcnrs, hcgiucsth~m not to honour Bur you will fly, Cad hath giiJcn vs libcn~c j t~Y. l>Qdie, hm the place thou :'l.rt in: atn meatc:s: di.ffcrc.nccs of 1nc:_:~-~-5!.:1_k:'. 1 _::~·ay ~--~--~--~----------------------~--------~-----~--------r---~--------;,_, ______ -- ~ - --- ~--- --- -