Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

I I l.t~nochs l~oth, ,--- Prai.s... the u.( ih;-Heh~-:--·-----------i-~7 - I fodc: hcc therefore th:u vpon cxamir1ation of A of rh~ moll men, th:~t if rhcv doe fomc gbhd 1-r h'is hcan and lifl·, findcth hisf'urbto bee fuch, )\'ork.:·s, which c~ric a flirt: !he\'' to the W<.nld,./ let him not cont<.:ur himl"ltC, but turnc his gc.:. :ls/ib:r<fli.-te to lcarning,or charif)' to the poorc; nerail fuith imo :1 Cauingft;rh, \Vhich in this Jhaight they thinkc thty hauc k~;,tc to liuc aS! tvorld will purijie hij bt•arr , and at the lalt Jay . t!lcy lilt, and God is bound to fnt gi)tc the it / willlauc his foHie ,And this m.ult cucry man the fmncs, and to giuc rhcm bcaui!n: and this th( y rather doe, bcamfc what knowledge, or 'v\'h:lt imagine_, though the?' knowc not ..,,·hac it IS tO otltcr gifts of God tOcucr ::my rno.n hath, with.. bel:r:r-:~: in ChriLt, or tor:pcnt of _their {innd, outfaith in Chri11 ~ll i\fC nothing: for ic isfaith On~ofthis religion ci\mc to tl).c.,.Propl1rt ./ ~h~u f<:;Jfoncth rhrh1 all,":::nd n1a·kcs both them cb.:z in·his d~ycs, :lnd oskcd hrm this tjucHion i andrhcpcrfonhdnfelf~toplcafcGod. ( vncring chat' plainely \\hich oil fl1rh mrr~ Secondly, tf a .he: unpoffiblcwtthout fa11IJ1t1 thinke in their heartS) wherc"J."Pith~:ll{h~t!l 1come ?l.!i,h:t.~-7j· ple.tfo God, then 11crc \\CC tCc the: rond and foo. before rh~ Lord,amib:;we myPlfe befo,·e the high_, hn> hypocnfic of the" or!d, who wlllplcafe 1 God? (ball/com• b•for. him >Pi!IJ rhc<!{mds of Godbyothct mcanes; fomc: thmkc 1f they bcz j R~tnu,IJndrcmuthoMji>.ndrJ·Hers oforle?He makes: , glonom m the worlrl, either for the1r wealth, 1 j the qudlio.n, and wodd f1ine make ani\vcr ·~ or the~r wir1~r their honour,or their.autho~ity, I B l!imi~l.tC_:no.y,hc go.cth fU~ther,and offer~ rnor('s or then· Ic:unmg; they prc(cntly bnng themSluzll l gme m; firfl b~r~:e for -m_,.r tt:an_fj;rr:j)Jons,tmdl ~Clues into a tOolcs Par~dife ·; and bccaufe the theftu:tt of f!'J bod;(fo,· thejinneofm,r fou!c? Rut world makcsaccoufn ot them, "-HU they pleafc the Pr.ophct 2.ufwers him, {hewing him his fOJ:.. thcmfclucs, therefore they rhinke it ccnain.c, lie, at)d how little God rc.g2rds fuch workc$1 they mHfl needcsp!tnje God, But ab.s, though all without a contriteheart; harhfbewtd rbu I th~worldadmirethcm,andthcybe fo 0 vMn wh.<tt if ~oQd,, an.4wh4.t _tlie Lo;·d1'c.,... farrc: in loue with themf-ducs, l-Ie thllt .fiu in qui1·eth of thee: fitrel._y to doe iHjl-f;, mtd tolr.n<e l;eauen,laugheth thmt.tQ.fcorne.~ For, no.c all the mer&ie, to humble thJ fo!fe, and walk! with thy pompe and glorie, nbr all the millions .and G'od. Markc how that 3nfwcr fits the example' moumaincs ofgold in the world, canplcA"fiuhe of Henoch~ He pleafed (Jod, he Wa!kfdwith Go4, L?rd for one oftbc lca(l ofthcirmanythoufind and was~akcn a..vay:So ;J.'nfwercch the Prophet, finncs, wherewith they hauc prouokcd him. I ifthou.w.ouldefi p(e.tfe r/,y God, and con)c tO Let thcfc men aske Nc/Juchadne.c.utr if his h.caucn byhis fauou.r ; ncuer lhnd vpon thoupompous pride: or A ahitophel ifhis aCl:iuc head fand.J ~fRammu,r.ndRiHers ofo;!e, vpon thy gay_ and craftywit: or Abfalom if hisgolden loc/;sr: rand glorious workes : but hH7nUerhyfiifo . and or le-l'Ahe! if her painted.fa&eatl.d£o.urd-y attire: C! with tb; God. No walking with God or Naballif hisJ!.ck.!r'ofJhcqe: or !11.< PIJilofo1 (faith Micha) no plcafing of God: what is ir phers., iftheir naturallltarning: )fall of thcfc: , · but all one, :1s if he h~u.i i3id, J'Vith"OHt f"lth it it orany ofthefc did cuer plraf• God: Nay alas, imp,Jliblet• plenfi God? Here then is no difalthey allhaue foUl\d and felt, that wjthoJitfaith lowance ofgo~dworkcs, bur ofworkp fllithout itUimpojfth!e to plcJJ[e God. faitband rruc repentance _: which Jhough they Thirdly, it is the opi:1!onnor of,tha T~«k.! bee ncucr (o faire and flourifuing; yc:.t it is !malone in his Alca1on, but of m:tny c;>th'tr as ill, pollibtc ,thilt :witho,ut tiiththey iliould pleaH.: I that eucricman 'hall be faucd by his ownc reGod. ligion, ifhe be dt"uout therein; behcc T11rl«, Hc,reby it is n~atYifefl, thlt all the vr.rtucJ 1 lewr, Chriftian, Papiftor Prote.flanr. ·But this is of the hetttl;en, and the wor~Csof fuch men as ' a ground and rule.. of Atluif~c, and appcares either kaow not Chrifl:: Or, knowing him, ac~ I I here to b.c:mo!l- f~lli::; .for, no falu;ajon witb~ knowledge him not thc:ir onely Sauiour:or :;~c- \ out plcafing of God; and lV-it/;out fq.ith it is im· knO\\'lcdging him,do nor tntclybelaue in him p. ojfib!rrqp!eafo God: therefore no r~ligion c:~.n with fuch afaith aspt~rifieth rbcirheartt;arc no- ~ flue a man, hut that \\·hich te::t~hcth a man . thing elfc, b11t as the Fathers caHed them_{p/m– rightly tobe!eeueinChrift, and confcquemly to D did.,peccar.'l; gilded :md glittering drofl~, :nu! I p!enfoGod. But cuery rcltigion ~eJfhcth.a:wt to bcautifull defOrmities. And ho\\'~cuer this bclccucin Chrill, fame -not at-:tii;and fomc nGt fecmesh~rfh ,yet it mufi ne-edcs be true; fqing adght;and the1:cfore it isimpojffhlc tOr illeh 3rewithoutj'.1ith it is imp(ij]iMt tople.1fo God. I Jigion to (auc a man. Againe, hcc a .man whlt And here alCo the v:mity of fomc PopiP) ·he can be, vnlc-ffe he be wit_hin th~ C--.!)l:ummt of \Vriters appe~wes ~ :vho prcfump~uounymakt grace, he cannot be faucd : Bu_t l:c cannot bee fome PhilofophtrsS<l.lnts; whereas they Chonld w.ith:n the cm4Cns.m, hut by [~>~irh; therefore fir!l haue fllcwcc\ c.hat they /Jduued in Chri!l; I n~-man c~n bcfaue~ ~Y a-ny meancs,lm~ b1true and then -I..Vt: would,bcl~~u~apd reach it a~ w.i!.:. f••th , norm •ny r.ehgwn , but that whJ<)J tealingly , , they ; but clfe d thoy lY.I)l had o.l the 1 <hcth true.f< learninn :md all the mora!l venues m the I Here therefor-e n~t onely Turk§; n. ~:d fcwcs \o\'orld,~\;i"SlllU . {l Rand fo; a tr~r.h,{n:tiJpm fair/; arc excluded: but th;ls :\l(o fhc:wo-tlqna.ny P,r.. i: is impojfihle to p!cafo GMld.; · , . pi_(h~a_nd many c,m;.;:digoj} 1 c.l(ers in Qur.Church,, here 'NC l::arn~, that the W.o1i·dof (iiJ,l! how Ill ore they come of th~t religion which rcgiflrcd in the holy. s~·rtpmre.r, doth com.1inc 1 mull flue their Coules. For this is the conccitc in it Jitfficient~~:.:._::Il the :~.Cth;~s 1 . D ~2-----·-~---·--- _._~·-~:~~j--~~-