Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

r-------------------------------- ·-------------------·---, ;o I ell Commentarie vpon \"'"'"'" _ __ I -----::--:---:--------:----- ---------------------------- 1':;'-'-·– n:ca.ncfinpefuHaetiom, ·which not fO,r any natu- A n:mtrc de~ictl~ Godspnfonu,powrr>. 111 disdlict'; ! Pbl.1o:1J~ U,IJo l·altvnlecn~cl~\!c;.s, :b.l!tcuco tOr thc'ir foulcndlc and rh~rcforc ts by n_o.mrc a plainc AthciH , not and ygHncffc,1bfq~~i~ they are haioous fitmcs, bclecumb rhat God M God indu d. No\\ tUnhcrmc ..n would~fqr<; t(} cjo·~, if a.ny mau ~,·ere premore? the~ arc fourc forts ofpeople that put in fcqh ,S<;cing then m~t1·t~~rl!~t,n_or 01atnc: not praChfc thJS Arh~ifmr. • , · tq df>crthstn,~hqught-llc_)' be jn(;o:ls prciCnct; Fir!l, iilt:h as :ue. not afhal'ncd·to f.:y openly, itJoij)?t':&~e;h, ~Qaal1Clr~tl0rc theyb ·rurally imaIs.rlur~a Godor 'no~ and dare dilputcthc qucgin,e>J. r.foiJt God'k· irot prt-j~nt': fOr,. they '''ere n1on, aQd-:n Jail auoucbJh~rll iJ none; but th:tt 1~ ·P.f1rft .... va:d~c,i , ~hqy1,_would not com it them, all mauccs concerning God and hisworfh 1 p f :trc .tllough theY' eHcGoot:d'C.od no bettc .\then a nothing bm deuilCs ofpolidque men, to k('cpc llfl.Jl~.!' ... t 1< -'''! 11··· ~ .• ~ \ fi.mple m:n in·!l.we, and to make: iOolcs f.1ine . •'J~F.fppdiy; n1cnQy nature denie God! P.~wn-~ but thciC themfclucs arc fOoks ofall foolcs &. thY§ ;_:Y'fb£0 ~ man. offchdcs a,-Magifirat\ by thc:d~uill ~~uif>d that impi?us concci:,to k~cp ht::stkipgai;J.Y,~~\\.:•.,\.YJnch may..Pci~ruc: death ~1or themmmJicrablc blindncflc. There hauc been iOqu· gr~at [?IJ;Il\(h.tn_pn.,bc is forc.a'fr.aid;and all fit eh fool~s in all ages, yet iri olde time Dawd lai~.~~~c:is' , ~lOV\: Q_c!clft't"y,~fc~pP his puniD1ing faith, Thrfofooludid6~rJllJ in therrhearts; But Pf:ll.••·'' 1ha.t!rl.,:,Buf_,Jo~ a il'Hlp1qfl:Cnd God neucr fo much DO\-\' the fooles ofthde !aH and rotten agcs>nre ll}~ gf<o~i~~car~lsfly .,.u hi's holy .commaunde- B ripe in rheirfo!he, and they dare fay wit\rrlfcir tT~Blf~,hG \~<:;u<;~;f~3);~..q~.._:lll,norfrcmblcs at the momheJ: Thrrt i1 no God. Thefc arc Mohflcrs P.!¥3Hhment bclongjlJg vmo them. Ho... v -can in nature, :md d~utllt in('arnate, worfc tbcn the this be? but that hP,Y,'fo(,lCr he graritS:thereU a d.millhim(clfc; tOr he in iudgement neucrwas God, Y>t hc;t is not1'~rfwaded that God harh an Athdft, Tbe(c arc to be marked and hated p,ql"~no.reuenge ,h~~~ntet~ptofhis laws, and work then Toads& Adders: and iffilCh aone therefore he ncuerfearcs nor fhrinks at the recan be conuiE\:edbyany lawfl11.1 euidence, ifcmcmbrancc of him;. tior Bicth ilt all from his ucr Herc,tikc oi'Traytor defcrucd death, fuch 3 rCOf 11'g,i,nghJ;ld,bucp.lod4cth en inli.nn 'fVithaone deferues tenne deaths: as bccing a Tr:lyout f'GJJC. ;t ·: ·.1 • • :. tor to God,to mankind,and to nature: her fclfc. ,J~jqlly , mon by .nature dcnicrh Gods iHAnd though thefe wretches fay there is no God, fifee.~ tOr ~hc,iuHic~ ,ofGod is to wi.nkc at finne yet make ·they a Godof themfeiHes, facrificino in 1~0 n~an, but to condcmne.&.puni!b it whcrall their affections to their plcaftuc, and-pro~ !o~1\er .h~ find~s it, by infliC\ing •the curfes of fir. · \he}awe vpoq iJ,:!\.!l.t~nan dcnieth this iHfli« : Thefecond forta.c fuch., os acknowledge& !Or thp ugh h~ fi.nn<;againfi.Gods lawe,and his wodl1ip a God, but afalfo God.Thefe haue been co~.1f~jcn~e tcll_,h;\il1·Q}.i~; yethe: pcrfwadcs_him- C in all Countries, :md in mofi ages, as HiH:orics f~lfe.t\lprc i~ l),rfo-JI)<:r:puoiiliment due for doe G1ewe:lOmc worfbipping the Sunnc,fomc it, 3t.IPJ1tl ti):n Qp n'laJl·ci(<ap ..c it: l,l.3.y.though he the Moone I fom.c {brrcs' fomc beafls, birds, {cc ncucr iO many bctOrc hirn punifhcci for the fi01cs; fame dead Idols, ofwood, or fionc, or J:'iun~g;6une,·y.ct:(oyri I)Ptut:~s fo blindcand fo mcttalt And of this fort, and no better, arc corr!lp•) bee rhii!k~ft;for all. that, idhallnot fomc in thefe Churches where the true God is light.911 him . ... ~nd it·is lamCtablr.,yctmoH true, worJhippcd: the ApofHe [3ith, Couctoufo~ffe U tl~~ t\1~ Godof: ,th.c, ignorant men,is ameere 1idolatrie; for ifa mansheart be fer·wholly on ridol, .:God ma<\e all·of:,mercie, and:which hath ches, then rhewedg.ofgold i; hi; God. And to nq it,~ilicc io hill,.\i\t aiJ.~ their finncs they carsother, '\vhofcatfcCtionsare all on plcafurc:,thtir lcflvJ,ay allp\l,C:hJi.!J,,tlld f.1y Gpdis mercifull: beNit io their God-. Letthefc men hold in iudge- ::m4.JlJ.this.conctcit:·t-hey care not how ignoritrn~nt as they can, their praftifc I am furcpro-- ly,')lOW !oe.{cl~, how profa,nc!y they liue; and claimcs AtheiGne, _ thcir. hcans ,ncucr hauca rc~:~crent· and J'.\·cfull . The third fonarc fuch as :1cknowicdgc and thought ofthc iu!ljcc OfGod. ·· ~ wodhip thetmeGod, but in a faliCman11er: and )"hcfC :re d:e pitifull imaginations. that all J ofthcfe there arc 3.principall forts;Fir!t,T~~rJ:..r: men by Nature h!JU~.ef God. All the lemay be D Seeondly,Iewes.; who hold the true God ,_but prooutd by cuident S!o-·ripturc: the dcmcthe 1 rmmcof pcrfons, and.thc drmc of/ Pialme,where DaHidbrinp in the wicked fay. Chrifi. Thirdly, the .trlle ~·pift holds in word irJg, to th'cmfelucs. God lld~hforgortCIJ, !Jehi~es one God, & the_Tnnm~of r:rfo?s as_we doe; ; hisfa~~.;kfwill not fo~, luWttlnot n:gnrd. fhc febut Iookc at the1r do8-~n1e, and (1ft~Cl.r wor~s i cobd, by t~c blafphcmie of R,,/Jfok_trh, -who ha~:any n:uurall mc-anmg) th~y dcme lt~ for,1fl vttcrcd with his tongue that which all mens the tccond perfon be true Chrift, then hath hcc j hcans thinke by nature' what (jod cttn deliuer tW~ n~turcs, Godhead ~tl~ Manhood: but by I ;ouour ofmy The third E_(.9 pr?oues ap~ thc!rf:11nedTranfobftanttatum, they quite t.ake j parcntlv ·o,shcre he tds vs that the wtCked fay; away the truth of the Manhood. And agamc, = J.Yehau;:nad~a ClJtW'Ittnt IPitbd~ath, andwith het Chrifl hath three offices; he is the True Kir._e;, I Arewear ngrtemmr,rhough a[courge o:ur Prirft, and J>_rophl't of h~s Chur('h: and ~f he be J lfltdpaffi rh-roll'l,h, itjlJa/lt:or corneattJJ. j' not fo, hec IS not Chntl: But the _?apills do... Thus both,Scriprure:md plaint demonj}rlftiChine in pl~inc wor~s, aod ncccfl:lric confc- : otuprooue this to bee true, that eucrl man by q1.1ence dcn1cth them all, ashath bccnc__o~ccn. 1 · - prooucd 1