the the-H~br. r-4;-_ f llianirie, we arc (c";pon an high mo\mtaine : A Secondly, thiscircumllancc of timc,hotm!j , I Mof.:s f;~.itl~o for the way oflifC is onbi,gh; and ChriHi:mitic A·foJes deliberate lla!cdndfc 111 dus faCt, cloth r>hii,,P4· is the high cal/ir.gof God. We therefore mutl be plaincly aducttifc vs, what is or llwuld bcc,rhc wifo :lS Sa/ormm ilith , Prou. 1 5. 24o 2nd lookc vcrruc ofold age, ~nd the ornament ofycare.s.: well ro our contJerladon, haumg afiraic watch OOI.mcly ,flttietbujj~ :1nd difcrerion: whereby I oucr all our waycs through the whole courfc meanc, not ondy that liatur:lll rcmpcJ of affc:. ofour Hues L"!1Cil to the endofour daycs;& not c1:ion, which old age bringerh with it:bUt Wch {land fo much on (peaking and ralkii1g, as on religious difcrcuon, whereby men of ycares doingifouhedoerofhic workjhallbeblejfedin his doe all things in faith, lo as their work> may bt I Jade Iarn.I.25· This is the thing we mull look acccpt:~blc alid plcafing vmo c.od. Ftir,..vhcn a.! vnto:as rh~ oncly ornament of our profc~on, man is gro\.vnc in yearcs, and h:lCh hid cxpcri..1 I declarina that we hauc the power of godhncs; cnce: and obfeniation in the ChurchofGod,hC but if dc~ds be wanting, our religion is vainc, mull: not oncly haue a general! knowl~dgc and we arc like theFigtruvvhich Chrill: curfcd, hawifedome, but a particular wifcdotnc, whcrby J,bt~.n.t9. uingl~tflle/andno ftuit. he may do in faith, whatfoeuer he takes in had, . The 2. circum{bnce t? be conlidercd,is,th<:. B and therdn plcafe God. But alas, this may beet time '"'hen he rcfufcd tius honour:n2mcly,whe V fpoken ofold men in thefe daies,that in rcglrd he camaobee aman ofyeareJ anddiforetion. A ofthis wifcdome they are very babes : a thing man in common rc:dOn 'Nould iudge thus of greatly difgraccfull to their condition. For, Mofts fat\: A1ofes hath rlrc fortune offered Paul biddesthc Corinthians, r. Cor. 14. 20c - him, he might haue bccnc fonnc and heire to a that the; ftJoHldnot be children invnderflt!ndiPIT, Princea:c: furcly this is a ra{h fat\ of his, and hut ofripe age: yea, and'hcforbiddcsthcEpl~c~ voide ofconfideration,to refufc it;vndoubtedfians J Eph. I 4·4· to bee chi!a'renjli/1, w~tttering' Jy he farre oucriliot himfclfc hcrein,eithcr thoand carried a6om wir11 el!tYJ wmde of do[/rine. rough rail1neffe or ignorance. But to preucnt Vv'hcreby wee may fee, that aged perfons doe fuch carnlll furrnifcs, the fpirit of God fcttes quite degenerate from that they ought to b·cc, downc this circum!hnce of time; faying, tb:lt when they arc babes in knowledge, Yoidc ot' he did not rcfuiC: it in his youth: but when hcc fpirituall wifCdome. Indccde,we mufi gratlnl w~come toage, that U, to per[eflreares ofdifcreth3t our aged perfons arc worldly wiJC;ancl hr;- tion, and by rea(on thereof mull needes haue mull hauc a cunnin,g head, and (as we fay) rife confider3tion and iudgcmcnt to knowe what early, that herein goes beyond chcm:But brind he did1then did he rcfufc this honor,tobcPhathem to the book ofGod,and to gi11c a rcafo~ raohJ daughters fonncand hcire. In the fcucmh of theiraCHons, that they are done in faith; · ofthe Acts, we {hallfeethat he wasfourtie;tArs C h,crein,thcyarc mecrc babes,and ignoraot:neiola'ewhen he did this.And therefore this is true tbcr ea they tc!l what it is to do aching ii1 faithj which is he~e faid, that when hewM come to Jtge {o as it may be acceptable tOGod. Hcrein,m;t..i' and llilidnea:e:thcn he rcfufcd this honour:tor, ny that are young in yearcs, Joc qulte out-flrip fourtic ycares is a time, not one\y of ripcneffc them.What would we thinke or fay ·of achi~d1 for llre•gth: ,but of llaicdftetfe in iudgemcnt that beeing fct to a good fchoole,lhould ilil b<' and difcretion. in thelowe{l forme, though he had long <oh; Out of this circum!bncc wee lcarne two tinuedatit?Surelywewould iudgehimcid1'er _points. 1. That it is acommon fault of young exceeding negligent, or de!HtUtc ofordinarte ycares, to bee fubicCt to inconfidctation :md capacitic. •. - ralhnea:c: for, .#ofesdidnotrefufe the honour Behold rhc Church ofGod isthe fchoole of (If Phar•ohsdaughtcr,when he was young,lell Chrill:and ifa man haue liued lo>1g therein (as it lhould fetme to be a point of rolhndfc: but twemie,or founyycares)and yet be no wifcr in when h'Cwa~ co~etoa~e(as the t.ext faith): infireligion, thc:n a young child~ is it not a lhah 1 c ,uating , that 1f he done 1t ·when hce was vnto him ?and /hall wee not condrmne him of young, it might haue been dlc:cmed but a rafh. great negligence? Whcrcfore.iet al.laged pCr• part, 3nd done in fome hafHc paflion ofyouth. D fons here Iearnc their dutie; which is, rogrow Eu<ry.agc ofman h'ath his faults:and"this is the toripenctfe in fpirituall wifedome,that fo their fault ofvouth,to be hcadie and ralh in their afage ma; he to them a crowne ofglom ,-hin.{foiind faires, fOr want ofc~nlideratio11 & experience. m the wa)' of righteoufntjfe,ProU,I6.3l• And therefore all young pcr!ons "'"ll hauc care of thefe finnes of youth ' and watch the motc·:~.gainfl. them, becaufc they arc (o incid€t to theiryearcs.Now the way to auoidc them,is to followc Chrills example, Luk. 2. p. to la– bour to gr"w~, IU ;;, ye~eres, fo inwifedome nnd g;ac~: and to obey the counfcll of P~Ulto Ti- . ·Andchoofe ratherto fojf'er .<dller5tie withthi peopleof God 1 then to eniOJ thepleaforn if Jinnt forafeafon. • 1WJthy, >.Tim.z.u. tojlie tbelt~jlsofputh folTHe meaning of thtfe words is this: Mo(t1 lo1ving afmiujlice,faith,chaYitie, andpeace,IVith call with himfelfe, that ifhe lhould yec!d AD thAt c~ell vpfJn the name"fthe Lordwitl1 apnrc to become heire to Phartl.dhs d:lughtev, he muft h.~c:::"::c't_:• __________ .._-._ _ _ __.___,_:_l:::i':::_'ewith her,and plcafc her in alltbings,o"nd fo N n 4 altO: