Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I Ab<h r,;,h. J then. Chap~ tothe Hehr. ,.-o--·- --------------- - - - -- 21 the meaning to be,that by his faith he obc:1incd A Mood: mtdrrcfli a Ctt/e 6y u~iquit~( : as though j' · a good name eo all poHcricic:but it feemcs this he h2d [aide , God knowcch eucry ftm)c and cannot ltand,for two caufcs: FirH,bccaufc that cucry pcccc of timber in their ftaccly houfc<;, i is alrcadic affirmed of Abd and ail the rcfl, in which th<-yhauc goncn by deceiic or oppr cf...: ; the fecond vcrfc, that throughfaith rhryhadcbfing ofche poorc. P riuy confpiracics,a~1d plots t(fi11~d rt good repm··:: -A•hich thc:-cforc mi~ht of trcafon arc hid againft: Princes "-;.,nd M~ ... ; feemc nccdlc!fc [o {oonc eo bcrcpc:uedag:uac. gifho.tes ; and often in fo fccrct m:~nncr, a~ 1n • Secondly, forth:lt afterward Chrills blood & mans rea!on is not po(fiblc to bee difcoucrcd, [ A be!I bcein" compared top;cther, it is not fli_? But God harh many \\·aies to find them our, 1 1 that ChriHs b lood is bcttcrfpo/:p: of rhC Abets, and they ncucr fcape his priuic fcarch : and but that it fp rakfth bmrr thmgs thm Abets did. thcrerore the holy G hot! adt1ifcth: Cmf< i T herefore the words arc rightly tranflatcd. not the King , no not in thy t.'Jo!'ght, 1:or [ Now for the true fcnfc of them, it is likely tbc grMt ones in rby b:dch.???;brr: for tbe ! rhc holyGhofl: here hath relation to the Horie fowle C)f rhe he:men /hall c<:n·ie 1hy '"..loicc , and !' whence it is c2ken; where, vponCaiNJ munher that which luuh wiitg.r dedt!r; thcmdtter, God faith to him, The 'ZJ(}ice of rh; brothers B So rhar whatfocucr is plotted neuer fo priuUy bloodcrieth tomufro;n the earth ; & "''hy crieth or conlpircd in the fCcrer clof(ts of vngodfy it?Namely, for vt ngcance·againft fo monfhous men, God knowcs it, and hath mcancs cnow amurder : anrl crieth to all men to behold ir,& to difc!Ofc it to the world. And inour daily eY.- to abhor the likc :&fo after a fort he cominueth pcricncc God magnificth himfclfc mightily i1~ to fpeakc, to this dt~y.So that rhe worcls, in the rcucaling murders. For, bring the munhcr;r true and ful fcnfc ofthc:m,do import thcfe two before the dead corps, and vfual!y it b!"cdC:h, points. • or giueth fome other tdl:il'tionie , whCrd.>y it J. Tlm Abel(pakf when hcwasdMd. fpeal,ftb cucnas A bets blooi:l did , Thu u rbe z. That in a fort Abe!.flillfptafvth. mttrtherer. Nay more : for, A bc!J blood ftak,g For the FirCl: .Abd fpak.$ and cried wheH he to God, but here cuen to men aHO. . w•as dead: bm how? not v·:ich a vocall !peach; And of this it is hard to giue any re<~fQn at but the phrafcis figuratil!c , ttnd imports thus all,but the fccrctancl immediate hand of God, much, as if the Lord·had C1id to Cainc: thou thereby fhewing him~Ifc .to know all fccret hall ki!lcd thy brother clofcl)', and it may be finns,and to be able tO difdofe themby llrangc haft hid him in the f:md, or buried him, and , C mcancs, thinkcft no rtnn kno'-1\"Cth of it: but thou mufi The vfc ofthis doCtrine is, to fcarc all men knowCaine,this thy fatl: is cuidcnt to me, as if from finning:,though they thinkc it pofiiblc to Abe/had told mr; I kno-v thou ki!lcdll him: & conecalc their finncs from the world:for this is if thou wonder how I know, I tell rhee his one of thcHrongefi & commonefic:J.1couragc.-· blood told mce;for it cried in my e:~.rcs,:u:d yet ments that men takC", toliuc in a linne, If they it cricth out againll thee : for though AGe/ be thinke it likely to be con<eakd. But here chey dead, his blood yec fpcaketh, As tlus is true of fee how falfe a grout: cl that is. For if they <31! .Abels, {o of all mens Mood: and !S of hlood, fo conccalc it from men, yet can they not from ofa11 other Dppref/iont , though done by neucr God: and ifGod know it, then can he reucalc fo great men. Murders, cpprdiiofts, and all it to the world when ic plcafcth"him. wrongs done to Gods children, they crie' to Againc, whereas .Ahc!s blood crirtl whexhee God :1gainfi t;1eopprd'fors, though thepoor~ was d:ad:It tcatheth VS' 1 thatGod hath a care of" opprcffcd men d3rc fclrce name ihcm; they .A/Je/both liuing and dead: for it were nothing neede not; for their blood doth: yea c-ucn their to fay his bloodcried, ifGod beard not that cry. very tt:frtJ cannot be fu cd, but God ttrk,p them But it is apparanr he heard it, fo·r he rct 1 t:ngcd vp, tmdpuu them inhis h~ttlc, :md '' ill knowc ir,ar.d punifhcd Cain when Ahel was dcad,'and who lhed them. Th us blood cricth cp inll the D could not reucnge it himfe!fe. And this care that {bed it, yea tcares crie :'!g3ir.ll them that G od had not oucr A6elalone, but ouer all h'iS caufe them. This affordeth vs a double infin.ichildren: and as the P falmill: f.'lirh, Prctiou.1 iif Pf.tLn 6 .ns• Clion.Firll,here it is opparcnt that God fecth &: the fght of the Lo,-d u the de~t/, of hu Saints: koowcth the finnes ofmen,though the men be. that which is vite & of no regard in thew.orlfl, neucr fo mightic:,or their finns ncuc:r fo feerer. is prctious vdth G-od. T yr:1ms makC hauockc Forthough men conuaie them neuer fo clcOy, ofthe Church,anq kill them vp by heaps : btlt and labour to hide them with ill the mc::mes God records vp cuery onc,and will net f.1ilc H? that the vo~i~ ofmtlnd deui(c:yct the very dead rcuengc it, when they are dead: For if O Od creltures cric: our, and do procb imc the finnrs haue bottles for the tears of his ·ft+uanrs, fur.c:~ and finners in chc cares of God, as fully as the ly-much more harh he bottles for their blood. voices of·liuing men, o.n di(coucr any thing · 7hc vfe whereof i'i to tcach.vs in all .ci'trc.,. ''nto men. Priuy opprcffions, t~.nd goods gQtmitic:s ofdanger or ditlreffc~to-lcarnep:uienCc: ten by dccped_cccipt, lie hidde ro the world: ycathough, we be furc eo die, yet (as Chrill Rue the }lone out of the wafljha/1 crie' and the faith) To poffof[c Ol!r fonlct with patimce~ F.Oi t.k.,,,,•• . beame oUt of the timber .fha/1 attfwcre #: ~we hauecnc, V.•iU herc thecaufc, and reufngG ' WQe be: to him thllt lmi!deth hh· houfo with our quarrcll when we are gone : So that if We , Gc:J.ofoiO. I bo 1 '\ -- -------- ---- --