31. 1 e./1 [omnient'arie vpon Ill""''" --· j'"·h I \ Nay,::tlas thbu m:tifi lodge' in hh forged caber- A tb.tt fo~l:..;hm-1. ¥ 1 -- nlclc at L.o;·cro all ~hr life, and li·c·inl~cll for ?.ll Frrft) by otfcrmg .h1mfdfc gr'acJOutl~ito be I th~t wh:.n thou an dead; ~nd m:nrt_ktlfc all thtfound of them rhat:fo<k,r IJJm. for 'lict" !1(1Ucr I. Samrs p.1Chtrcs, and boncts,.and ha1rc, aud all halcs hunfclft", nor wmcs :l\\ay from the fonlt 1 1 . their rcliqucs \nSpai1'c and ltalic, :tnd all.canthat fo~lz!rh htm; but ratherturncno h 11 n and 1 ; nOt gee thee one fighe -of .G.ods fauourablc mccrcs lum th~t comes to hnn:hcc 1S. that .:O"Ot\ ~ cotHncnancc.J N:or.againc, mnfl: \\'c IoOkc to Fa~hcr, wh1ch fa .... the 'pr'od1g:dl forfllc 'tt.Dfanc \ come roGod by bur good.worl<cs,though we off, and met him, and i-e'cc'iuCd hh'n,-'J.:uk. 1 6i ! arc tO doe thCI'n ';' ~he~ arc soo? rfJtWkjJ in the Yl'a, rather is it true, t~Jt hee'iJ(QHnd·Of rhan 'I way, and good e-Htdf:;1ccs dt a,ngh-; w?y; bm that fought bim "ot} th·cn ·cnei· J!m[1 1 l\by any they cannot open hcaucn, and kuhcc m. And thatf(JIIJ1d hnn no~._ And, hereby {:;rbU 101 rch therefore \then thou hall done all thou canfi, magnificth his grace:. and l11ercieto nlankirtdc thOu mu{t forfake them all in m:\tter of iufl:ifi.. in b~eing fo:rfll1rcdly folmd \\'hcn·· mcn feck~ cation and comming to God. Onely t~ou mufl: him.Fodn thi:; world it is not fo•.:A.!/m.e~fc.ek_? goc to God by Chrifi,and cleauc to lumakmc; th~faceof t/_,~ Prin'"t• faith Sttlo'riJDJt:·tft"Jc, hur he ischcdDorc, the war, thctrmh, the !Jfe, o.nd :11l mcnfindc hnor. No. Accdf~ togrc:a n\en ccrtenly neucr man found God, that 1 0ught B is not fo calie: the:y ai1d drcir faUout ·:uc-fo inhim not in Chrifl: alone. 1\nd "''·hen Popi'lb dedofed~' that men f'f'laY lpng fcc.ka.1t6rc the\• uilcs and di!linCl:ions hauc done all theycan, finde either themOr fr:'h1.,1t> God h~r'c i"S)16t ( 0 men will he found·litrs, an·d~ Chrift·\to fpcakc inclofcd > 2:s he will hot be fCrnt nOr fpOkc-to-J truth, faying,No'm.1ncommeth to th~ F11thn·!htt he is found ofthcrh ·ilmrfcekc hltn: 'And· a; b;nm. ~· · · . . ;:· · . .; hercbyhehonoumhllimfclfc,fd!\l!highlyre- .... LaJHy, v.•hen all ·thcfc ~re "done, the1;1 muH wardcrhhts' feruams :for there is no·orcatcf thou h:fecll.ethat God is become thy mercifull contentment to a fuhic6\, thqrtopqc~iuc his F~thcr inChrifl., and is'rcconc~kdvn.u! thee in fenti(C pl~lfrth h.i~ Princc-;nor gr~t~r~vy then huu: for thcr.c IS 110 fearc, but If thou feelzy God to.finde h)'S:,grauous fauOUl' wheit"thc)' fccke £n Chrift, thou fhalt fin de him~ add'whct'l thou it. ·· ~J • L hs(t·tionc the three fQrtnd things, thou maid\ Let then -this pr.o.CHfC of the /."eat God' df _fafcly.and affurcdiybclceuc, that thou haH truhcaucn, Firft of~ll, teach the grtattine}of this lyfo".f,ht God. ·:Andafter :\lftlrcfc, if.chou·hauc wodd tO bewi_IJing"to befoHiul whcri "thry ar; IJOt ~rmc and linely faith, thou doefi norfoe/c.! C [011ghr vnto: thereby fhall they homiw them- , G1Jd. For, as it·is impoJ!ible Withotlt faith to fclues,and checrcv:p thebcartsofthei"rpcoplt, p/e•foGod; fo it h impof!ihlc withoUt faith to who lire~e vnto them; And againe,.it may"bca for4e (iQd. Thus ifa man lo!Chimfclfc,iong af~ rich comfOrt to tba·pOQu .omv of thfs·~at!~l~ «r Gods. mercic, take Chrill alonc.for his who; when they fecrlrcym•fl·tohg loo)<o,and gufdc '"dmcdiator, and (tcadfafily bclceue his waite,and pray, and pay;ntld f~eke tfafareltlld , fc<;oncili:uion wi'th Cod~ by ChrHl, then hcc fo.uour.of·gr~:u· men, ·allCS cannotr~; rn':.ty : fecl<cs God :tright:and to this feek!ng,beloJigs then remcmber,yct.::hcy hauc aGaQ',~"ho will a reward~mdblcfiing. Now then .ifthis. bee.•tO not !hut the doorc v.pon tHem, willltotltumc- ! fuk! God, here is fame light giucn to 3 great away,wiJlnot kecpe rea-ctj'·\·ilJ nodbnrC thtm quctiion,Whtther the Chmc!J Qf RQmc. be atr.ue aw:~r"''ith arough.anfwcr,· or arfowcnlookc, Chtlrch, and tltcir doChinc duly .Catholiquc~ ~ut hath this honounblc :ind prinCely-gt"'c,. or erron.q,us& failing in raun darncmal points.? . 1 !Ie will v~found vt th~m that feek.!. /lim.:j, -=· r 1 :for anfwcr; Can that be a true Church, ""hivh . , Sctondly, hccr,war..dcthrhemthtttfeel:j him; doth not bring her children to feekc God? or ! ' by bellowing his loue aud·fauOur on them:· :th~t,' Catholiquc doelrjnc,\.o..•hicl.• tcach~th not not oncly he, but his fauour fl1Gil b€ found Ofi 1herchildren to feekc God, the,.;ghtway? but 1 all that.fcel<c him.'Ids Gods r2uouph>tGods · fends them into: t ooo.by-waics~ Surely iftrus : D childreu fcckc,and his fauounheyJllai!Oc fi1rO bo-to feckc God-,then fc>rch all the PopiJh do- ~ to fi>rd<. This is no finalJ.tcwardVnro-them: for Cl:ors, and Jlmofi all their writCrfii·trd fee whein thisworld a man thinkcs -ht ha11l1 ~11r6ugh ·if tbcr a min be not taught to .Et:t'.'J'~?d quite in ·. he hlue the Ptinccs fauo_ur: :m~t ~hctcforc it another walke, \Vhich way t{ t1)c.tr~. 1 whether . was thecommon phrafc 111 o~d mnc1,. Letmee it· ordinarily bring the iCcker.s to God or no-, i ji;1de .'i:rau ~or fawoHr -111the-CJ·_esuf~tny i;crd th~ wc~1eauc to'Gods mCl'dfuii iudgemenr.Hutfor · , King~ Se fpcake Gods· .cl11ldrcry vnto the oUiiCfuc.s as we k c 'v\'e hauc the uue and fi- 1 Lord. It is Jlot'we:llth,.nor honour·s .. \Yc fcekc uirtg way,~h~ furcand infaliJhlc way,b] Chrifl . for at Gods hand; l~ut let .-vr fi71d~fau0ur_in the to GQd, ~y the flJ!me to the Ftaher; let vs req u DfrheLordQ.ur G~d: :Jnd fo t1.1cy doe; what ioyce in the comforr of fo rich a mcrcic,and be cue~ t~1cy finde Jll'thl!' "'"orId. . · , tho.nkcful.l to the Lord for reucalino himfclfc .1 h1nily, he rewm·d~tb them not With h1snavmovs and openin"' vnto vs·thc t~ne way to 1 J:.:dfaHptn-, b11t with ·thdmo!l gracibtJs tcfli- 1 1 l11n~, an:l to his glori~ And thus much for the monies thcrc.o~th:tt t::;rlbo:~'·hich ar1~ two:Fvrw firH point. How we muHfceks Ood. , : .._'!;iumf/{e~fJ}Jttl"frr:n~s;_"J.ryd cccr~allli.femrdglo~ i i J"he fecond is, /-Tow he i.sa re.'4•ardtro.f them 7-i_ewitl~h~~fe(f:· 1 h;s u ~11 aPn~lC<' ~nn··do~ro·j -~ ; rhat fuk§ him: lanfwer, God ,.e:R,ardt rh:_m hts fubtecr,who h~th offended h:m~1 o forgt.tle I ~ .- ~----· ---· ------- _._..... .,.~ . ..., . _ hun