Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

the u. [haf'.IO the He6rl I 1$-- 'I ,, That C4in and Abc!offered, that is, fer- A Ad.,nwas the Grfl father, s>Jd f,;hrr of vs ' --- ~~ ucd God. all; l<!t all then follow him in r!Ji.>pradif£: {ln'<:l. l: • ... 2 • Thlt rhcv offered S:lcrificu. if we followc him in one, folio\'\ e him in both; t ! 3 • That Ab'etoft'trcd 11 better~ then Caiu. DiLt<T~ will bee as carefl!ll for their bodic:<r<tnd ' l The firftpolnt cont:lincs dlcir fCruicc in gc.:. fOr their callings zs A damwas, ?uc ho\\' ft\\"C'i ncrall: rhc fccond, their fcruicc in particu!ar: arc as carcfiJll..t:otcach them rcl1gion for rhc, 1 the third the diffc:tCI1£C ofr;hcir f~rtlicet lvhcrpreferment of their fonlts to J1fc C'terllaJI ?' but!~ in cij>t:ci;lly will appcarc rhc cxcdkncic ofA... parents mufi hau.c c:uc ofboth ~hcf-:: eifc: they ·~ bets faith. fhall anf~;vcr for their child at ofiudge4 Firfi, .AbelandCain,thc two firfl brethren in' mem: and though he pcriG1 in hi·:; ownc titl!lCj · 1 'the world , ~~r(d facrifice to th~ true God. yet his blood wiU G od require at the Fathers How learned they this? for they had no Scnphands,. For God made him a father lnrhis rooM~ ture ,it was penned m:rny ycarCs afrer; n~mcly 3nd he difchargcd not the dutic of a father n'fL byJ'Jofu fidl ofall. I anfwer, when tlwr Pato their child. rents .Adamand Efl~ lt:1d fallcnJGod gauc them Secondly, in that Cai11 offer~Zd, a's \\'e"ll as A : (of his infinite goodneffc) a concnat:~t ofgrace E b(i; hence we lcarnc diucrsluHruCHo.ns. . ,, that th( fo(dc of th( woman jho11ld hrMk! the 1. It is a cOmmon opinion; rha.t ifa rt1:111 forpenu /)(ad, Gen. 3. q ·. wee doubt not but .walkc duly and trucly in his calling, doing na j our firll parents rccciucd this couctlant, and 111an harmc, but giuing cliery man his ownes bclceucd the promifc; an1 this ,tbejr f~ith , and fo doe all his life long, God wi!l rect·iuc ta~ght them how to worthip the true God him, and fauc hls foule: butthc truth is thi-s: : 1f1 :anghc. rncn doe thus, it is good and commcndabf(!: [ You will fa)': thus A dam and Eue learned and they muft be exhorted wcominue :but if o~ God; but howcame this to Cai11 and Abet? they{bnd vpon this for falu3tion, they c2fi a.:. I anfwcr, when they had bcene thus infiruCted ;way their fouics. Fo.r markc here, Cdbt wasd!: of God, .Adam as a faithfull feruant of God, man rhat walked in an hon.dt blling,and m01'<;' taught the fame religion , and dcliucrcd the then that, hcc tookc paincs, a."nd labourcJ )Jtit fame doChine to his children: and by it they {which 3il men doe not that hauc honcft cal"' were taught, what. to whome, and in y.•ha't lings:)Andmor~ then all thcfC, \\•hen A belojfo:.. manncrtooffn facrificc. And thus ~hey-did it r(dJ he came and wvodhipped God alfo; ~nd l1c: nctthcr byScripture, nor rcueJation, nbr their did Ol\t.Wardly in fuch fort; as no man c·ou!.d owneinucntion, but by the infiruCtion oftheir C blame him, Uu.toncly .God that fawc l1is heat~!'; Parents, And for all this, yet is heaw;ck.i'dC;ti•,and that Hence let all Parents lcarne aleffon of Ais all thatthc.word.ofGod:giues him, r. Ioh', dam, the firH Parent that was in the \'\'orld; 3.1 l. Then it is manifdl-, that eo w:tlke: in~ pamely, toprocure the good oftheir children: mans calling iu!Hy & vpright!y, doing no man I he nourcered his children excellently: r. Hcc harmc will not feruethc turne. Caindid itJ a:nd prouidcd for them till they came to :; z. .yet was accurfcd : \\'cc mufi thetl goe further ;r'hcn bee left tl~cm not, but appointed them ,then Ca;11, cls wee fi1all goe with Cain to the thctr callings: for one \Nas :111 husbandO}an;and :place where he is. . ·. , the other a!hepheard. 3· Notthus oncly, but Reafon not with thy felfe ,.I worke hard and he taught them to worl11ip the truc·God, h9th _followe my calling, I hurt ilo man :.thus could in their callings, and in the pnCHfeofreligiop, Caine rcafon, and yet but.cut'G:.d Cain. Thou and therefore he taught them to offer facrHicc ·mufi then befide thcfC, get that rhat CtrJ;r di.d in wayoftbankcfuln·e!fe vnto God: :.~ll this did nQt; Le:.~rnc i'l1thy confcience to fee and fed eo .A.dam. .thy Gnnc, to be grieued fo~· it, fo as thou tn:Ji(t · So mu{lthou doe with the children which _fay; My fickeneffc, my poucttie, my uo!fc:s ·1 God bath giucn thee. I. Prouiclc f~r them D _grieue me, but nothing fo much as my ownc ca.tcfully ciU they be of age, take hecdc they fi.nncs, thcfc trouble me abouc a!l J and this mifcarric not any way for wane ofrhings needgricfc f.,,,lllowcth vp all the rclt. And rhere' i's full. ~. So bringthcm,vp 3s that they may bee 1 ·~mother thing which I feck n.boue ali;not (old, apt to liuc in fomc godly calling '1\·hcrrbyto do Jilucr, or promotion; but reconciliation with good in his Church, and that calling thou my God, and his fauour in Icfus Chrifi; Ifthou mufi appoint them, ~ccording to the firncsof ,hall thcfctwo, then thou gocil beyond Cai~, their gifrs.Adam appointed them n<i> both one then f11alt thou fland before God with Ab:! ,I calling,but diucrs callings according to the di- !lnd be acce-ptcd.R.cmembCr thCfc tWCl; humili-· ucrfitic of their gifts: ~mJ thoumu!l. fq~ it be a ·~nion for finne;·and defire of rcconciliatiorr: law full and honcll ollit~g,for fo <ln;: bot\1 thefc. •thcfc rwo is the fmmne of religion. If tbbu !hen 3. (the grc>ee(t matter of\Je) teach hall thefe, ihou art blcffcd with Abet, if not.. ~h~t~r,cHgion, and the true manner~Q,f:fearing curfcd with Cain , howfocuct' thcu liw:fi in ., ~nd wor.fhipping Gpd; that as by·t-h~-twp firft, the world. If thou f:-.y • Cainq l<ilkd his · thY. childmay liuc "';'dl_!n this w.or~l.[,q by this brother, ·!lnd jQ would not I doe for all the ~ he n1:1y bee made :m heirc of the kmgdomc of . world> I vvil doe no man hurt in bodic Ot ) ', I he:uen. - ~- ' .. ' goods; This"will not !crue: for it i• r,id that I j' ~----~--------~------------------- ---~C~c~·~--~------------G~ -J~od~ l --- -- . Abd~f.tith.