Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

t.Caue1u 2.boutfli~ht inperfccutioo. _____________ s_e_rm_-_on_r_n_th_e-.~-~ ~o_u_n_t~~ , ~~--~~·~-, f ~i 1 dcuill therefore !"Jf7Cth ' and idlan.cs the I A ! t'aith ' f L!tfl0/1t of ro-:1[HJfcr .as~ 'fii.Jrthfr~.r ; 4 c ,;P<:r..f.ij; hearts of his inlhun~cnts , with malice: againH: Thcifc, or a IJHjic:.h~dic; bnrifanr m:tnfuJfi.r Ar t1 I 1Gods Church, that they may pcr1Ccu1c aud ~·hrijfim;; le: hitnntlt be ajha':'td,6m gi(lriju: Go~ 1quiteddlroy it if it poffiblc. Secondly, ltJ tbu bth-4ifc: and rhc:·~fort w~ muH be fur~ J 1Gods Churd1 isapeculilll' people fcliCt.t:d from rh~ <.'Jwfc be: ~ood; y~a.rt.IS w..c.~1tuH lobke .,.u.:.J the world in profelfion, doctrine f ;md·<onucrr:o ~~our part1cu_la~ pnuarc crolles. . . , ~t fation and therefore rhc worl4. hares them, Verfc 1 1. BlefJcd ar:- yu whcr. mm 1'tH:.~. Ioh. 1 5. r6. And rh is veric point m:y {hue to ;_ou, a11d pn·focuu JIPA J O::.;"'t• . ~n h~ndlmg th.~ ftay c.:mr hcarts,wht:n we {hall bcpcdccutcd for f.'>rmer verft:, wdhe\vcd the mc.:mmg ot thcJC the profdli.on and embracing ofthe Gofpcl of words,and how th~y fcr~c: to expound. the ro:.:. I Chrill• for the world dmh hate Gods Church, mer Rule. The po•nc here to be bbtctucd IS and v.•ill doe to the end: there muH be cmnitic this,That eo 7~0fil~, )'cl(as Eu~ fanh ·· Luk.6.ii. I betwecne rhc ftede ofthe fcrpem,and the feed tohat< aman fo::• good eaufe' efpecially for / of the wo 1 nan, a;rhcnhr that wa:1 borne of the rcltgton, 111 pcrfccunon: V~.htch lhc ...\•es h~w fo.fb,paf~ctttcdhim rh.ttlP.:tdwtne ~fur thefpirit, fcarcfull ~he l'Ot~motl . finnc of the ~ge i~, fo i.r ;r ,.ow>Gal.4.:9. whereby mc:n r.cmlc thetr bri::thrcn, wuh bate Secondly obfcrue, th:lt this h:1tred of the B andodioustc.atmcs, becaufc:_rhcy 01cw~fom~ world, is not onely o.gainfl th~ members of ~arc to plcaie G?.~, anfl to adornc t!lctr p~o..- Gods Church,but cucnagainfi Cnrifts hoiyretcffion py agodly hh.:.But thou.arc aperfc~uror liaion; fo Chrill faith,for"'} f rf?t, orform; Rrwhofoeuer thou ort thar vfclt this, and tbcrc" li;ions fllk!. This is to be mark~d as a mo!l: exfore r~pcnt and leauc it, fi,r it is a pr~paration c~llcnt arCYumcnt to pcrfv\:ade our confdcnces, toa greater finne·in this kiridc i 2r1d mofl odi~· thatthcGofpellofChrifiwhichwcprofcffc,i~ ousinGods fight, as thi: pUrti!hmcnt hereof the true andbldfcd dotl:rinc ofGod, bccaufc dcchlrcs, Gcn.:z t .9) 1 o, with Gal.4.1-9,3b. ' the wicked world doili alviai« hate it; yea, it S. Luke oddcs.• fccond wdrd ; And whiff hatet\1 vs alfo for the Gofpcls fake' now if it th'J{cpdr4ftJ"ii<;Whi:rt:by is meant 6xcOiilrnuniLt were adotl:rinc of men , ·it would fit their na.: cation dut Of the Temple and Synagogue; .·a" tu res well, & they would loue it,for the world punilhment which Chrifl foretold n1ould be-~ doth loue hio owne.loh. t.; .19. fall his cii{ciples. This ecnfure was put in'~>/9<• Thitdly, ifthey be bicf!i:d that fuffn pcrfccution i!'l thsir Synagogues: for beiidcs-tho· cution , then how may any man lawfull¥ flie in •dminifhation of ciuill lullice, ·Ecclefiafli~li!!- pcrfecution? Anfiv. A man may flic in perfccumatters were there han_dlcd. Nowm>rk.-Wb~~ tion with3"goodconfcicnce, thcfc tvro.thi'ngs Chri!l:: faith, Though cxcot1lmunication :tiJe ob{Crucd: firfi, th:u he" be not hindered b'y his C mine owneord!nancc; ycr 'hleffo4 are JO''·w·tirn: particulat=calling:fecondly,that he harh liberty mm ~:rcommu'nicat~ you out of rhe Timpl~ and offred by gods prouidence tO efeape the hands SJiwgoguu,for '"J ;,.;,.., J..kt: where bee maof his enemies. The intent ofthis vetfc, is not keth excommunication akinde ofpcrftcotlon;· to forbid flight, but.- eo comfort fuc~ as ate in when it is denounced ag:J.i?fi Jl1£'tl for tJghtcperfecution, at1d cannot efcapc: for'thc,·word onfi1cffc fake. : lignifieth fuch perfccution," is by purfuit and Here then we may lcarne, what to thinkc of ·oppreffion, \\•hieh cannot be avotdcd. the Pope; Built, whereby he cx.communicarcsLaltly, fecing they are bldfed that luffcr for Kings and (~eenes, and partici1lar Churches; rightcoufnelfc fake, Whether arc the~ alviaics for denying fubicttion ~o his c~airc: namclyi curfc·d that fuffcr dcfcrucdly for an euill ,saufe, that they arc the dcuills ·infirumcnts; whcte..; for the cOtrary rcafon is in cOttarics?Ar.f.Thcy withGods children are perfccutcd ; alid that arca:lwaics accurfcd , [Juc in one cifc; to \V it, :~.11 fuch as arc thu:s e>'l:communkated, for. vnlcs they repent for rhcir vnrightepufncs; for fending the truth of the Gofpd, arc blclfed 1 wpkh theyare affiidcd; bmh? rru~ rl:pcnticc for excommunication is nor· ~he in{humcnt of they become blelfed. The thcife vp6 the crolfe a curfc t<> them that fi,tfer it for 'a good cautc. had lined in theft , and \\'aS therefore attached, 1) Secondly, hence we learne, that cxconitilunil. condemned; and crucified, 3nd fo h~ fuffercd 1 1cationabufCd againfi God's word,is nopbwcrl for vnrighreoufi1cffc; bur yet he was faucd,bcfull ccnfurc, though in it (elfc, becing vfcJ caufc he 1'epenccd, and bdccucd in Chtifi. according tdOodybrdinan_cc, it be a moll rer~ It is added, for tt[hrcoufnr/fe fa~. In this I riblc thunderbolt; excludinga man in part~ fiG daufc we-are taughraTpcci:all leffon; ~n:r.m~ly, 1 the Churc~,and f1·om the kingdomofheJuc11 : that whe11 CGo·d !hall lay vpon vs arly afihebon •nd therefore all Churches mufl fee', that this or perfccution ; as imprifontilcnt; banit'hmtnt, 1ccnfure be not abuii:d, fOr -the abufcrs ofjt inJ. loffe.of goods, or of life it fclfc; we mufi ali currc the danger ofchc curfe ,.and nOt they t.:. waics lookc that the caufcbe good., .and then l·g.&in!lwhom it is vniuHiypronounced. fuffer willingly. This is a neeelfaria Rule' for vcr, 11. Rcio;c<MILb< g/,,d' fort,rfat iJ wc:c m~l!t fuller ,_ffiiCHon either pjJblikcly or ;oJn'fmardP:• ht'al!~tJ .• fot'fo p'erfocupriuately if we willliue godly in.ChrilllefiiS, <i >1 ;dt'hey'rhc hupltwwhtol,;><rc before NoWitisnotthe punil}uncnt,b~:~t the caufc · 7ou. ··' .. :~ : • · ' .• that makes aMartyr: and to this purpo'fe Pet« Here ~hrlft driwcs a condufion ft:on1 r.hc C_z fum'lcr