12. 1 <!.11 '[ommeritarie.vpon 1 . -~'''''"''- : ---· """''"''"·! \ in Chrifi-, and God hath £1.ucn vsvfc of.hCs .A fcnne.ircvCnblno.~~,a.nd· iwrtfilllroche world-: --- 1 creatures, not on_cly for ncq:ffititt, but m'ore I VV·hcn thou fccll It, con~dc,r whence is t~lir: I ! libcrall vfe cucn fot gre3.tCr 'delight and comThc~-,.~·~rb nor thtl!f cioatc~:forCo_~[ordll'i>;~dJ fort.! anfvvcr, I gr:mt all this and more to·o, ra that ts;.rna.d'c all crcatu\'cs· 111 pct.fe-tl: 'ordrr: bm I a man ch:o.c.hath faith. I gram, fcafls and-ban..; this comcsftom.t-hy finn~ i cmer inw lliv (cHC 1 : kets lre lawfu\1 for fome met:t on fame occafi- ::md ack;lo~vlcdgc this, ::ind 1 ;he l_tur 11 bJ·c;:.,rfir it~ i ons.I take n0t away :ln? mlns.li'Dcr-ry:inmcars' a_nd do~, J.10t fo muc.:b -<l'onlenrnc 'this near~re GOd hath granted it, ·a1ld man ·oqght not ro t?r hisrimpcrfet'tion·; nOt~ lo:u.bihim:for.his de~ take it away. I oncly v.-Hh that :wbc.n \:\'C.catej tormiti~norhate him fQl'his vcn6'tt!t>;HaS con:: "'CC ;lfo would rn:-tke this vfcbf it: ,and that t'cnmc;·and lo~th, :.:m-d hat'Cthine ownC·!fitmes we VI ouid not too ttotou(\y abufc that bbctt;e .which \.\·cr.clthC caUfe.t>f al.hiH:IC.· '~ Jt. ;-j _.., ' th:uGod hath giucn vs far dJuerfit):' ofmears: LaHiy, fame rake-urczat.dfti_ght·i-n.f<titie'b'uil... fatth g•ucslcliiC ><tdhberttctO eatc; ret faith I dings; a~~d make rlo :re of tha~r>but"for dclight dentes not:~. man to make. :1 hoJy-Y.fc of hts ea.! :1nd J1lcal·urc: but ifthey ·conii'dc'r :well,t thcv tlng,for hts ovvnt: hunullauon,blft ra.thcr·comhaue no fi1~h caufe: it -was· not fo 'at'the crc;- man-dsu;· . . l • J ' £ • J • • f -:c f C tion.Adam in his innocencie had am~tc.fi1mpfourthly, we (c;;c 1t1 the w.orld;that l:r:co.tou:re1 1 tllO~IS Pabcc oni.Ain,-dfor him.; n::uuely,. the p 2_ aotonely-d1cform~nsfc:cdmg, bll~ onc·.ctci: rad1fe .of helucn and c·anfl :·and. yet tree$ tur..c feedes on .anOther, and;onc crc:aurc del \\'.ere not.cut in pie.:es, rior the earth "hjd her firoycth another to·e:uc hirn.Tbe H:\wkcpreo/.J. Ho.:lC') rent:ou~ ofher bawcls, ~or tflc building ctli ondiuerfekindes ofbirds: the Fo:-l fc~.de.iih of~t;Thy finn lt was.rhat dcflr01ed this·Palac'c· on tame birds: the Wolfc Oll.othC1... 3n~c:gre1iJ. :md linne bath cauicd the ncccllitie of thef~ tcr fillies deuourc the ldfc.: Dog~v..:Hl c:art.d.l= buildings: Ho\-\' thtn'oatttl tho~ gloric in thy ucrfe kindcs of,cd:aturcs,Jf.they can come by buildings.; ' \.Vilt thou ·gloric in th.y lhamc·? them. Thcfe chillSSarom"aifdt, lnd fome bf Canfl thou be proud of theft, when thy finne them be common fports in the n·orlci. •. . bereft thee ofa bt..•ttn? ~s thcrcforC:thJ'houfc .Now whence comes thiS fcxrcfull· difOrdrr lS'3 comfort:; fircr.~g~h ', lecuritic, and.: tlcJigh in nature, that one creature fhoul·d·dcuourc avmo t'hcc:fo adde thts one vfe alfo; h!t ir in this nether? carnc it.frOm the .creation? was.rhe conii9cratlon bc:t caufc'to'humble the for thy '\oVorld 6rd·aincd iti this fiatc, that one creature linne. ' · · ibouldeatc vp another? the greater feede vron The -~iford.cr that llh~c h~th brohght into rhclcffc? no:but finne brought this confufion, the woriCI, m1glu b'c !he:\\ cd1n more particuour finnc caufcd this pitifull .malfaere of all . C Jars: but thefe tmy fullice, bceing rhofc of creatures one: by another. Let :vs therefore at I whom \ve haue moft 'ommon vfe, and1rhcre"l. thcfc fights b~ humbled for our finnc, which fore. db~mofi common1yGbufe. eaufed· fo fcarefull a diforder: when thou fedl To ,onclw<ltthis point, Ifly vnto.all men: 1hy Hawke !lie fo firccly and fo cruelly murder Doell thou fee what diforder is now in the 3 tl.Uy birdc: thy Hound, the .Har,t, Hare, or j world, in thy apparell, mcate, rccrcat~ons, Cotmic; then, as God hath giucn thee lca.ue i-n buildin,gs?Scc!hhou the confufion,vanity,cor... good order, meafurc, :and momner, thus r.o ruptipn of all creatures: thc\'ariance,dHfenlldeale with the(rcaturcs, 3nd therefore thou 1 1 on, and hatred of crcaturc5 :1mongft them... maifl:take delight in it: fo, withall make this , 1 felucs? Canfi thou fee all this,and either not rtvfe ofit;whencc: comes rhis?it was not fo from ·1 gard it at all, or dfc take delight in it? This is·a tbe ' beginning: VVi1cn f1nnc w~s not in thC curfed andabhomin:tblc d,clight. Ifa riCh man world,thcfe wouldall h:.1uc Jodgeti in one..cage ', {hould confllme all his wCalth, or throw it all and cabbin,and one neucr h3uco-ft"crcd to.hauc .\ on hc:tpcs, and then defperatdy fer his houfe I eaten another: my finne caufcd this izrrc.., and 1 oiTfirc, hath he any caufc of ioy ro fee rhis? If rhis·diforder betwixt thcfe two crcawrcs. Thj.s D ' he fir {till at th:s, you \\'ill fay flee is fcnfcldfe: O,outdhumble :; man,becauCe of his finnc, and i but if hcc laugh at ir, he iS'Inadde:SoCocl crcrcftraine his life from· too much hbertie, :lnd atcd man rich in all blc!Iings,ptlt him into the b-., affectiou from too much dcJ;ghr in thcfe palace ofthe world:garniJbed this houfc ofthe kind of p":lfiimes. world ·with exceeding bc:aay: his meatc, his Againe,whcn we fee the cruelty ofthe Fox, app:lrell~ his recreation, his-houfe were all exthe \Volfc, the Bearc, tOV\'ard the fh~cpcand ccllcnt and glorious i hcemade all other crc:~.- other creatures; BJ;:~mc not toe much the cruelI tures, ::tmongft whkh there '""~s noth1ng but t1e of the bcafls: for this \\'as not in them at I concord, louc, :~grecmcm,vniformity,comclithc:ir creation; but thy finne made them thus neffr, and good order: no\\' man by finne fell; cruel one againft another. Turnc then :mo thy and byhis fall, not onely fpent all his riches fdfe,and be 2l11amcd of it: a~d blame not fo (th:tt is,dtfaccd thr gloric ofhis O'\o\'Uc eflatc:) much the crueltie in them,as thine ownc finne but alfo fee his houfc(that is the ,,·orld)on lire: which caufcd it in them. that is,dcfaced th': beauty ofhcauen and earth: Ag::~ine, famecreatures arc \'npcrfctl-, fomc 1brought confullon, corruption, V:J.nitic, defer1 in p:trts of their bodic:, fome in fomc fcnfcs : &. mity, imperfcClion,and mon!lrous t.Hfordcr on I I (f>lne arc loathfomc and vgly to behold: and all crC'ltures; frt all the \•;or!d togrrht"r by tht' ____j____ _ . _e:rcs,~_l