' I 1. \ i ----------------------~------------------------------------------------------- e./1 Commentarie vpon \Ab<>,r,;,,, God had no rcfpcCl to C.1i1s4forc h~ killed Ius A l no m_ore but it in the \t•orld : forj'.lcrificc to brorher;cucn.\\'ben he oJCred his facnfice: and God 1s ~ ~gnc of the Church : yea , aud bc11dc thcrforc this dmie is moH nccdfaric, and there the f:.tcnhn:, they had a plo.ccappointed where is no t1tifting it off. .AMm and bis familic c::unc tooerhcr to wor- _2· Cain offered as ,.vell as A bel; yea, Cain 01:p God; For, !0 much Ctri;J imim~:ncth, Gc1~. offeredafote A bel, as \t is manifeU: in Gen. 4· 3. 4· 14. and t6. C11i'neweilt out fi'om tl~~ prefoncc ,And yet Ahc!s facrific c was bencl' \\'het\ it of the Lord, that is, net onclv out ofhi-s fauour came to the proof~, ~nd '-''as acccpu.:d, :md not and protection, but fi·om rhe place of his foCdns which \.:nine fidl. Hcn<"e we lcar~lc,tlnt l lcmnc fcruice, and "''here he \ovontcd t'o.m:mim:m may be more forward then ttl!lny other \n fefl his fpeciall prefcncC,to his chilrlrtn fcruin•' many outward dut;cs of rcl:gion, and yet not him: :u1d therefOreCain, as brcing exconum~ .Pe acceptedofGod::tllother mayrnot be foforriicate, compbinrs (Ycrf. J4.) bccauJC'hc mull .ward to the dutic, and.yct when he comes, be lcaue it. Thus the Church hath bccnc frOm the I better oxccp;:c:d. W hence comes this? what? is beginning, and therefore is trucly called Cal.forwlrdndfc in good duties a f~ldt? Nothing tholikc. Llcffc: b~t hCnC<?: iii~S) he that outwardly is mofi The Pa.pifis abufc th.is place not<?rioutly; for ~ for.wotrd, m:1y come in hypocrific and vl.'irhout B whereas the Churcb h:fth .he\:nc fo auncient, {.zith; the watit '\.Yhereof makes his for~.-\'atdthey argue therefore it is n.boue the Script:rte: ncs ncrhing·w:orth. Many fuch h~uc we in our yea, and that we could not know it to beS(;ripChut·ch : great,frequcmers ofpl:l.ces and exertttre, butJby the aunciem tdlimonie of the ·cifcs ofreligion; l.nd yet they comc'but as Cain Church. d:id,or it m:!ybe in worrc intcntS.Thy fOrw-ardVVcernufl: knowc the Scripture is two waies ·ndfe is to be commendcd, but- take this with tobe eonfidercd: firll, as it was written and .thee alfo; Care not fo much to be fir it at the penned by holy men, and fOit is later then the :Sermon,or tobe thereoftncr then other, as to Church : for M ofu V·!aS the firft penman of go with trucfaith,tcpcntance,and a heart hunScripture: hue fceondly,as it is the wordofGod, gr.ing ft!f gr-o.ce; if not,bofi not in thy forwa_rd~ the fubfiance. fcnfe, and truth thereof is much ri~s; c~m offered afore A bel, and yet not acmore auncient then the Church: yea, without c~ptcd; and fo tli'ere 1113)~ -com.e an .Abet after the w·ord ofGod,there can·bc no Church:For, thee, and bring faith with him, and 1xacccpw)thout faith is no Chureh(bccaufe the church ied,v.!hcn thou with thy hypocritical forward- · is a companie of belceuers) and \\•ithout the. nes{halt b.c·reic&cd,as ~P.in was. ' ' C word is no faith; therefore no word, no faith; ' .:Thirdly, did Cain o'fl"cr .. as weir as .Abet? no fa.ith,no Church. So then the Scripture was Hef'lcc we lcarnc, that the Church-militmtt is a afore rhe Clmrch, but penned after. · .mixt and compounded companie ofmen : not Tlms we fee that Cllinand Abet offered. of 0ne fort, bu~ 'true bclccucrs and hypocrites Now fecondly, what offered they? focriftmingled together: as here in the ve-ry inf:mcic ces. Sacrifices-...,·cre vfcd in the worfhip ofGod ofthe Church, there was Cain worfl1tppi11g in for two ends. I. When a facrifice was offered~ fhew, as well as Ah.c!tlllt worfl1ipped in truth. efpccially ofbeal1s, when aman faw the blood So ,,\·as it in the infancic, fo in her pcrpetuaij ofthe bcatls powrcd out, it put him in'mind of gro\nh, ah(L\o fhaU it be in the la(l age of the his own<: finncsand the dc(ertofthem.& taught Church: the good lhall neuer be quite feparahim to f:1y thus: EuCas this creature is here flain tcd fi·om the bad,vmill Chrifl himfc!fc doe it at and his blood diflills and drops away; fo my the lallmdgemCnr. Goates D1::lll alwates be 1 finncs d~fcruc that myblood fhou1d be ·fhed, mmglcd ;:.mongrhc D1ccpe, tzll Chrift tJg great 1 I and my fol}lc be drenched in hell for eucr.This jhu pehedrd doe fep.C:ate r.hem himfe!(c , ~attk. 1 cre~turc can die b~t onedeath, for it finntth ~5 .;4. And hc.that tmazmcth ap~tfcCt 1cparanot; but my finncs defcruc both th~firq and tion till then, imagineth :1 f.1ocie 'in his.bra-jn~, (]V fccOnd dc;t'th. ~ ' and fuch a Church, as canmot b·cfOund vpon t· Secondly, facrificcs ftrued to put them in ··the earth. mindcof'th!! Mcffiasto come ; and the ihyitlg · Th is bccino fo,1ctno man thetforc bt afi·aid of the bcafls fl1e\\'Cd them how the Meftias to ioy11e himf~lfc to thevifiblc Church;neither fh~uld fl1ed his blood, ~md giuc his life for the ler~'lny that arc in it goc our of ir, bccaufe the 1 finncs of the people. Thefc ::ue; thetwdpdnci.. had3rc mingled '"'ith thegpod ; fOr fo it hath pall cnd~s Offflcrifices , :md.fc.::r thefe n~·o ends · bcen.c ~hNaics an-d cuer will be: he then that didCahJ :tnd Abet offer; Cammhypocnfie and -·w.ill goe out ofa(Jhurcb, bccaufc there be hyfor f:!ll1lon fa.ke; Abet itJ nurh, confdencc,and pocritcs in it, m'ufi goc out ot: rhc u·or!d: f~)r ~ fincer~tic. ' . . . . . fuch aChurch is not found, bur t:yomphant 1t1 ! ' . As tt "'':t.s ~~the old fa:~1fices , fo 1s ~s·~~~ o.ut he:mcn. Sacran1cnts·ofthe ncwe l'cHamcm: .,., llC1·c0f, Fourthlv · in that Came a.ndl A bel ()f!Crtd, the facrifices {,•ere all ty~Cs": in b~ptifinc"', hence we l;a~ne,th:u the church ofGod ~~~ich ! . .fprink,li·ng.~ ~~~ the \\'Ol~~.r !~eh!~ to ·.1J1'C~~.~~Vs tri.J}yprofcfT'cthbis nJm{',fJ~thbecJltCUCrfll1CC 1 how· fiftluJy":we are d~fi.lc(:l With our. OWn<: rhe beginning of the world. For rhis Church , finncs. • · · · 0 \ ' V\ as in~hc honfhold of.Adnm. "''hen there was 1 2. It fignilics the fprinkling ofthe blood,0~ Chrilhp16