Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

/ ;o i I I I I ' ft:ruaf:l.ccr. lib.6,cap.:.t. v'lnExpojition ofChrifls i M,l/t,,. ,. 1 --~~~--~--~~--~--~--------------------------------I~ worke; for l?y iuibfying faith, Chrift with his A , mcm,\Vithout rcfpcCt to ~he good oftheir bre- I me rh~ is apprehended, and applycd .ro tl~c perj I' thrcn: now all fuch aCtions ·whcn.:in men fccke fou ?t the: vvorkc:r, and he .rhcreb}~ IS \' themfclucs oacly, and not Gods gloric in the ·CQ,rd!, who rcnucth the tmndc,,wlll, and aftcgood oforhcrs,bc £innefull in the doer rhouoh cl:ions bfthe 'tlorker, from whence the y.'orkc othcrwifc good in tltcnlfclucs, And rhcrcfo~e procccdtt}t; and fo it is as pure water,comming we muH: lcarnc, in all our aCtions , to <>.imc at I from a denfed fountainc.• Seco1\dly, faith coucthe gloric ofGod in the good ofmen. rcth c.hc wants that be in good workcs,(f<;>r_,he I f. Point. Thus \VC fee \\'hat a good wotkc Tv:o rc'rt~ of bdl: workc. done by man in.-~his life, hath it is: no~,ov foUow the Jiffcrcnccs ofgood works. I goot! works. wants:) 110\·~ faith apprchcndcth ChriH and his Good works be oftwo forts:Fid1, thofe which 1 mcrits,and :1pplyeth the f~u!lc VQtO the wprkcr, God in his word h:uh direCtly commanded, as whereby his1pcrfon is accepted, and th~ itnperparts ofhis worfhip;fuch as arc praycr,thankffcCti6 ofhis work couered in the tight of God; giuing, rrceiuing the Sacramcms, hearing the and thi:, mu(l prouokc vs to labour for f:1ith. I word, and relceuing the poore; and thde arc Lallly, I ad~lc; the CIXie of a cood 'y\'qrkc: B the more principall kinds ofgood works. The tumely, God1g!orie in m+nl nood. The honour fecond fort arc aCl:ions indifferent fanelificd of God muH bCc the princ'ipall ende ofcuery by the word and praicr, & done to 'Gods glogood workc: now Gods honour !lands in reric; as to eat)to drinke, and fuch like; for howuercnce, obcdicncc_,and tll'ftnkcfulnefiC;fo that focucr in thetllfclues they be neither good nor :"hen ·we doe any good workc, \NC mu!l4oc it cuill, beeing things neither commanded nor m rcucrcnce vmo God, in obedience vmo his forbidden; & therefore in rcfpcCt ofthe rhinos commandcmcnts, and in token of our than·kcthcmfducs, may with go"d confcicncc be~- fulndfc vmohim,for his manifold mercies.The thcr vfcd 7 or rcfufcd: yet bc.:-aufc God hath eO.. good ofm::mmuU herein alfo be rcfpcCh:d;th~ rnandcd the manner how they n1ufi bee vfcd Apofilc fatth, 0 The is{Hijillcd in 01'/e word, namely, by bccing fanClifi("d by the word of 1 ,'ttm.t-J. Tho11 /hod: louethy neighbour as thy{e!fe: howc ·God, and prayer; and the end thereof, to wit can this bc/ccing to louc.: the Lord our God is Gods glorie ; therefore when they arcfo vfed' the gr~at comm:mclemcnt of the Law ?It muft they become good workes. ' therefore thu., be vndctfiood; that the law Vpon this difference ofgood \\'Otk$,obfcruc of God muftbcc praCtifcd in the loue of our the largcnc!fc thereof, how farrc they extend. neighbour 1 and not "Part by it fclfc.Againc 1 the There be three cfiatcs orda~n€"d of God: th<i: ende of a mans life 1 and of all his atfions, is to Church,the Commoi1\'Hahh, and the Fs.milie; ferue God, in feruing of man, and by feruing C and for the'preferuation of thcm,therc be funof man, to .feruc God;as when we pray(which dric callings rc_quircd; fome whereofarc prejs a good work)we mufl not cncly rcfpeCt our fcribcd ofGod,and others left to be appointed felues,but pray for others; as for the Church of by men; ~s all trades, and fuch likC; now not God, and for our brethren, as wdl as for our oncly the callings appointed by God, and the (clues: yea, and for our enemies-. So wee mufl: duties thereofare good workes; but euen all heare the word, and receiuc the Sacraments, inferior callings,appoimcd by mC.for the good that thereby we may bee better able to further ofthele three <-+tatcs! and the duties thercof,bc our brethren in the way of faluation: this our they t1Cuer fo bafc,it they be fanCtificd by pr~iSauiour cloth hCrc cxprdfc, faying, [that they er, and done to Gods gloric,arc good works. may fee )OJI"I" goodwork.J, andglori{ieyour Fatherin Example. A man is called to be a {hccpheard, hearun: J as ifhc fhould !3y,Glorifie you God, & doth willingiy accept thereof; now, thouqh and :1lfo c2ufc others to doe the fame. th:: calling be but bafe and mcan,yct the works Firft, here Y\'C may fee what to iudge ofth~ thcreofbccing done in obedience to God , for works done byPapitls: le is comm6ly thought the good ofhis maHcr, arc good works; yea,as that they abound with good \..vorkcs, but it is D good in their kind, as the bdl workes of the not fo; their bcH: vvorkcs arc finncs before highdl callings: and the fame may lye faide of God,forthcy f<!ll~ principally in the maine end allla ...vfull callings,and the \o\'o:kes t\lereof, be ofwell-doing ,which is eo glorific God,in the they ncuer fo. bafc: for God mdgeth not. the good ofmen:for a Papiil: a good v\·orke, gocdncifc ot the worke.' ?Y the e~ccllcnc1e of according to the Rules of their religion, cloth the matter wherca~om Jt IS ?"·u~1ed , but by it to fotUfie Gods iuflie, forthc temporall puthe heart of the aoer. Th1s pomt mt:fl: bee nifhmcm ofhis finncs , and to "fi'JCYit heaucn by. learned,for the P:tpills conceit cloth llickc fall it; and fo errcth quite from the right ende ofa in mens hc~rts, That there arc no good works, good werke, rcfpeCting therein, his ownc but t~c ofChurc~~s)& Hofpir~Is, the good, and nothing at all the good of others. mend1ng ofhtgh ;.nyes,glUtng oflarg<> ~lmcs, Secondly,hcreby we may fee, for our fclues, &c. but we muil lea_mc , 1 that .cucry ~~ton of /\ "> • how farre we come lhon ip our good workcs, :1 mans Ia...vfull calhng, Cio_nc 111 obcmencc to for commonly we fail~ in the mainc ende therGod,for the goott ofmen IS a gco.d worke be.. of: men fpend their daics and fircnrrth in lafore God:and thrrefore we muf'c io w2.l1:e cuehour and toilc,but al is for themfcluc~,for their. ric one of vs in our callings, that the duties owncplcafurc, their.ownc profit andpreferrc--: thereofm~y be acceptable to G od.Againc,t~is -- 'Ni!1