Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

·------~-,"~-·-· ·--·- j the the He/;r. 19 1 · I~ I i not able to fatisfic: Gods iufiicc; then , in !lead offauino vs theywill condcmne vs. Therefore with Afel!, let vs goe out of our (dues, dcnic our (clues, and cl cane oncly to Chnfl:s righrc.-. ouft1dfc> in lifeand death : this is the way that ncucr will deceiuc vs. But fomc will fay, We walke in this waic. I an(vl(.cr, He, that v\ 1 alkcch in a way, may be tra– ced by his £lcps:fo then, !hew your £lsps ofho– lindfe, of deuotion, ofcharitic,&c. rhcfe mull !hew your faith: lcauc thefe llcps behin<\you and then your faith is good. Thus did holy A– b:!l:bclccuc thou ir,a.cknowlcdpc it,and follow thou afccr him: & renounce an oy-paths ..,,,hich the P.1pitls, or thy O'.\Oe braillc imagineth. Let this one doClrin tinke into thyheart in Head of m:my, and let not thcdcuill ftrakc it our.For,if thou w~lkc in this w:1y, .. my foul~ for thine it will bring tbc to hcaucn: if not, on: the l:tfl: day this doctrine will condcmnc thee, becanfe it fhc_ .. ,,cd thee this \\'3Y, and thou '..Vouldcfr not walkein it. · '1 Secondly, obferuc: He, Abcii"'M~pprooufdand a.cceptcd of God. How prqoues he that? Becaufe his worke pleafed Ggq: as who fay, his workcs c3nnot plca(e God_, vnietfc his pcrfon doe : therefore in that his wor~C$ doe, thence he concludeth that his pcrfon did: it is the rcafon.ofthe holy Ghoi!,and thereforcin– fallibk. ln iheframing ofthisr<afon, the holy Gho£l tca.cheth vs a gteat point ofour rcligionmamc– lf, that lir£l a mans perfon mu£\ ,p.J,afe God afore his aCHons can. And after the perfon,thcn the aCtions. This is pJaine in thc(c wOrds:for it is faid, bee firft obtained witncj[< that bcewM rigbtco"' him[e!(c, and then God tejliji:d af bu gifu: So likewifc mote plaincly,Gcn. 4-4-God had rcfpeet foft to A6cll,and then to hu ~lfering: So that the trut~ is manife£l,No work pleafcth God afore the worker doe.This becing fo,hath excellent vfcs. .... . Fidl, it oucrthroy.;etb an~ain~ pillCr ofRo– tnilh rcli£i,on: luJiiftcittion Gy work,s. _For how cana~nJn,bc lufiificd by his workcs, when, he himfe-lf~ mufi be iuft1afc;>r~ the work~~.can bee? Vnldfe he be iu£l, his wotks be wieked:ifthey be wicked afore his perfon be iu£l, \>ow can they the iu!lifie him. And ifthe p~rfon be once iufl, what ne.~ds i;thcn to be again_ejufl:ified by wot·ks? Good works, make Jl~t a good, buu good man makes a workc good: and lhal . that worke,rhat 0}. ~31] m~de good~ returne :3gaine and makcthe man g6od? J. That is ab- . furd in.rcafon : And>. It is needc!dfe. For, I the man is go.od alrc:~dic: elfc the t-\•orke could not haue beene good. \'Je may therefor. f.,y, I workcs are rathcriu!lified bytbc pcrfon of a man, then his pcrfon br, the workes: and it is a I , mo!tva~nc thing to look for Iu(Hfi~ati_on _that.wh•th thnu,thy fclfe mu£\ fir£llll£l1fiealore . Jt.~e 1fwc had no other.rpafons ag3in(t iu1 fhncauon by.worke_s but th)s,this were fufficicnt; . . ... ,~ A I Second!y, hence we lc~roe, that ti!J ·aw~n 1 bee clilcJ, ::md his p!:rfon ~i1fhficd 2nd f.1 nctih-. ed, all that cucr he dorh is) innc. J , His cotunldt; a£fJonJ, his cating,_drinking,ilc~ping,wal~j1g·, ! t3lking, :ore a.ll flnnc:.._YeJ."l,.,ttlc worl~ftliJ~ JJW./ callil~~~ and htsJabom ill ~h; f~.n:~, rho,ugb ~c,... ~er fo JU!l, cguall and vpngi]Yt.,_,j . Fun:~~~, 11,!!1 j d!1i~l:ttElions1, the praC~if~ of CilliV. yr:r- 1 tues : J~ls ou~wa,rd grault!L~ mcekcndT~J..,f<~.J bricric, tcmpcranc~, quictnc!f~ vprtghm{\lfr~ and.~H'9utward conformity,arc all linnq ~,.~?1 more then a_ll rhis, his bl.'ft ~Elionr,, namc}y, J1'~ praCbfing of the parts of God~ wor!bip 1 uy~.i~ I deedcs of d~~r.itic, his pray~r. his hearing the word,his rcceiuing ofthe facramfrs,his.giujng ofalmcs;thcyart all finnes ymp hi_m,iflteJl:~~' B not a bdccuingand penitent. hc~rt :. yqa. (t}F~ (inncs as fl1a.Il condellU1C him, it be h:1d n.o H· ther. Ob;ca.: This lriould fc£mC (tr::mgC·~i~G nitic, that lhe mofi ~oly a~hons, as pr:!.i~r),{S)f: !ho~l.d be d'!(Ollable finnes.~ ao~ver,tl;oy atl(iu th>mfclucs holy andgood, :jn_d as farrc f9r;l~ '!' Cog,hath COlDI~]~ndcd th~.m ~ yet ~n th-c,;~'PH they arc lilli1C:SI., Q~caufc ~<;·.9.~ih rh~m fi·.01\1:J. foulc and v_qhqlyheart: (or tl!e fame :>}'ti§p may be holy in it [e!fc, and _in.rcgord of j:;;?.ll the author .o.f !t, and yet a(lnnc in ).1im t~Ja,t..,l:t t~c doer o~ic,As dccrc wa~e;-,purc in thc:fo~~.n~ tain, is corrupted orpoifq,n.ed by runnjng,. rough a filthi.~ and pollutc;d f)Ja_nncll,; .fo-a,r.c_Cf uen the bcfi aCtions, -hOpe-s,: as eue_~l rh:t··,pr~~! ching oLt~c;wo_rd to a mini(lcr, Y~hofc hf~Uf c is not clenfcd by faith, an~. _his pcrfon acscl'} tcd of God;,~r is a finne vmo hi.t~l,~nd(ifJ.W:!.hf pent not) fhall be his-con!iemnation. C~Y!.flJl-L ncd not Of!dy ~n h::uipg a,nd 1,1Wrtl"\c!iHgg1is brother, in lying and dHf~rpbJing.'-tith O~d) but Caine finned alfo cucn offrjn~!as_t:i~cc. And AGels faerifiec had benc_a damnnblc ljq!lf,~ but th~t his pcrf~n .was iyfti,fjcd. before; (,\;pd. And rhe rcafon.ot alJ this.~is-g~.:rd.:.for t1o.t4ing in the workc is able ro mak,c a~1.~CHon, aSicsrt,a.. plc to God, .but onely t~eafseptati'?!J s>'.c yerfon by Chri£l. This beeiQg,fo,it £lands VHr ,ucry one in'hanq tq ~ook!!.tO g.u~.fc.lucs t"'and.!ip laPour ab_oue all . things fo.t ,f?l~th an4t~pHn- ! tficc:that ic;:> our pcrfons may.~~ ac~cptcf rjg~t~ous before God, and thereby-pur aCtiou~Jac.- D .ccpted alfo. !fit be a mi!crjlb}e thing,,(h:y: ~ll thy at\ions,cucn holy a6li"!lt1hou1d b 0.f!nr."; then labour to be iuilified; fol: that .make thy ,Aorkcs acceptc 1:-ifncrt;thcn thqugh th,ou labour ucucr fa mocll tO .be approoucd in the world;, and fer ncucr fq,gloriotrS afh.~~,. VP,– on thy workes to the cyq-<>fm~n, they <l<;,~jl abhominablc finncs in th~.Jight of,Co~.~an{f,fjt the day ofiudg)!m~n\ rh>,Y:/l:t~J,go~for.l(o.beti tcr. Prc:ach and teach ~11 thy life long; nay,oiuc thy life to<d·icJRr rcligi9n :,.glue ,a tl]y;go"ods 1f) the po.or1c, dcpriue thy, fcl!c·of all dcligl)t1: ,build Chyrcbes, Collcd$es,: b\d!'<e~,.. hjgh– waies, &c•.a,nd there mair comeA pO,oi;.C l11-cr.. l .he:ud, andJor his kecpiqg o.f his fhc~pc·b~ ac– ccpccd,\~h.ep thou whh-:.11,rl~~ pompc of out. Cc 1 worJ -"'·-··- I 'I .,