Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

llenuchs fa1ch. the u.[ the Hehr. Let this teach vs not to rdl: in wealth, beau- A him, he \Villtc:11pc: his tongnC; and i:h:it Cod tic,flr.cnsth,honour,hlllllanC lc:imilig, tlor all bcholdNhal\his dealings in the ~,-·,,orJd,h!! W1:l thcfc put together without the fcai'c of God: take heed howhe borrowcth, Jcndcth, buittP,i f for fomc ofdtem 1~11y plcafcrh,Jfolfe ,'and fo~tc or fcHcrh, and \':;\rat he doth in all his 2C'tions' m:typltAfootbrrmm; but GOd muft bepleated and the vcrie caufcof all carckfndlC in thd C afore thou come in hcaucil , if thou wcrt as and a!I other dmi::s in the world, is , bcc:ttJfc goqdasHenocb. therefoi:c vnta all thy o~tmen arc pcrfwadcd Godfoeth.Jho;_u;Qt, ' · ward bleffings adde rhis,Topleafi God by faJth To vrge vsrhereforcto this excellent dutle i and repentance. Then as thy plcafingof:rnen \VC haue, FirH, GOJ.rco1JJt,Mndeme1it: Wallz~ber.cri,J 7 .J. may make thee "happie in this worlg: fo thy fa~·,metindb<vpr~(ht (fair'n God) tOAbrah,m•; pleafi•l of God, lhall nanilate thee from earth and in him"to.all tbe children ofhis f.1irh. to hcauen. . . .\ (;)L · Againc, we hauc1he examtluof Gods chile Thus we fee, HmociJ /Jeforehew~ tranjlated drcn, whd 3tC renowned f0r r\ie ob'c<iicn'iCof. I plrll{tdGfld. · ·· this Comlbandmunt; 1-/enoch here , afrcr him Secondly, as hepl<ajfdGod, and clfe could Abr,/,am, and after-himDauid, \\ho ll'llificth ; not haue beenc t7:tmjlaud1 fo it is added;he ij ofhimfdfe,fwillwalk! befor<Gadi• the land of · rr.,Luc.,. WM fo J.epflrted of, fir thert WtU {11ch 11 'tefl:ir theftl!m._~· · n;u· I ·.> t monirofhim. That proofe or ttftimo.nieis here Thirdly,as it is borh c~r.ml14nded~y\)retcpi; concealed; but it js .recorded in thic·llorie of andpra[/ifod by example: fo ·th'C.praofeof Gcnc6s, where it i~faid, Henoch 'walk!d with moll comfimabtc to all th~t cphctife it; for it· God: which, as we lteard beforc,wasan aifured wil m~keth'emprojp<>· in alfthey go about·.For . tciHmonic that God;·was well .plcafed with ashcc thatis..alwaics· iit the l6ttgs·p,:Cfen'c-e ~n{l hini. . ·; '.. 1 , companie. t:tniiot but bccJ nJris f.1uoui, :ihd But what is this, ·he walk_tdwith God•.•,hbw •hcrefore cannorbuo fucccedcwcll in all hj~:rf> l can a manbeefaid rowalke with .Qod? the faircs: foherhatwalkcswiihGod,cannodiut' · m~al)ing is, That H~nooh liucd agodly, righreprofpcrin wharfoeucr he fers his hi:art &;bnd· ous, and innocent lifdn this world:'for ro hue vnto. Bldfod :Af,r4ham fOund this'\noH'r:nJc } i;1holyndfe and righteou!iw!fe, iS.uiwalft.!with 'when he arfufCd his feruant whom hec fent toi God, And further, his heart. was-poifc!fea of prouide lfaaca wife, in a long, and doubrflill, two -pcrfwalions or rcfoh:tions, which 1..\'crc and dang.erous iourncy; The Lordbefore- wbom. Cierl.i$·40. the inducements drawing him to this holy !walk! ,wzltjendhin :Angetwiflr!Yhie)Vtndpro(pcr life. il : thytoJtrnt'J·:apd cuen fomay cuery c~)ild ofCod Firft, that he is alwaies in Gods pr.foncr, and fay with conlido'nccl: TheLul'li, hofore whome 1 that God is alwaies readie to drfpo'fe of all C, w.Uk!,willfendhls A ngdwithme,andprof},rme things to his good. in myprocceJlng.r.. ~ ' · '"" . ·Ag4inr, that God didfor,tiie; arid difcerne Fourthly, rl1is walking with God is a gobd allhi.swords anddeedn, yeahis cogitations and mcanes to make a manbcare the croffe Withpari... thoughts, Ill the whole courfe ofhisJife, Thcfc mce: For if he bee perfwaded that God fecrh wererh~ holy refolutions of Henooh,- and thcfe how wrongfillly he is perfecured or opprcffed; made him lead a holy life. and that Gods prouidcnce is alwaies preft:ntj Thislcffon isworthkarning, and this exfoasnoaffiiCHOcancomevnrohim, bucby his :~mple wonhy to be followed ofvs all: our duappointment: and againc, that his prouidcncc tie is with Henocb, to ·walk,; with Gr1d in this difpofeth ofall things to his good, how can he life, ifwe purpofe to liuc with God in hcaucn: buttccciue with pauencc that portion of :~.ffii.. andwewalk!wtth Godby leading holy and vn• &ions which God lhallby vpbn him? Fons blameable !iues,inhqlineffo towards God, and he that walkes with the King, who dare offer righteoufncjfe tO\ovards man. But if wee thinke him·wr6ng? fo he that walkcs wirhGod whar I tliis hard to doe, we mull labour to bee rcfoleuill can touch him? This is lofophs argument ued on thc:fe grounds: Firft, that Cod and his to his brethren, when thcywcredifcomfoncd, prouidcnce is cuer prcfcnt with vs , to d!fpofe D and feared hec would pnnifl1 them afcc1· their ofvsalwaies to his gloric;&of allotherrhings Fathers death : Fearenot(faithhe) for dm not 1 to our good. . vnder God? asrhough he had faidc, Doe not J Second!!, that 3S we are in Gods prefencc; fo w2.lkc in Gods prcfCnce?ar1d acknowledgemy God fecrli vs, aud all our thoughts, words and fclfe vnder his power? and that God, when workcs,bargaincs and dealings,and will iudge you thought euill again!l: mcc, difpofcd it to them all. '- good:wherc the grolid bflofeph; rea(on is, that When thc(c two perfwafions poifeife our he walkjngwithGod ,hz'; Ajf}iflionttlrned to his heart,, itca.nn~t be, but wee lhal! liuc godly, good. and fearc to oftcnd God : for, as a childe is du- · La.llly, this is !l mcartes to bring a man to tifull and obedient in htsFathers prc.fcncc, fo make con{cienceofallfim?e in rhought, ....vord , when a man is.pcrfwaded hcc is in Gods prcanddcCd, and in all his dealings,when he per:- fcnce, it cannot but tnakc him dutiful!.When a {wades himfclfctowalk in the prcfcncc Qf goC. man is pctfwaded that God ieerh him, he will Whenlofoph was allured to fin by his mi(hcn'r, ra.::k:::e~h:::e::cd:_':.:'l:.:'":::'c::h:::e,::d::::o:.:th:_:~a~n::d_:rl::: ~a:_-t.::G ::o::d:'.'l~re::'a:'.'re::rh~~...'h~is~a:'n~fv.:_;ver was, HolP {ball I commit this j,r('at D- d I ,.,;,_ ---- - - ---- --- --~----- -