Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

-- t& l dnExpojitionofChrifls ::;~~·."s· ---~ fi1anm thts place: for 111 thts regard the Mmt- ,A -therefOre that ts to tc:ch Gods \\tit, mull not t.P~ruofs Minifi'rs oi5"• 111 Scupture oth~ts bctidcs the Mtm[tt;rs are godly lltC cx.cmphfic lus dothmc vmo the ller JS apatternc to Ius people, and .many umes I ondy by. doCl:rmc milruCl: the C;!.rc, but by::!. called hghts, 2, S:tm. 2 I.1 7.lJMtd 1~ called tbe I. Tun 4.1 z.~B~vntD tbcm rhat brlem~, an t"\- ltght oflfra:l; not o.ldy for the ;;()mfot t oflns #mplt" tn lPor;d,andm -conu~'7'{nt:on. Re.gunenr, but a!fo as was a Kmg, by hts In. regard or this double_chatge,that lies on VIe. vpnght life he gauc hght to the pcopJc,\,hcrecucry Muuftcr, the pcoplcfot then pans, mufi t of he was a goucmour; and fo an.fwc.·rably,all rcmcmbcr,'in all thcirpr:-.icrs to CT3UC of God, Sup~riours in.thdr plr..ccs mutt be lights: the t~at the. Minificrs may Jie ' enabled to te~ch publtke Mag!(l.t•ate, to the Comm.on'<\'t'alth..; Godiwll.l,both ln doCtnne and Hfe. The Apothe mafrcr' [0 his (o:ruants; l'arcms, tO their me Paul dot·h fundri<: times require the Chutchildrcn; a:1d c:ucry Chrifhan to his brother: chcs to whom he writ, ropray tOr him in rcPhilip. 2.1 5· ShillCIU lighu in :h:world1 intb~ gard of his' MiniHcric-. Now ifio wonhica.n mi4Jeft o{aq:rug}lii~ "md croak§d r-~rion. Thss ApolHe h:~d need to be pnicd for, mud1 tnore cR(Im,IS·30 l.C.,r.•.u. Eph.6.J?. c.. lul:+l• :.ntd·3·•• therefore is our (h\ty,if 'Ne be Chriitians:as \YC 1•· hach euery ordinaric Minifl:cr inGods church. mull: labour to get the knowledge: of Gods B j' And great te-afon it fhould be fo, for the dull/! vvill into our hc;nts,fo mun W C eaure the pow- I flands at d Iehop):t.'lhs- right hand to re(rjl him; d Z,;tk J.l• er thereof to tbinc for:..h in the cx:>.mpi~ of a 1 ..: he- hindred Paul from c-ommVtg to th~ ThtfJitc J.Th.:,i1. good life, ·whc-rcby others way be directed m loni;~ns. Though he m:Uigne Cuery bcleeucr, the darken::!fc of the 'l..vcrld. But alas, hereiu ynhe aimcs tlpcci3lly :lt ~he MiniUer, that he the caf~ of many is lamcnrable,who thorough n1ay caufc him to f.1ilc, if net in tcachin..,. ,yet at ignorance and difobcdicnce, be yet in d;:a~·kckaH, in 'be exemplifying of his dotl:rin~· bya ndfe: thefe muft be taken out oftheir phccs,2;; fincere-and. godly <"onucrfation. · ' darke candlc:s; and tr!!)dcn vndcr foote, ~nd fO . Now, b{;:caufe Chrifi require~ of cucry Mi- "C&ft into cternall darkcndfc, whe.rc they !hall ntfi-cr, bcfides teaching, the euidcncc ofgood ilainc in woe for C"l.\crmor~ ' , workcs in a godly life,thcrforc here I will hand!c thh poin~ of cood workcs: 'and fidt f11nv 1 Of~;~">od v..•hat a ~ood \v'orkc is:fccondly,thcdiffcrrnccs wurkcs. ofgoodworks:and then obfeme the .nt'ceffity, the dignitic, and vfe ofgood workes.. r ~ · ·.y,t6. Lct.JOtJr ligbtfl(hine pefore men, that they may.fee jo,ur good worl(!s, andglorifie ·/ourfothdrabich iii'n·:beauen. I. Point, A .(OOd work!, UA iPo1·~ catmntnrAgood C tied of God, lind dm~ 6.J a miVt r~gn.l7a!e. in k'ritccG~~ fairh,f.r tf·,•glorirofGodinm.<nJgood. Firfl( 1 f3y) it isa· ·workecomm11ndrdof God, for .Gods Th_is is .th~ (q:l~~·!icn q(~his re;f~~; ~he~~, by foilting, ts :.~Ant t~inilleriall tc::tc~it;J,g, whereby they make knowne G~dswill vmo hispcoplc:whcre~~i~h,he a!fo rcquircth anfwe– rabJc pratlifc in> godly lifc,as ifl1c lhould fay, St.ei\tg by yout ca!Jing you arc fo confpicudus teth~ woddJ t~~rcfor~lo,okc to the cuidence of, ypu~Min_if!qic:,a_nd f9 the holi9clfe ofyour 1iu~.s, ·;h~q_fo t;h_e-pcople IDlY. no; onely heare your dol\rinJ;;,bu; a!fo fee your good workcs, and ther_eb_y bc,mqoucd to f~ll9w the fa!Jle,,~ {pto,slorifi<'G<?<l·in.hcoucn. \ _ , ~moft ..,,,oft.h!c cpnclufion,whcrein ohfcrue twop,oints the mmi!l:eryofthc- word-. D Firft, ip what mat.lncr Minificrs mufi tc;:ach the · wqrq.Scco?dly, th~ end of all teaching. For ·the firfl: <;;ods word muft firft be preached; that men may ~care it : fecondly., whc-re?Jitb tJ:lUfi goc ;:an vnblat)lcablc conl!erfation, bring– ing fQrth ~ood ':\'orkc~,. that men therein may fee thewill ofG_od,Here then at <two parts of oMwill~rs office, J)o£/rin•, 3Qd goodlift: and t~cy muft goe together in hitn th3t is a good Miniftcr. He that tcacheth to write, will firfi git!~ rules of writin{; to his fchollers, and then (w them copies to follow : andfo,doth cu~,y maficr in his Art: there is no learningof,1'1l)'i thing,vn!cffc examples goewith rules, A.gai,nc., God w.ill h::tue men r.o Jcarne his will two ~aics: by Hcarin12, and Seeing: rhe MiniHer will is go,odncifc itfclfe, and the Ruleof all g• the crc2t·ure; & cueryoood thing is therefore good, brcaufc it is anfu crable to the will of God: no woikc thercforc<can·hc good, vnlcffc it be appointed, Ordained, and commande.d ofGod: men intleedcm:-V·inuent and doe mony good works,but they.fl;all houe n~ then~, v.n)dfc they d0e accord w1th Cods wdl.Agatne, good workes moll be done mohedimce to-God; I'J.ow,vnidfeGod ~ppo·int thcn.l~ the doing of them cannot beany obcdiencccto his will; Thirdly, wi/1-worfl,;p,. whcreDyfn~l) thrufi vpon God their ownc: inuemions for his feruice., is cuery whne f conf Cot t.n. dcmned:and oflike n3.turc be all thofc aB:ions, :f,ut.u.Js. wPerein rrien of thcmfclucs doe fallen goodndfe, without the will and appojntmcnt of God. This pomt mufi be remcmbred, be-caufC' the Church of Rvme doth te:tch the conrrarie,. B.:ib"".dc. h d d k • J MOii~l,:s.t-7 T at a ma11 may ocgoo wor s,not reqUTrt:u or appointed byGocf: but the fonnCr.Reafons fhew this tobe falf;& the argumC:tswhich dl( y bring for their opini6.,are nothing but 2.bufe of Scripturt, as in thcfcfew maypbinly ·appearc. Firft, they fay, the hrPC.r r had_fr"-wiUoff•· rin[l.iwbich were nor comm5ded in rhe·,,·ord, and yet were acce:ptabJc vmo God f and fo do manyn6w adaies many ~ood workcS accept:!· blc to God, though not commanded. A <[w, Their frcc-wiloffrings wereordained ofGod, and --~~----~------------------------~----------------~-~