q8 1!.11 Commentarie vpon ;"'"''''"' ' dc:nh, & brought him vp ~s her O\\'nchild,:md A. fonncs of Knights or Squires, and cii)eci~l- \ ----1 1 vGuchfafcd him this fpeciall fauour to make ly of r:'lobles, arc fo be\\'itchcd with the pride j . him her hcirc; ::md therefore .A1ofcs £l1ould not of rhc1r earthly Parentage, chat they hauc: i I thus hauc contemned her fauour. Ar.fwa.lnfcarcc athought aft~r adoption in ChrifLGods . 1 Gecdc it had beene Mofo.r part to hauc Jhewcd hcaucn!y graces will rake no pl:lcc in their himfclfcrhanktilll, in accepting this fauour at hcarrs, but they vttcrly conrcmnc all other her h:ands, and alfo inioying the fame, if hcc dlare.s oflifc in regard of their ov,·nc.Aud this might hau.~ done it \\'ith the fcarc ofGod,a.nd is thecommon finne ofthe whole world: for ~ccp.ing: :1 go0d confcicncc. But, th:J.t he: could at earthly preferments men will fiand ama·ud; not doe: for if hee hod dwelled llill with her, but fcldomclhall you finde a man'that is r>uiand becl'lCher fonnc and hcire, he fh.ould hauc fhcd with ioy in this, th2t hcc is the childc of !. beencvndutifull vnto God. Now this is a rule God, as Mofh wa..But this pradiiC mufi be a to bee n:membred and praCtifcd alw:J.ics; that prcfident for Ys to follow: wee muH: lc:une to in duties of like nature,the CommJ.undemcnts haue more ioy in becing the fonnes of God, of the fccond table doe binde vs no funhet then to be heircs of :tny worldly Kingdomcsj i 1theh .Our obcdicn(~ thc:rcco may fiand with oa_nd to take more delight in the grace of adop1 bedicn.:e vmo th~ Commlundcmcms of the B uon through IClits Chrill, then in the fonfhip firfitablc:and "'''hcn..thcfr two cannot {land toofany earthlyPriocc. getl-ln,then we arc freed from obedience vnto It is :1 great prcrogatiue to beheire toaKing the fecond tah!c; as, from performing honour or Ernperour: bm yet to be the child ofGod, I and th:1.11kcfulndfc vmo mcp,whcn \'\'ecannot goes farrc beyond it : cucn abouc compa.rifon. thcrewithall performc obedience and fcruice For, the fonne of the greatcfl Potentate rn::w vmoGod. Aud this wasMofo!Cafe: becaufe bcthcchildeofwratb:but the child ofGod he could not both ferue God, and continue his by grace, hath Chrill Icfus to bee his eldell th3nkefulndfc to P'Jaraohs daughter ( for in /Jrorher, with whomhe is fellow heire inheauen; flaying with her, hce lhould hau< made !hiphee hath the holy Gho!hlfo for his comfmer, wrackc oftrue religion) therefore he forfakcth and thekingdomeofhcaucn for his euellafiing. her fauor tnd honour; and forthis·c-aufc i!i here inheritance. And therefore we nmfi lcarnc of commcndcd vnto vs. The likedid our Sauiour Mo[es,from the bottom~of our hcans,toprcChrill, for when thcpeople would haue 111ade. fer this one thing, To be the childc of God, h'tm King. heercfu.fod it, and fod from among b·cfore all earth1y things~ either plea(urcs, them, lob. 6. 15. bec:JUfe it would not fi:and riches, or any other prcrogatiues whadOcwith.that calling, for which hce was fanc\ificd C uer. . ,•nd fent into the world: thcrcforcMofos faCt Now more particularly in this faCt ofMofu was commC11dable,&. doth greatly (et forth vnnote two circumfianccs: t . Themanner how: to vs his holy faith. z. The timnvhen, he1:cfufed to be called the ln this fact ofMofosthus generally confide. foMne of Ph.raohs daughter. red_, obfcrUc anotable fruitc of true faith: It For the firfi; his rcfufall was not in wOrd, maKes aman c!leem moreofthe fiate of adop"":. but in decdc: for,ifvo.,·c rcadc the ,.-.,·hole Hijlory tion to be tP.c childe of God, then to bee the of Mofes, we !hall not finde, that either hee (fhilde or hcirc of any earthly ·Prince. This is fpake to PharAoh,or to his daughter, or ro any plainc it]. M ofos in thi~ place. And the like we otherto rhi~ cffcCl:, that !1~ would not be h.cr fl'lay (cdn.P.utid: forthough he were aKing, heire, nor called her fohnc"; but \o\'C fitrtlc thar y.,:r he fct all hi~ royalric & maiefiic at naught, he did it indccdc: for, whe,nhe came to agc,he in regard of Gods blciiing ofadoptiOn; and left the Court ofccndmcs,:md went to vifitchis t'hercforc Gith., The Lord (not th·c Kingdomc brethren, to,comforrth~m, to defend~ them, o~lfr~cl) is my portiofl, And 3gain<', when hCc and to take part with them. And hence \\'·cc Y.'3S k~pt from the Lords tabernacle, and the mufi Iearne not fo much to giue our felues eo company ofCiods Saints.)chrough pcrfccution; :D know,and to.talkcofmatters of rcligion,as to he {aith , Tbe SparrDwn and Sw4Jiuwer were doe and praClife the famc.both before God and moY< happi< tbcnhu,1'fal. 84- becaufe they had men. This did Mofos.It is the commoll fault of ncfis where theymight kcepc their young and our age, that we can be content to hcarc the fit, -and fing; but he could not comeneercthC doCtrine of religion taught vmo vs; yea,many L;,rds Altar.And ycrmotc fully to cxpreffe the willlearne it, and often fpeake thereof: but car~c!ludfeof hi5 affcet:i'on this way; he faith, fcwe there bee that make confcicncc to doe he had rather be a man of a bafe officC', cucn a the things t~ey hcarc and fpcakeof. But let vs Jo_ofe-k.feptr in the houfoof God, then 3 man o~ lcarnc of .iJ1oft1 to put thofc things in praClifc rcnownc in the tents of wick!dneffi. But how.. wh1ch we Icarne and profcffc, and in filenee focucr, thcfc men were of one mindc herein; doe them: for, the fewer "\'ords the better, yet come to our age, and fecke in Townc, i v.nld)e our dccdcs bc., anfwcrable. If any of Counrrcy.)<:~nd pcoplc,and we fhal fee this fruit vs·wcrc to vvalkc vpon rhc top of fome high of faith is r:~rc to bee foun~: for generally mountainc, wee would Jc:mcoff talking, and ·(th,ough I will not foy all) the moll of thofc look< vnto our fleps for feore offalling. Be. that arc_ bor_Ee of g~partnt:\ge, as the hold, when \\'CC enter the profcffion _of_~~~_r~~ ___..:ll.:.i_anitic,__~...... · /