~6 - - -· )9·.9· I eA Commentarie 'Vpon ~ ~!:,;,"'' I wic/.:sdneffc.' and(ojinncagain;'l God?The bridle IA poimcd) it is imp~ffible to ginc light. ro ihc ·--:--~-- I ~hat rdh;:uncd hmJ., was the fcarcof that God world Wtthour the Sunne: fa if he hccpc d:u.r Hl whofc prr{e11c( hre lPalk$d: A1td hcc:mfc hce order forfobt:ttion, which his ownc i:tllia h:~rh lMlk$~ ,.,ith God, he would nor wa!!z: with htr in ap_pointcd ) ~t is impojjibie topleafo a:d w"ir'honr her 'Nicked '-"3Y: :md bcca11fc hcc kept aholy fazth in Ch;·ift. s-o thC the mc~mi"no is lald·down· companic wi1h God, thcn·fon: he would not and now 3ppcarcsrhc{hength l~d forcc,oftll~ kecpc her ~ompanic,, nor be allured.byher tempholyGhoHs argumcor'; ,· . rations. Ilerh,uwl/lbej4H4daitdcometohMueh~ ~H.ff . So r_hcn fccingthisway ofwalkJ.ngwith God, jirfopleafogod: Bttt.Withcllf!j.1fth.,,t U impdj]lbls to 1s ruene vvay fo cxcdlcnt and fo_prohtable, .let p!Mf~god : ~Therefore with~utfairh lfo'Tndnrtd 1 j be vs k:uuc ic not iniudgcmcn.t and ~n~wlc<.1gc 1 flmednor cpme in hc.men u :r.dbycOnftqumtjrJ~er~ onc'!y, to be o.bicco ca~ke of 1t (whtc~:s foone , fore Hcnoch beringtak.!n imohe,mrn,muj}netdJ lcurqed): but ivcon(nence and pracb!e(as du- ; betal,_mawa;by fait b. · ,.. 1ti!u!l childrendoe before theirparent•, (o)Iet Now the v(c of this Canon, righlv' hoer; 1vs ino.hlaut:Jily 3\\'C :ind achild-likcrcuetcncc HOod, is manitOi.dandOfo 1 ·c:u prorit.~ ~-;.r.l , \V,~,lk~ bcfo,~ Go~, labf?urhlg ~orr a true perFirlt, here we lcarnc th~t,t4irh is limply: and j f""' lfi.onof his preicnce and pr?~1dencc, to be B ;lb(<?l~tcly n.ecelfnrie to .rah!:stion., an<\,z:!1oE,t ne>- t ah,·a1escuCr vs ::mdour whole]me..s'!. ::fhc want I cdlanc of all other glfis nnd graH·s ef God l hereof 1S the C3ufc-of all fume: An.d if \>Ye doe whatfoeucr. And tho.ug.h ml<ny bee required 7 thu&nPflb.! with God, and (<!:I pleafclum, as Heyerarnpngfl•all holygl·accs 7 1i1is-is the ~rinci1Joch0cre did,then fhall we be f~rc(though not pall, and more ncceH3t.ic Hl,[omc r,cfpeGts.thej;) afc~r d1c i311lC 111311!1Cr that Hmo.&hw:is, yet) any.·othcr. For howfoeucr hD(Je ;·.md!Q?t~;ami ! ivfouldidl, andaftcn,:ards in foule ~nd .bodi.e ;c.e11lt:, ~nd m:myother gra~c~ o!<?od arc rcquiJ !>o.th, tt> bee tranflatcd ~nto eteroallhfc.fBut tf rcd,,to make the flate·of ~Chn{han conlplct:e:;. we v 1 :ill not walkc this waywithH~nQch in this and though they all hauc their fcucr<11lr com~ life, let vs ncucr loi:ikc. ~o liue in hcauenwith mcndations inth,c \Vorld: yet of none.of tht'ln him; butaffmc our.,{Clues ~· th3c :ls:the way of :~11 is.it faiil in the whole Scripturr ,.as.h•i~ here holincffe is the w.:1y to gloric, fo the wayof (aidoffaith,that witboutitir 1-J· impujfib!~toptenf~ "vickcdftcffe is the w':ly to eternall perdition. God. And no mcruailc, for. it is the rootc.'anG And thus much ofthe fccond degree. ground of all other graces , ,and giurs~hcm But lVi{IJour fa.ith it iJ ~mp1Jiblc to p!tafo their life :mdbeeing: tOr thereforedoth•<rmall' God. .t "r;1 J. fear( God, therefore doth he lout God,_ rhcreThcfewords eontaihc the t,hird degree; or fore is he ,..~a!Om for Gods gloric, bccau(ehee the third part of the rca(on. And this de~ree G bdccucth that God lounh him in Chri!'lthe con!lCls of agcncrall·Maximeor Canonot Di-. redeemer. Hiniti" and tllC holy GlJOltfi>:folaierh it down; Now then iffaith berllu• neetffari<:, •hen it :md thm, bccaufe it is one of the waighticft followeth that thofc thatliuc inrgnoranee~1·and principles in rcligion,he proueth it fub!bntial~ fo haue no iOund faith, but afoolHh pr(fompt 11y, in the \Yords following. In the Canon it on, arc in a miiCrablc cafe: for how cucr they fCltC let vs firH examine the meaning, and then may flatter-themfclues wi~h conccits of thcic: vnfold the manifoldvfe of it. deuotiomandgoodmca1tingr, and good intents.¥ Witb011rfaith · it is[.1itb, Wlth which thCy ~nnfi plea(c ·God, By faitb,ismeant here the famcftzir.has afore~ ~md nothing can without it. It fiands~ them namely, truefouingfaitb in the Mcfllas. And therefore in hand to lay off ignorance and prcwithout this tauing faith, fmnption, and labour. fora found and fauing It is irnpoffib!e to pleafo God. ,, faith, and that will bring them to the fauour of Impoff.blc how? not in regard of the abfoGod; . lutc,infinicc,and indctcnninablc;owcrofGod, And :1gainc, as for fuch as.hauc Fcceiued \Vhich hath no lin1its, but his ownc will: but in D gracetoh~leeue , fceingf11ith is of fuch ne'Cdfircgard ofthat order of the cau!Cs and mcancs tic, and that they haumgfaith mu~ needs hauc of (a\uotion (cc downe by God in his word: i,_nDWiedgt, they therefore llJtllt !ooke and cxa- \\'hich is this; mine by theirknowledge, \\'hcthcr theirf:~ith 1. Man by fin ne hath difplea(ed God. bee a found faith or no: for herein manyrhat z. God mufi bcpleafcd againe, rlfe a man hauc'knowlcdge dccciue themfclues-,~ thinke cannot be fa.ued. they hauc true faith when they hauc no~. Now 3. He that ·wiHplcafe God,mu!l plc::~fe him ifany man WOL!Id kn<?w, whether his faith bee in Chrifithc Mcdiator,cls he cannot:thcrcfore found and f.1ning, or no i it is kno\y.nc by this: hec that will plcafc God and bee fatted~ mufi If it purifie the heart: for fo faithS. Peter, That Af(,. 15 ,_ nccdcs bclceuc·in Chrifl. And thus by this o.rGodhJ f~ilhdid purifinhe heaw ~f the profane deritis impoffiblc. Wecdcnienot, but in re- ~Jndji!rhic Genti!cJ. If then thy ~a1th doe. not gard C'fGods abfolutc powc:t, he could fauc 3. purrfic tkr heart, and.. ~lc:lnlC thy life, !llld <='aufe 1 n;~n \~lithowtf.1ith; as he can lighten the world thee to.abou~Hi i1~ ~ood \'vorkcs, it is n? fo~m.d I wtthom the Sunnc. But as (ifhe kccpcthat ornor faumg fatth, tt ts but a gcncro.ll fa1th, 1t IS dcr of;ratrtre, which his owncwifodombath :tpbut an hiilorkal knowledge,& (annot fauc th~ ! --------------- --------~----------------------~--------~----~~--~{~--.-