Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

34 rv1 [o'inmentarie vpon verr.u. better adui!C he confcffcth,and writes it vp tOr A h?wfocucr t!lc Hate ofthis world requires th~t all pollcritics to Gods glori.c :~nd his O\\'nc d1ffcrcncc ot pcrf~ms, clfc it cannot fhnJ; it is lllamc,thatitwasinpaffion, I f.tid~i11m) [e11re nothing fo with God, nor in the world to allmm arelien; This he- faiJ in his hall, or in come. For there the fllb icCt, the f'-'m:tm, the his fcarc: but vpon adu'ife,in the nc:<t vcrfc,hc: PO':>l'C tn:lll, may challenge his r an inGod~ faconfdfcr.h Clods bmc-firi were fo many, and fo uour as well ::l.Srhc bcH: nay, \'Vhofoeucrfekg;/, great· tOhim,.as he cannot tell what torender to the mofi C?!ufidf;, Jb~t!ljinderheb4l rrroard, the L~rdforrhem: And in another place he·criMorcoucr, here is a comfort to thcpoorc cth out in admiration; 0 fnwgr~tlt U thygoodand the mc_;mer fort of men, who arc <;ppoin: n~Jfe which thvt~ haft laidvp for thtm that fMrc tcd by God to be vnderlings m this ·world: tbee, and pmth:irtmjl'm tbu, eHen beforetiJt Scckcthcyfauourhcrcand findcitnot? \\'ork fomres ofmm, · they herr and doe their duties, and arc not reWe fee then,that merciful promi(e ofChrifl wardc=d? Let thcmlearneto fcck God,·who "il is euer made good, Seel:.! and ;ee Jha/1 find<, alfurcdly both rrgardwhat they do, and abunMatth.7.7.None cuer fought God, but found: dantly rewardit. WcmayfcckcourownCplcafurcs&liucloOfc.- C Fourthly> fccing God is a rcwarderofrhcm ly, and be dcceiued; an~l hcarc ~~at fearefull tiMI foek! l~im: _here is acor~lfona_ble incouragcquefiion, WIMt profit ha11c jtc_'of thefethings} mcnt ·agamfl two great tmpcdunems, whil:h Ram. 6.2. 1.VVhat.rcwardbltdhamc&'forrO\r\'?. hinder many a m:1n tfom fc:ruing God. but if. we tCcke God aright;V..•c nc:uer1oofc our Firft, toJfekJ God 1s but :1 matter of mockclabour, Let vs therefore fcekc· God, let the ric tOprofane men; for; let aman {et his fa.Ct'ro hand of at G.o.ds'tDcrcic gate: I~Hfh!em, there arc prcfently Samlt"l'itanes h1 Chrift, and we !hall not goc away '(''ithout whtch for that caufc. will hate and mocke him; ar<ward. The prodigall child flcd·froml:tis faLcra mm fer hisheart to fcrke God, by heathcr:.,fpcnt al,2nd loft his fauo.ur:but h.e n·o .foo· ring the ~ord more carefully, praying ro God per laid, 1willrnrrmeattdhHn:ble mj felf1 tp'm] in!lruC1inghis familic, or keeping the Sabbath Father; but.hc foundhim; and wanhis Fathers more carefully then afore, and .forthwith he is fauour again.e.. ·So, let vs but offe'r our_fchiCs tO the laughing Hoeke, and the by-word to proGod(Gudvnderftandeth()ut= thoughu lor-gbefore) fa11C men : but loe, here is comfort; The God he will mectc vs, and rccc:iu~ \'S, and giuc vs .a whom thou feekcfi \\'ill rcw:~rd thee, :1nd that reward. !' ~1..· • fo richly,that thou wilt thinkc thy felfe.wcl reThitdly, as God Yro>ardetb thunthat fuk! c eopcn(ed,both forthy feruicc,and their ln<Xks. him, (o.a!ltbatfo<k.;.him: None mHfc him, all •In thiS;·worldmen care not who think or fpcak finde tl>,at feck;e..Gtcat oncs,haue noraceeffe,.& euill of.thcm, fo the Prince like them: and O>al theptiorc,kG:p~•QUt;' ,but· all1t•ecciued a,s they it noc encouragev.sto fcckc God, though th~ come: no di'tl'er,Cn~; •but thC more carefuHy world mock vs?feeirig £0 doingweplc:IIC God, aoy fcol<c,tb~t)1Qte.weleome arc they,Herdet and [Q faue doe plealc him, as he will hiahly Princes( l~arn thci.r dutics'at G~d, re\o\'arcl vs-? Thofc thereforc,th:lt fallfrom~eliby whp~,grac~ an~ permHlion they are what gion for thofe mockers, it appcares they.foekf· they arc. A • _ _ • ' not /(I p~rofo God, bui mM." Firfr, Ictthem·thillk• it vn.befeen\ing theit SeGcndly, for a man that isa .Magii1rare ot greatnej{c, tP.: lct"l3ny[cr11e the-m withdut a r(2 aMinifhr , to doe his dutic carefully; is the ward; :mdaf\::1mct9 their horio111:., pot to_ let highway1tovndergoea burthcnof c'omen~t well defcnlil)g· fubieCts fi'nd.cJ:h£ir fauotir. Let ~ndhatred. Infomuch as many goud q1en 21-c them not d•t<~! tpdrhcansby.n<it regarding afi·aidt_obeeithcrMagiflrawor Miniflt"r:tor ~ematt4 their paints : but le_t.thcm mCourAge I firfi, wiclz!dmmmuH. needcs hate them,· be- . theqHp fertje them, by-lookmg at them, hy caufe the one is to rcbuke,:.nJ the·othertopu... good countenap,ccs,and good fpcec:.h~s,and by D nifh their faults. And againe, cuenKoodmen:lre rewarding eucry 1 otle a<.:cordmg to his won. h. / too refpcC1les of them th:.t are in thef~ places, ;\11 gre~t m~nJhpuld ellccmc.tbis,as one ofthe and for the mo!l part noithcr yec!d them that pcat\C's of their-Crowncs! to J1-a~c it ftid of rc·ucrcncr, nPr rt'A'a'rd; tl1at is'duC'"'Vnto them; them, Such4 o.l!.e isart'Warder ofl~tmthat[erf1f but ,oftcntirncs a m::~n fo! :~11 his piliBes ~nd ('are him. ,. .·. · ·; 11 . • t-aken fe:rc\lurch Qr commcn wcahh.,i:; recom- _,A.oaint:, lq thCJTI leame to.,difpenfcthcir fapcnced ~virh hatred, C:fl:lly,grudges,r,tiil words, PolH-: :1ccording to reafon, :uid, not 3tf('tlion and ilanderous rcpor~s_.Jn thiscafe,the}omfort · oncly. God is indifferent and equall toa!!that is this, that though aroan be in the wotld r.cifoek._ehim, fo lct·Prirtecs be: for Jhat is true hothcr regarded, nor r_ew.ardrd, as his_drfen is, nour and iu£Hce to rc\ovard each one as he deyet the LorP fc.tth what hedoth, and is aplc:n... femes. And-th'!t he may finde the bctt, whp tifi1ll rcw:udcr ofall that fock.._~and ftme him: doth befi,this will make eucry one flriuc. \\'ho -4lnd thercfoz:c djJecially of_thcm)who nQt ont·.. j lhould be firfl,and for.-·ordc!l,in all fcrui<eablc !yrhcm!~lues fcrue him \n his .chcife plae<s of 1 duties. , (ctuic.e, hut alfo d.oc wilii1C m:myother to feck I 1 1 Funhcr, this mull tct~ch fhc;m not to Jcfpift and Cc rue God. tbem th3t 're vndcr them in this 'A'orld: fOr., Fiftly, if God6e_a1·c;war(ieroftkc?pt:?.arfo~J:! ~-_!--------------,---· ·--- _____ :.___ ·--~------ ~;"'!.1 . ___1 Lukrr.