! H_(nochs t.ll(h. .--L..-~!...- J then. Chap. ~ci the Hebr. I 35 ! A carelefly in hts finm·, and driuC hiin tb true re..:l:- --·· jl pem-ancc: for cliC let him a!fure him!Clfc,GoJ him, rhen doubcldfc he is a re:m:gir of thtm rh.. tt h.-uehim: for he, rh:lt can mighrliy reW<!rd hi"-1 follovvcrs, c:t:1 allo might:ily be rc:tel'!gedof his enemies. ThdC rwo arc the two parts ofa Ki11JJ power, To be ablehighly to :1duantc.hi'li friends, :ttHl mightily to punifh his cnctmcs. Therefore prillcipally this:bclong5 ro rhc King ofKings.·Thi':. fi:ntcncc therefore is a thunder– bolt of·a mofl: f(:':trcfull thrcami-ng againfhll impenicCnr finners; afl'udng thcm,thar ifthey pcrllll to profan gods hOly name by their carc– ldfc {inning againH him, they {hall be fut:c to finde and fcclc hiln a powrcfull rcucngcr of rhcm rh:u hare him. Thus hcc promiierh him.. tclfe, Dcm.l 2,4o.ipr.;p, I lifr vp m1hand toluattm, ttndl[.l), lfiueformcr. !flwhetmy glittrrtnJfivord, and "'.Y h't!ndtak! ho!dotriudge– ment, I l'Pi!l cxeclttcvengeance tm mJ enemies, 0- I B rewa;·d them th.-it httte· mu. '.Vhere note ;:~lfo how the !lme phrafe is vi~J: for here the Apo– ll!e faith, God is ""'warder ~f rh'"' rhat ftck.; him: So in Dcutcr. A i·ewarde-r of rbem that hate him:Ifany obicC\: li.ow thcfc tw~ cart {hnd together; for, a man had ~s goodha'tehit.n, _as fccke: him, if the tiunc rewardbelongs.to both: is not foplentiful/a rcwarderof them that (eckt I hi!n, bu; he is aspoJ'Perfu!i ares:rt;grrvpon thofC '\. that h~uc him. . . , Laf\lyJ If God bee,; riiivardn· ~f.rhrm rh,lf j fock$ lum, we lcarnc the g:rcat clit1:erencc br..J I twi"'t GodJ ft1nicc and the drui/!J~ The dcuil!s fcmants arc fed ""ith fairc words, bilt gn no.. ! rhing, the dcuill iHtbk to giue them nothlligi : but Godsferuants(:as \\"C tC-:: here) arc plcnti.: I fully rewardrd. Cod is arewa1·der of thc111 that fcck hirn:but the dcuil is ad,·criucr ofthem that [ fcrue him. But will fome f:-tv, There is no1~c fo m:1dde to be rhe dcuill.5 f~ruanrs. I 3nfwcr: He.th::tt doth an)' mamworke,ls either his fcr– U:Int or his flauc: but euery finfi11l wicked marl cloth the dcuills workc: for Jinne is the dcuils JA·orke; thereforeall impenitent Goner-s are th~ ~euills fcruants. le is Chrifis argument to the I'nves: Yor~are"f}ot:rfath~rthe DeHil!,for the I i..,j 1 ,t. 4 r.ifil worl;p ofyourfarh<r;ou will ·doe .- m~rrhma•d I liuare hUwork,r1, ;o.u liu:in rhe[e flnnes, and .doe theft wOrk!t; tberifore Joft nre hi~ for.J I Httnti. ,: > .Again,the holy Gho(\ teacheth vs,thot w!Jo- }oeuer committeth ji1me ('arid Hueth therein n e vvithouc repentance) the fo'!Je U theferuant of om. ' 10 • jinne. Now finne is but the bawdc or broker to the dcuill : they that :\re the fCruanrs of fimlc; finne prderreSthem to the deliill, and fo they ·become his fcruants; thCr~forc whofoeuer is Il l :1nfwCri A rev.•ard, but,not the !~u11e belongs vmo them. Thccucs and murthcrers :trc iullly rewarded, when they die for thcirfath: and the Kint7 rewards a good fcrtJant,\·vhen het aduan– cctl~him to honour. They thatfeekc God, arc rewarded with merc~cs and fauors ah<tuc their dcfcrt: they that hate GOd, arc rn,.cifdCd \-\'ith vengeance & tormcnts,according to their de... fert: and this fl1all all wicked men,ai'ld ~·nemics of God, be as furc to findc, as cuc:r·any that fought God, obb.incd mercie. . But wordly men \\'ill fay, \-YC hate noi: God, we arc no lerveJ nor TtJriz!J, we arc chrillened, and come to the Church,according to the Jaw, as good fi1bieC\:s f11ould doc.l anf1.ver, neither doeTurb,!t nor leJ-uJ f1atc Go<l,. if thiS be all: for, they denic not the Godhead, bl.lt :lcknow– lcdgc it, and arc circ'umcifcd, and 1\uc more fhiC\:ly in their deuotions thC moHChri!lians. Here is therefore more required, c;>r clfe we n,.u n1ake them •lfo good treinds ~,·ith God: the feruant offinne, is by th'at m~ancs the fhuc C and feruant ofthe deuill alfo; Which if it bee true, it will fall out vpon the reckoning, th~t the dcuill bath more fcruam·s in the world the1i God hath: which is fo much themore lamema..: blc, in as much as hr: dd.udcth all his feru:mts; & is not able tort'FPard them, nor to giue them any good thiilg. , . But a. man may hate God, and be neither Turk! 1101" Jew; hce may ac/z.n01v!edge Chrifl: 'and the Tritiitic, and yet hate God.For,as Chri!l faith, l-Ie that i1 not with mc,tJ againflmce, and be that (_ttthn·eth not l'Pith me, [catttreth: So is tt here; 1·Ic,that fceketh not, ferueth not, and 1oueth notGod,hatcthGod: forth ere is no man c2n know God,but mufl necdcs either for his mer~ cics louc him, or cl(c hate him for his iulHce ngaitiA: fiOnc and tinners. Agline, Chrift bids vs) !fyou /vueme lz..eepe m; comm~tndemenu. If then to keepc Gods comm:'lndements bea figncof ont::thatloues God, it is afigne that one loucs not God, when he hath no care to kc-cpe them. By which two places, itappcares, that whofoeucr m:1kcs net confcicncc offinne, isGods encmie~ and that God fo reputes him: thcr:f~~!:t this fe~'rc e~\H~t-y man from liuing But fame will fay, this ;, nothii1g fo ; for contrariwife, who haue the honours,plcafiu·es, and wealth of this life, who h:me hearts catC and the \Vorld at will, but fuch men? I :mfwcr: True, it is cotntllonly fo : but h,nc they thofe from Satan? No, not the leaft of them all but all li:om God: !or euery man is Gods child by I crcation,and fomc bygrace,to cucry one ofh1s' children lu~ ordaincs and giues aportion: but to' D his children by grace a double portim1; both here, and in heau<·n. The wicked men , they will not fcarc nor ferue him; therefore they hauc noplrt nor portion in hcaucn, but Here they haueit: So faith D::tuid; there are fomC men, \-\hieh are mm of thU world,. and haHe Pra 1. 17 _ 14 • theirportiou tn ths1 !Jfe: thefo mens !Jrl!in God fi!hth with !Ji., hidden treRjitru, th9 and their· chiltlrm haue etlfll~(!,h, 111/d lemte the t•efr f or thetr chilth·m afier-thtm.: \Vhere it is manifdl thar ._,·ickcd tnen hauc their pans-:tnd portiOn~ of Cods blcflings in this world, and th:tt all their "''calth :md plca!in·cs arc graumed thctn' by and from God, as their portion; referuing the princiE'.!.J'art of the portion of his children for