Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

f'''~' i j i.lclJ.t.!J, Tit.lol6o then. Chap; to the Heh. --- prooucrl VlltO ~heir {halllc) and publifll~d (0 I A ' 2~ I-iowGcd rt'hoi'm:lnhcm that fccke'hiro. 'j the \\'Qrld: :!Od t/>cy ncue;yct td this day could I Forthe firfl :_Amari rrucl.y fe•k.frh Gad, by / or dur!l anfwcnt": f~:-1r tt they doe; they fhall domg fourc aChons. . Coone either hc::~.rc:vs ;tnnine or cffc We will re- ~ fidl, a .than mu(l: forfake himfclfc; goc b!lt 1 cant it. But till then, it~ppc;res,rhattheir God bf himfclfc, aud as it wcrcloofoblmi~U(: iu hio_ is by their dpcl:tine noNhe true God, bur an IO:'v\'OC nulgcmcdt, when h_~o Intends to.ftck! dol: for heth~t d~:.?itthtbc.Sonne,dmicthrh: Ftt~ G':~d. If any askc how that may be.·? I lnfwcr.~ ]:~achcr ;!fo,.as !3ititS, l!Jbir. . Thu~ _; ~man muf~ labo11r to fee finnC fidlf 1 The fol!nl, for~of Arhcifh, 3rc fi1ch, as acand d1H_mClly,andm fight thereof.oc ca{l dC!'·' 1i knowledge and \·vorfltip the true God, and in himfcl~c,as a ma1~ is,wt!cn he_ fcCchhis ~~bts: worfl 1ip hi~1.j11 cru_c "?annec, for the outw~rd then.Jet"~c.uuo l~JrrJ:!f~··. and_ fc; 1t hc.c, wodhip;but 111 r:hc1r l1ucs and deeds deny hun. c:1.n tind m hunicHc any mabillme to pay ::h?tc And chefc arc nor to Oe.. fought for in1Hrkje, debts, or any tm·ancs in the world to tatl:.'1iC dr Jurie, or fttdj .- for:t!l Churches arc full of Cods iutl_icc:- ~ & purchafe pardon, And if vp_C)r:i ~i.tcP ,PrPtt:ibnt AtheiJls. Ita~may hauc.morc due cxam1.nanon h~e ~Qd~ n~>ne :1t all, no hot AchciHs-in iudgcmcnt then we: but rhde hy.. B rhe Ieafi,nor :u~y tluAg 10 haniclfe,but anaau..: pocri.u:s aod Athc:ills in life-_,arc here alfo;thofc fing, and raging confcicncc Let hida then f::~ll tares "''c··hauc: amongft ·our cornc. ~f thcfe out of a~lloue with hi?1fclfe, nayhat<' and ab..< fpcakcs the Apo!llc, that theyyraf•Jlcta/z.•owe horrc hnnfclfc and h>S ownc bafendfe :-and God, /nit .J.mic him . j, thf'it wo1·k5J. Let this lafily, lctidmdcjfairc of his owne{aluatioh ir1 fecme no wonder, that fi.1ch men be called Aor.from himfclfe: and thus doing, hcforf:1k<'~ thcifls; fo•, the Apoflle tairh plaincly; #e rh~t hirnfelfe, denierh himfclfc, and cucn loofcth ·,.Tim.).S:. carethnot forhU fitmi/; ·ii worfc th-en an Infidel/. hirnfclfe. And rhus ncccff:uiJy mllil he (tee td Wherchy it appearcs,. a man may bc.:1 profcf~ himfl-Jfe, that wili fee his heart to fccke the· four ofrhc Gofpcl,o.r a.Chriflian in profdlion; Lord. For, God will be foun.d of none rha[ and an Infid~ll or Arheifl in his pratlife: and it 110pc to finde h5lpc at >~y hondbut his: rhcy is ccnainc: let any manprofdfc what he vv1ll, therefore that ieeke God,but W11l fccke them.: if his life be noughr, his religion is a falfc relifducsroo;doiuflly loofc both God :tlid rhem" gion in him. _ · ' , [clues, . . - - Now·rhen~to lhuc vp this point wirh chcvfc Secondly, hce that \vill!ceke God 2righe thcreof:lfrlm be true, that rhere arc fo many (when hec bath lofl httnfclfc) mull hungu ·in forts of t\thci.!ls, rhat.almoil the world is full, his heart and foule, not afterVo.ea!th and -hOand rhat w,c are all fo by uarure: then, firfllet nours; cafe, oi plcafurcs; bur after rhc !auou£ vs fee how hard amatter it fs to /;e/uue i11 God 'C and mcrcie of God in Chrill: fof the forgiUearight, and ifnoroancamera God, bur he that ndfc of his finnes : and one dror of .Chrifls Ge!eeueth GoJ<lright, them. we fee it is no marblood, to·wafu away the guilt :ind.flaint ofll-i~ udl, r)lo.ugh. fo fcwe come to God. Let vs defiled and iinnfull foulc,muft be dearcr to'tliul therefor.: goe to God ~y earn~tpraier,ro giue then all the pomp and glotie of tenne worlds: v.shis fpirit to worke in our hearts, Look how a hungry foule hut\l(cisafrcr moat!· andt<;>makcvsofa.truc.bclccfc. Andfecond!y, :mda faintic foulc thirfletb after dtinkc; f~ fccingmcnmay bee Chrillians in profcffion,. mufihis (oulehunger after Gods mercie, and and Athcilts in praC\ifc;let vs •I! look mrrow ly thirjl for .Chrijls blood: and rhefe arc nccc03rr• to our fclu.e.s.; -attd ioyne with our profcffion, For, as a man thatvndcrtakcs a lor.g iourne)r 1 Cor.fci(nce and-obedience ·' for clfc rhcmorcwc muH bcprouidcd·6f meate and drinke :- fo ht knowGod, tl~e worfc we· arc. It may .plc::~fc that vndcrt3kcs the iourncy to goc foekj the God after to gmc vsbetter mindc:s; but as yet Lord, mu!t haue this prouillon fOr thcdiete.f we arc no bctcer then detlicrs of God! <~nd. his poorc fohle, God.r mercie~, and Ch~·jf{)_'n:ithough we come ncerc God in profcflion :1.nd 1'itJ: and he \bat feckcs, without a foufc hun- ~n his outward fcruicc,y.e~ indccdc weare ~arre n· gring after th(fc, may fccke long a:nd find nofrom him, becaufc wee want that true bith, thing. ~~(/ .,, , which mu~profeffc God, nor in iudgcment aThirdl"f••~}will truly fccke God, he mull lone, but m pr:tCbfc ;"hud that l\'111 hrtng vs not goeme, .Patb: but take the tmc m:d nurevnroGod: forhecthatcommerhto God,~:tufi /iHmJ!.W":J, v.:.,ich Chrifi hath confccrated 6J Gei«Hethat Godu. And thus muc~ fol' the firfi hU Glood: nor rake any guide, but trufi. to thing to be bclccJ.Icd, by him that _will come to ChriHs fpirit alone-tobe his guide: nor make G od and plcafc ~lln. · many medi~tor.s or mcffcngers to Cod, but The fccond1s. make Chrifi .alone to God the Father. VVcc And tb~~Ct lie ii a rcw;trder ofth~ th:tt fcck! mull rhcr<-forc goe to him, and yecld vp our I IJirn. . • fducs to be ,t:lught and guided by him, :md 1 It is:~ not~bl~ fcntenrc, and one ofthe mofl lc::aoc curfute t,o be prcfcrrc·d·by him: we n1ufi . , Uomfortabl_e m the ~ookc of God: and col~- not 1ooke to cot_nc to ~od, by running on pi].. , tncs the {econd thmg to he bekeued. The grim::~gcs to th~s or that $:lints pithtr.e·, or \ res :'Ire naturally two: bones: Ql" to .ou-r Lady of Loreto. Many hauc _ r. How a mon dorhfe:_k_e_GoJ,______ ~g~g~d ~ thcfc, but" ho cm:r fou_'2_d ~;:'i! \ ---- ·---- -- --- -----~~---- y.! --- -- ,, i I