Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

\ _18 -~------- eA Commentarie vpon . -~;":- an<l duties of a n~ans life: ~?r without [uith no \A1 men{hon!ddue to yo:~, doe)'Vnto them. \ m::n Ctln ph·.l{e (IIJd. ~n~ 1t no . 111:1.11, then no Agame, wherhcr;o11utteQrdrmf:.!, or wb. 1 rfor1 .Cor.loi'· m~nsaf!JOIJI c~u~ plc:~.t~ Cod \\'1H~h at~ n?t of ocr_rMdoe, dua/1 to rheghric of God, Ag 3 inc, l J . .llfh: tor \\'hatlocucr I::>Jlot of faJth, IS hnnc, f,~r llli rhmgs bu do11no rd.jic.uian, andrvitiJotn I Ron!. 14. 2Z, . . /Jffmaof tb) !Hotber. AgJ.itH.:, Lctali}·O~!rWori:J , J.Cor.,pO'. lt rhercforc: mens ;"t.::'hons nmH procccdc he done m/we. Lafily, Let no manfoci<! h1~- on•r.c l from f:lith' then contCquc:ntiy mun they kmc (alone) bnt tH~~ry T;;.t)J anothcrs wrtdtb. Now I J.Cor.lo.:+ their ground ~md warran~ from tHe word: for \ d1cn: is no aCtion in the \IVorldJnor :my'dmy to faith and the wo;·d arc rcbttu·cs .and the one debe.done of a Chrilh..\n man) bee he pubhkc or l?~ndcs vpon the oth~r; No f.tith, no ward to pn~l:ltc per[(JJt, ~c it a publikc or JHiu':\tcaffion; buHlt:: nowvtd, nof:wh to bclccuc. But all a.. belt tov\·ards God or man: bur if he hat)e ilot Ctions that plc~>~fo Ciud, muff be done inf.titb; 'l particular dir'eClion, ycr it fal!s ""ithin the therefOre all aCtiO~ th~tplcalc God, h~iuc lof.le compafl'c.offom; ofrhcfc ruks :_and hy the reground and dutChon 111 the wordof Gad, \\;• nom of lomc ot thcfc, he may tramc his worJ;; · out '"·hich word cf Gei.l there cm be no fatch. in fuch manncr,as fhal beplcaiin•' to Goll·anc.l 1 And this ts true, n~t o:1dv in holy ac'1io11r, but B 1 i,'omfonablcro himfcHC. 0 ' • ' eucn_ in the comiFJ?J1 aCtio;,~ of mens liues and . ·1 S.:•;(mdly?bdidcs rules there arc!mpler, lawfu!! cttllingr. This is ap~·incip/;·::- which wee· which :lfe Jpcciall direCtions: and they arc ·cimull firmcly bclccuc and recciue. And befide · thcr of God, or good men. Exrraordinarit' ~xthisargummt her-:, it is ahO prooued by the campluofGcx-1, namely fuchas he di<Hn extra- ' uidem tcfhmonics?f the holyGholl. S. Pm1l ordinane times,.or vpon extraor.din~uie occafi- .,,. ~7 :i:n.!,J6, toTimothie; AllScripture isgiuen by inJPirations, they co~1Ct'I'I\.C vs not : for thcfc he did hv M of God) o'lndU p'Y'ojiul6le to r~ach' improoue. the power ..and prcn."'_gatiue of the G'udhettd: a;,. CflrreEf,and injfruU innghtroHforj]l>,that the,mm: b~dding of ..Ahrahafh'.f.lcrifia hx~ fonnc, bid- ! Ccn.n. ofGodm.~y be abfolme, and mn_d~perfcEt WII~Ail ~1ng the lf.ulitt'J fPoJ.~e:he Eg)ptia:;.r1and fit eh · b:od.u• good'IVork_t!, How can the fufuCJenne ofScnp• like. But the ordwanc 'v\iorkes ot Gods wifr.... rurc bee nwtc filflitiently in words cxprciTed? ' dom~ in hi~· crc:tturcs , of his ir.fticc tow:~rds ~· s.Ti )•+i>J· Agoint' E1:fry "Cr"tatttr~ :tndtJrdimm(C of Gfld,i;. !inners, ofhis merele towards ]lis children ' of ,goiJd, &c. For it i'.5 JanUifird /Jy rhcwordof G'od his care and pro11idmce to't\'<lrds all , arc e:!al ... :tndpr.·')er. No"'' if the Scripture make a Chrilent rules ofJircChon for vs. Hence v.·ec hai1C I tlion pnf{£.~ inallgoodwork~!, how C:ltl it be,bm C thcfc rules: Beeyeholj,jtJr I nm hot;.~ BeJ!merir giucs hi~1fficicmdireEfion.for .ill hJ:1· :work!? cJfu/1, tUJOHr Father in hem:m :J·mercifu/1, Luke, And it cucryaCtion ·bcfantlifi'cd ~J rhe>vo1d; 6.36. . ho"'' ea that be but the wortl hath \\'arr:!.ntv & So for rite aCl:ions ofChnft, who was Godar1d diredion for cue.ry aCtion an(l rlnty,·which J"n3y· fl man:tbc miracnlous :~EtjOs ofhis power;which fall out in the- courfe of a Chrifli:tn life? Andargued his Godh"ad, as his wt~l~ngvpon the wavpon thefc grounds we hauc good reafon to be ter, :md fuch like, arc no dircCHons-iOr vs. Nor refolued oft!Lis trUth. . ] ag:tinc, his aaions andworkes done as he \'\'aS But now if any man :tskc how this c3n bcci : Mcd1ator, as hisfitj!ingfortiedaycr,hU.pajfiO»,(;- for rhe Scriptures were writtCn Jo'ngagde, and. 1. h:~· m~riff, thefc :'Ire no d!reCtions for vs to dot the fiorics arc of panJculvr mrn, mtttom ,a;;d the like: Bur, as the firfl giue vs-ipf!rH0:11fln. ~ SQ timc.r, and the C,onnhimdemrnu :trt ·ltno\ovnc to thefc procure vs iuflif~ ..~!·io11·.. · be but tennc;ho\~' then cm the Stripturcs yci1d But the third fort olbi's:'(6ti'ons do11c by him fuffioent dHcClions· for cuery ·mans p?t'l_icub~ :~.s ,z mimor as a }eweBo~ne , they :t\C both Olll' \ a6tions? I ani"''er, the Scriptuff.' g1itcs dirceli..: mftrutl.ion -:md nmt:tt!OI1? ~:1d they 3re gooci l ons for :tll aCtions two w:ty('~. Eit~tr hy Rut~; dued:10ns for out 3Chons ·as,, his o6edtence;tlJs or by Exarr.plu: Rules arc ot two !?rts, Gene- · z.,cr:/e, his f:ltiNJcc>, lus hum;itt:e, and all other. rall,or Panic;{wrulcs for particulal' · D vermo Conccrnwg all wl11d~ he fiuth hunlClfc,17• call in~~ arc nY.tny: ffJr J...'ir.g!, thr.y mull ;·cad · ton, LrtTYneofmr,forI {lm lum:ble rml!owt>f;, '-b.uh.II !.?, 1~~~9. • God! /Joo/z~ ,andnothnsumany will~! 1 11or gather And ag:tmc, \\'hen bC' hn.rl \vaflled h1s Apofilc..·s to~ mucb ji/1ttr and ~oU: They mull be w1foand fcett:, he b:td them lcunc ofhsmtolo~tc on'??mo- I /~arnt-d; and kjffe /hrfomrc of God Chrift ft'[m, I th~t · Fot (ianh he)!!uwrgtHmpuut·amplelhat r,,h q •h J.lim. 3 .:, and m:~ny other :for ./11intj/e;·.r, 1:hcy n n1fl bee yos:/l.rJt-'!tldoetHttJ aJI hrmedon~toJOu,Thc[e Jus I 1'*' 15 ' &c. apt to teach, wrrtchi~g ,fo/Hr, notroHngfcho/teN, cxJtnpks 3\C mlcs of ditCclwn to all incn ll1 :111d many other: aod fo confequemly the m cfi 1 rhc hke l'afc. . . . ! (>fthc callings th~t· arc 1n the common wc:drh; Now as for rhc ~.\·ttmplhofmen, :1$ fhc n hauc their p:lrticular direCtions .in pl::inc: ruleS. I :.tmplcs ofwickNI mcJi :tie ~uery \~ 3}: to ne cf ... Cln•era/lrulcs,.3rt'firHrhr re1im: Comm_-1;.rndl'- · chtwe\1, iOgoodnmn :tre'ro"bc followed: for '!JentJ,\.vhich arcdirctl:itms for :.:Jfons ofmen , whlltjOmer is wntttn,Uwrirtrnjo1· our lrarnfng, in all rimes," hac to be<lonc·, ""hacnot to bee 1 15.4':~Ahd fo for tl~Cih" c ar.c to kii<:i\~·cJ 1 done in all a~-1:ions tOwords Corl 01id men; :111d that thcir-ex:nnpl,cs flf ntlions, comr~ry·td the : befides, in the newe tdbment there .<we fomc ''"ord, <lrc th'errfore w bcfiluoidcd, l1ec-:tufC ' fnvc rules , which arc ~~Ciin~ll dircCtions·f6Fthey be coinrafic : a.~, :\:o8{J dmnkjnr.ef{e, !.ort i j ~htth 7,,:. all men in a!I :1grs: As,,,J,·h~ct{u"Ke:~ rouwordd t-ha"' ~ ;ilc;_tf, D.'!rtldf' t!t!1!1to:t.!. 1 •. :md m:my orher his l -. inF.r-1 ·------:---"--- -----·-...... ~ . - . -----~--~- -·---~---- -- ... ·--- . -~. Fr.U.:.