Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

;_._tto , _rul [ommentarie vpon '~ll ! 'altog:etlJcr 1-c::~.uc Gods Church , and people A but rather afcllowfh1pwithSar:m; therefore I and Gods holy rc.ligion; '\Nhtch thing to do,b~ 1 let all that will, like true ChriHians, hauc tru~ I' l ::~bhorrcd in his hcart:and "'''itl1all,he mufl: lc:me comfort in that article of their Crced,tbccom1 and lofe the eremall bldfedndfc ofGods chilmtmi'Jnof Saint!, cflccmc the fcllowfhippc of I dren,for the honoms and !lnncfull pkafurcs of go.od ~and l~oly t~tcn 2bou.e all other, For, by I rhc.Courr,which wctc buc momcncanic.ThctC thts comunton Wlth ~ods Saints~ a man reaps I \ tll-ings confidcrcd, he chofcth rather to bee in great profir,whcn as tnc other brmgs to aman ' affiiClion and mifcric 'Nith the people of God, both of his bodic: aud foulc. By the . ! ' then vpon thci~ conditions,tO liuc inPba~aohs foctcuc ofthe godJy,wcarc firH: madepartaker Court,and to become his d~ughtcrs f01mc aad oftheir gifts and holy graces; ~nd fccondly,of heirc. ' . their prayers, and the blcffings of God vpon And bccaufc thls m:ty fc~m aihangc choifc, them: which things, if there were no other the holy Ghofi cloth aftcnvard render a rcafon might moouc VsJo embrace thisbldlCd facie~ hereof, which is this; Becanlc Mo[<s liked ratybcfore all othcr:J\nd yet further by being of thcr tO inioy the prerogatiucs·ofGods Church th1s foCicty,a man avo1ds many ofGods iudge... (though it were in mifc:rie) then to inioy any mcnrs: Ifthere had bcene tenne righteousmen honour in a \Nicked Court,fiu:h as indccdPha- · in Sodom& they had all beene from de.. Gen. 1 z.p. raoJu,,.,·as. 1 B flruCl:ion. Wherein we: may fee th~fthey that In this vcrfe therefore, \\'CC arc to note a feclc:aue to fuch as fearc: the Lord indc:cde ncucr co':ld fi·uit ofJlJ'ofos faith;towit, that h~ prefer.. rcceiuc h:1rmc, but rather much good; for,for red the fcllow01ip and communion of Go.ds th~ e/~[h fake it)s, that the world yet fiandcch: $qi.nts, before all other focictics \n the world. :lnd if they were gathered, hcaucn anO earth The fame alfo was _T)a~uds pql}iic, Pill. I 6.~. would goc together; butforthc caJiing ofthe Allmyddi•ht(laithhe) u i>J the SaintJthatdwr/1 £leer, the hand ofGod is yet!hied.Why then ov th~ ~ar/h. · . :fhould not MofoJ example: be our rule, AbouC This fruit of Mo[c1 faith, cloth di(couer vnall worldly pJeafurc torcioyccin the focietie of t·O vs a gricuous fault which raigneth in this Gods Saints? age; to wit, the negleCt and contempt of the. Thus much in gencrall:Now,in ti1e particu· . communionaud fociccy ofSaims.Thcrc is a fo.. br words, arc many notable points ofdoltrint 1 cinic and fellow (hip that is loucd and magnifi.. which \o\'C vvill touch h1 thei.rordc:r. J1nd choje cd amotig vs: but what manner of focietic is rath~r,&c.] Markc here a rare& flr:l.Ilgc choifc that·?finely,oftU~h as giucthcmfclucs to drinas cuerwc: {hall reade of. There arc twO things king,,fcoffing..,i'iet,n'\inh, go.ming.This propounded toMofos: The firfi is, henoUr 3nd is·tPc cornwon and general goodJcllow01ippc:• C . preferment inPharaoh1Cou.rt ;. to be~nne & . through which ~,Go<\ is g~;car!y·<lifhonoured, , heirc to:Pharaohsdaughtcr:wherwith bemight For moO: me1~(a t'.htir ,delight ther~in,and are hauc ~nioy,e_d all ear~l\lypleafur~s a_nd ~eli~~ltsnFuqrmc:ui~but it) fuch company,whcrein inThe feeond ,s,the tnlfcrablcaffiiC\:cd.condmon d~cdc they delight themfelucs,in the,ir fcnfua. of Gods Church and pc,ople, , iitie. True itj!, men pk:tdcthanhis good fc!. And ofthcfe two., Mofos mull nccds,Choofe avenue. Butthcn .was Mo[<s farrc the one:well what thoofeth he? Surely,h!;rcfu~ o~q·fc:cnc: for in Pharttohs,Cour.t hec might feththc prerogatiucs·& dignity ,that he tliight fiCJ<>had all kinde offuch good fcllowlhip and hane had inPharaohs CQurt, ~nd mahs .dwifo Companic; yet he likes it not, bur r:~.thcr chooofthe mifcrie and affliCHop of Go'ds .people in'· (qlp.lf\iction nnd miCcrie with the pcopl c of aducrfitic;~h:lt fah~ may cnloy the priQiledges' (fod, then to en~oy_f~ch Phaof God~ Cln1rch.;A woijdcrfull ch'eifc,,i f<!.l<,' raaMCpurr. Jlnd as fo•thc goodndfe of it, it which his faith is here1:pm1riendcd r~tlilhc (l:-· is.n,ither fa cllccmed,nor called by any,but by nonwed toall roflcritic, :rh~ famcchQifc\hath /them that call good cuill, and cuill good. Wee God (h before all moninall ages•.ln jo(mer, fee, Mofc! .am:tttof wifcdomc ancllcaming, timcs·God fcrbcforo.EjiitHwotbing.5; P).?nej{c ~ Acts,7·>>,no child,but a man ofxl.ycorcs old, D ofreddc;hrotb, and his binh.right: biltipr'!>fanc hates and •bhorrcs this oood fe!Jowlhip,as the EjA11 ehoq(cth the worf<ir~hc,Corgocs~.binhwqrlt dbtr in the worlE: rather choofirlg the righr,fo hemay hauc th.e.broth. Bu~ f~\'9rf~ f0cictie <?fa p1ifqrablc 2ndperfecu~ccl Church', diQ rheGadMens; tl)ci"IS .,,,as fet -bcfer.~ them· ' •then the beG of that fdlowlhip which aKings Chrill jdi!S the Lord o()ife, and thcjc,Jloggs_· ,Court could ycci~.Letvsrhercforc learn more and cmdl: Now they. j1!'1'fcN·e thtir,h<>g~.b,:- 1 twi( out of his pracbfc, Some (ay, thiS fore ChriH; Jl moll ,mif~r,i~blc ~nd fc<!!clrQc 'gopd ~llow01ip. jg harmclcffc; and fuch ~~en choice. And isirnor as-ill withvs?Thcq~~~ fct who,s:hus m.crily pa"ffc their times·, Oo !'tO {uch before vs op theone fide hcaucn,and <>n_.t]JS:O, hurt as many others doe. But I anfwt:r,men arc tllcr J'i.dc hell;buc men forths: nwJl pan"\Htofe· ,borne to doe good, Againc, to miffpcRd time, helt and fptfakc hcauen. Cil!jJl wotl9JY. wen wc:;·alth~&wit,arc notthc(c cui! a,11d banncfuil;\ \vho(c delight is'illl in riches-, theyp~c.fq ~fl,nll h9th il\ thcmft"lucs, and in the example: ? .An~ beforehc~Uc.n,,thc fcruic'C of(ln_ne,·wh.i};b i~~thc wh~ch' ~.s 1.\'orll of all, it is no fcJlow lhip with, grctacfi {bunie , before •t~1e ' icruice, pf~Ood,.. I Gqd .••nor :.nyvart of rhe c.omniuni6 of, Saints, which is perfeel freedomc , 2r.d glorious hhcr-, ----- I' . ..:" ________ tt.=~