Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

----------------'-------'-~="'=~'-"----·--c~-~ l h then.Chap~totheHebr. ~i_:h_ · _, \ '::::~.'' ... . . htm the 6ult,:lt'd rcmtt the pumOuncnt·3tHI td I A 1\gaulc; .if God rbll1ttrdnou h111 thrm thl!t I / a,n.Jancc hun to honour.Th1s ddth rhc Lord ~o fockr h1m: hdc appcarcs the i:(;'1foi1 ,,·hy 10 i1~a- f ! all rhat leeke hnn: he f(.)l gmcs them the debt n}' P.lpijh die in ()llf r_cligion, and (with vS) I I \ I rl•cy 0'\ c hun, \\hereby !li~·, and fotile, and :tll clc::wc to Chrifh m!:Yitt .tlone, \\lrCa th('y come ! l Vl':ls fdrf':mcd w hun,·:fnd gmes them :dfo ltfc <:- [ to d!C;becaufc fhdr cor.fdrnCcrhcn tcls thct f ' ucdaflmgt So plcnttftJll a reward ts gulct1thc:n th:tt hy rhclr pilgrim:tgcs, rel!g1:cs, _'·'·1l! ~\\ orj :from that Cod, tmdet whofl:wmgsthc; areconu I flliJ_Js•. nn~ ~~tly morc.of th_~ir '?uric~( ordin:t: I rotu:Jf. , de mPopcnc) thcv d1d ncucr k~kc God, but Fomthly, htc rcw:udeth them with the berhemfCJud and th~ir bwne hOho_\u,i;!iine; :md ." ~ 1 g.m11ngs of hco.ucn and happmdfc cucn 111 thb I 1.:rcJir; and full vYi:::ll kndw they tl~:lt thCrc is 1 · ~' orld, A good conji:enu, .:!nd tOJ m rh~ hof; . no TC\~'a1d d!1.c for fi~eh fCn~icc: and t~ercfor~ : G'hojf:the co~11~drt \\"hcreot 1s morc,cuen 11.1 rhc I by ~hcu pr:~.~tl.fe they m~k. e Jt atru~ l.1ymg,t,h:1f.,. bittcreH :lffl.u:.l10n, then all the plcafurcsand · lr u good l111mg a P..tpiftJ lmt dpng a Prorc.- contcntmcnts in rhcworld. ' I jf.u11. ,. ' . ! Lallly, v-:~th rhc <~ppt~-ru;~ancer of heauen,and 1 . S"c~ndl)',ifGod he a~e~\'ardcrof them tl_1o.~ . of cternallltfc: ndmcly, the good bkfling-; of ! fcokc lum, then we: fee Jt Is mofl true vdudi this life, a cOmpCtcm portion whereof God B the ApolHc f.1ith; lr Mnot illVfline toforu~ Godj giucth his chi!dren in this world, :1s tokens of r. Cor. r 5.58. For God is tt rnv.1rda "(them his f:tuour, and :1s rewards of their iCruicc, and ih111 fuk..; ami[tTHe him. Therefotc the Athciff (ccking him. . ond profonc men oftbe world (who. fay: Iris Now :ts this place.doth ayrnc at all thtfc retn vain roforHc G.odi.andwhatpr~,li.r iJ. tl;ere t.hat wards; (o principally and direCtly the hol)t we bauek.fpt hMCtJmmandcmmts?)arc here con.:.. ~ r.l;l!aeh.J.JJ; · Ghollmcancth erern;:~/1/ife: as though het: had .uinccd to be Hers againfi the truih. .. (aid: Jlcerhatcomm<tb to God, mull Headfo.llly '· ·Th.en fcdng it is fo, let this admoniJ11 vs oll bclccue that God is ablc,:md moll "'·illingto re;. to (ccKc and fc.ruc God, in nil truth and finccJ wardall th:tt come to him with abCtccr reward ritie;knowlng ~~~cferuc him 'll:hQwillreward in thenthiswOrldcan yccld, eucn '.\'ith ctern:tl~ · ·No't'hingfnort:'cncouragetluman to fcrt!i:hl.9' life and gloric for his fonncs fake. ·· ·· I.:ordand King, then to fee that-hjs paincs are But then will fome olneEf : God !·cwardeth regarded, and hjs fcruicc rew~rded; nor morC vs, therefore we merit; therefore good \\'orkcs diiGOuraS"cih ·an·1an thCt~C c&trat:y.. iftll"crforc dcfcrue. . · Goddid c:uct forgtt aily that fcrucd l1irl~;let v-§ I an(wcr, this place intfcCdc is gro!ly abufcd bcHO\\'Cfc'ruice:Cl(cwlwrc: and thinkC hiu~ vn.i by the Papitls for that purpofe; but we.arc to \\'Ot'thic to bc[oJfghr to:··hti.i·if, .cointitri\~·lfc,hf know, the truth is farrcothcrwifc; fOr God u.. C ncucr fo~got, nor decciuc:d,'tlct dif::~pf>'Ointtd w~rdttb men for tW? c~ufe~ : Firfi, for.his pr~ ..., any that fCru:d hiffi; thcb i"s~e·n~oft._w.lfrfhy td m;fo fake, and that IS for hts ownc fak-e; for tt ~ay·e tAc fcru1cc both ofottr.fofilCs :~nd bodiesJ was his O\NllC goodndfe that made him proD~Mid indccde onec faid; lti'VaitJ h4Jie I Clean.. pf 1 J.ifj.Hi mi(c, and no fOrmer debt hcc owed to man.Afod n.i)' he_nrt 1 an,d'Wafted ~ry ~n~ds ift'ih1fo&-b11 &k gaine, he rcwardcth our good workcs, nOt for cit. Bu·t hf w:as thcri lrt:a flrong .ufnpttttio 11 {l! our merits (for they arc no::hing 1 but ofdeath · himfclfe"therc confcffcth:but ~.fccr~·ards whc1"-1 and curfcs) but for Chrijl: ancl his m'eritJ: for hc'Rftnt hJtotln}tuifluarieoj G"tJd, aDd fdrchcd vcrr.~1• their wprthinctfe, :ue our good workes rewarthe truth Ofthe, heC. cbnfefTcth hc·,v·as. ded. So thenhere :ue1two caufcs of Gods redccciucd. Anrl.thcre?f01 fcas'in the fiNh~c:.rfC he '"''arding, and yet maris me-rit arc nCithcr of h:-~d acknowtet~gcd, that t;J~w-.u.go~dr.o-ifnre!F ,·nr.r. both: ~11d .fo the arg.mncnt is ho~Jght, Tha~ fo in the laft b~ condudc_tP?.'th<tt ~t is ·g~odfJt Hri.;~.Q. God rewar4c"t.~, ~hercforc wu mertt; for God him to drawcncet·e.>:.mto· 6oi:/ .= and· fa rthoi1S,1i 'cloth it for other caufcs~·T~us tbefc fpidc'rs ga- 'the tcrr.ptation "'·3s vdy:Vc:hciTic1tr,ycHls falfli .thcrp~t{on qut o.fthis fl~?-"cr, but let .vs fucke D i-pfotarCd In th~ bc~inning; fe it~':l?viCtor)'" id thchoncj: for·ri11S not~~kfentcncc ha;h excel- ·the ende, •and,tc!lJficd, t~3t"G'oau. good t~<ll !cntvfc.' "· thilt fa/:.; him, Another time:affu{f<:r he was! a Fid\, if Godb-. rewahl.r ofthrmthiit feci:.; man ofmanyforrowcs and tc_itlptati<ms) ~et;< I.Um; thch not ofthem rh<ilf'fcekc himnot.\Alh6 ·ing in fome ~rCat diflrcff:c, hi~ c.Or~uPrion-fd .{cck,r~tdt{Jod? -wi-cked h.pdvngodly it:~~, fcckc; prcuailcd, th?t he {~id Apmen,·drC(if!·l;\ himrtot bilti'athcr (Cc1f~ ld auoidchini; and {oc·ucr Sttinuel:· or·(iO!; or'Nmhmr, !lnci tl~hcr J hisfcrui~r i ·this.f~htchc~thcrcforc iS ~lNluic ;:~.... T'rdphcts haucY~ld triC bf~ods 10ue,)tld me11 ·J sainO. thtl'il. For,whc11 ~t"~~y he:lre ir,t'h{".ir conL:ic, -and of thC'pr?~!lcs, a~~J~_l:o'uidcJYc~, :-~iic~ I tdchCc ::~n~v,·crcth, Bu~:~,·c"fekJnutG~~l[hn~ct~th~rly c~rc? .1 fee-~~ lS _:lll fa!·f_e,;md ~othJ_ng{O'J fore we c:mlookc for nornt•Ardfromn1m.norr Now furcly 1f DaHtd) or ~u! th~ ~mgsm the \ thou \eckc the world ·r d1cn d1<; ·N0rl(\ b~' [ ''odd b.n pr06ue !hi:;, tht'~=God is 110t '':or~ I thy rcw:~rder:· Dorl1 fhO.u fcckc to plc:ifc t:hy i'th'ic td be fOUght attct: but great· !n<'l1 tl1iiikf fclfc? tl~cn muH_ tho.u rc"t~Hl __thy .~.~~~~:: ~nd lf 1 .th~y may fay ~t1Y [hin$, cfpc~-ialf}· when tts'~Y I thou wlil plcal<! the <lct11!1 by lmm-g·m fmnf", arc mooned) as l!autd here .\vas,. Rut '"Hdi l then muit he be thy po.imo.f1cr:-:-.!01s! p1tifUll aud I T;>auid e"lltrcd i"hro_himiC!fe,a,,t.J confidetcd th,c I fc_:rduBwi)l tl_~~fc rcl.~'~n~_s be.~_.:_~~---·--·· ~(·~r~s- hc_b:;,4 f? p~ll~n~p,:~.~liJJ.Y.:.~::.tcrcd; vp'ot! ~ I -~--~~---·-----,---·-,·-·-----'----:· ----=-=-~t::s_J.... 1 • ·.·