'\ 36 . rU1 [ommentarie vpon ---:-: for a better life. Therefore all the good thing! 1 A ning :md vfc of this notable fcntcn<;c:whcrein I Luk-1 6 . 15 • ofthislifc,whichDiu~sreccincd, anJ all vlicwehauclloodrhclongcr, bccau'feit is oneof ked men doe rccciuc in this lifc,arc not any rethe mofi c:<ccllc~t principles ofall Pra1Z1~d :J 1 _ wards of Satan, but gifts of God;fo \'11\\'0rthy vinirir. · ! a maflw is the dcuill eo fcruc:. Indccdc he will Now pur all roge~hcr, <~nrl we lhall fee how '1 promiCc his pocirc O.aucs any rhing,bur_can perit prooucs 1/rnociJ to bee tak.fn aw19 b; jltitb; tOnne nothing, but \Nill lie vnro them and dewhich.is tiH: firH ground,and the rnainc lnlttcr I cciuc them. He told ChriH confidcmly, when ofall this example, and ofrhcfc rw'dverfcs. he let him fee the gleric and grcatncffc of this Godu}· arewarderof allhis ohi!drbJ that{eth! Luk.~.~)/• world,AllthUismitJe, and lgiue ittowhomel himbyfaith: thcrcforc itisfaithbyrrhichGod.r Ioh 8. 44 . will : bm he was l licr from thcbegbming, and childrenp'ledfo God:and therefore ho(y Hmoeb fo hC is here. He Hcd to the firfl A dam, and no who was takenvp6y (jod from earth to hcauen 0 '"·Hl· marucll, that he dare ><I ouch [o fond and loudc both pleafcd God";failh,and byjilili;w;u1ni{f; ulic in the prcfence of the fecond AdAm, Icfus m~aJ. ; 1 • Chri{t. He.promifed the fir.fl Adam, to make And thus much for~ the commendation of him God, and here the focond A dam to make 1 B H eno'chs{o1itb, and'confequcmly the examples himKing and Lord of all the· \o\•orld, and ·the offi~eh, as Iiued in "I he firff ·world before the glQric ofit:but he performed both alikc,hc-de~ food• . \.~ .. \ ' cciued the firfi.., lncHO had the .fc.cond alfo J ,if Nowfolloweth the example"of l'vru.1.h, who he had uu(lcd him.Nor did.cuc( any trufi hinl; liucd in both worlds).both before and after thC but he deccincd bim(I meanc cuen for rhc lniC flood. :. 1· tht11gs of this lifc):witndfe clfc all hi~witches (his moft dcuotcd and profclfcd fcruant5 ofall other) if cucr he made anyone of the.m 'wc.a}. thie: ~all ages arc'"not ab!c to !hew one. Wher• as~ on theotlltl' fide, there was1~cu'<rr:1i1an that fciucd God, but had, a competent mcafin·e of Cot)lforts fOr this lif,c (and fomc, abundance)& }'et all that;is but the firfifi'uits ahd beginning:> of that re!Vard, which is laid vp forthem in a.. nothcr \vor.ld. VVhich bcdng. true, is it, not C a.fhangc and lamentable c-afe,·tOfee m<tn (for all this) dcbafe thcm(clucs to <his ba[c and fla– uifh fcruice ofSatat1, and. to rcfufc this high & ho.no,urable fcmicc of almighty Gpd? A corn~ mon fcntam.in this world bath more wit: he, if he can here of a better fcruic.c, a ·M'lficr who giues better wages, and \"-'ha bcrter prcfcrrcs .his tCruants,,villlcauc his old tn:J{ler,:mdmake n1canesto oer the other. And.fhi:I.Unot vve·be as wife for~oth foulc lnd bodie,as they for the bodie-alonc? Shall they lc:Jue a·man fOr a m:m, and lhallnot we leauc tf1c dcuill for God? Let vs therefore abandon the blfe fentice of' Satan, who neither ~an, nor will reward thcrh th:1t,fcruchim ; puraway foill aM~ilcr, \Vh_o harh not fo much as meate :md·drinkc to giuc vs( for we haue cucn that from God:bl.tt,ofhis D ownc, he hath nothing to giue vs, i3!1c in this world forrow,and fhamc, an,) an ill confcienct>; and in the world to come, the ronnetns ofhcll with him[clfc:} And let vs all fcckc the bldTed fcruicc ofGod. Ifwe know not how to artainc VERSE 7· -'. 'By Faith, J\(oah heeing 'rPa~'ned of Qod of zhe ·things whtch ·'Were IU yet not f eene, mooued with rruerence, ,pre– par'~ the rvlr f<.! to the.fauing of hu 'houjhold : through the whichd r{ehe condemned the "t'Porld, and '¥PIU made heireo the righteoufoejfe ·'Which u hy foith• . · N chjs vrrf is contained the third example, lnd the lafl: in order of thofc \'Vho.li– ucd afOre the flood, 111 the : 1 1irfl and old world; namc1ly, of the reno.,.\·ncC Patri– arkc Nonh, the tenth from it, goe to Chrifi by hearty confdlion of thy fi.nncs, and carncllpraycr, andl1cwill prefcrre thee to God his Father: : for ncuer was any de. A dam. nicd, that \.\'ith agood and true hc:1rt, offered Of whom andwhofc faith, great and glorihinlelfc to Gods fernice. Then Oudl we fcele ous things arc fpolcen in this verlC; & that in·a. :1nd finde what a blcfi'cd thing it is to beGods high anrl excellent Hilc,full ofmaidlic,and difcruant: of whom, it ~;vas cucr true,which the uine eloquence. holy Ghofl here f.1irh, and is and eucr {h::tlt Oc, Concerning NoabJ faith,two points <We laid that !-Tee r~ an hor.ourable rewtlrdcr uf themthat down;firH, tl;-c grosmd of hU faith: fecondly, feek.phim. tJJe commrndation of it. I And rhus we haue (in fame part) th<" mc.oThe groHnd of his faith was a fp~l reueI H~nod:s 1 hith. J. l!x1mple j ofKcah. htion ----·~-----· ---'-- - ---'--------' -----~-~