Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

i:d~:~~---- then. Chap. to the lie6r. _ ~ Ti-1:L: / 1 - I ryofthe S:tims in ligln :' tmd thUs doe all men I A wee fl)o;t.'d ,not tr:~1 m our ftbu.r, bm in C!dd .' 1 . I ; without Gods fpcciall grace. '.Vhcrellpon Paul 2. Cor.r·?· So goo~i King lehof.iph,~t, "'hell j praycs in his EpifHcs for the Churches, that I he ~vas co:np:t!Tcd ot his enemies, lie crt~d to I \ . · IGod would giuc vnto them the f}irit Ofwtfo..J the Lo;·d, ~Jndftiid; L?rd weiqtowe not to tf,; ' Ph1 ~1 • 10• dome, rh:u rh:r m.?J bee able roit~dge benreent bttto:tre]uarctolvardftlur:: 2. Chron. zo. J 2. · things t/~:11 di[fer. And this w.ircdomc :vc mull ! . 1 ·· ~~ e:t, the rebellious Icw~s ::trc_hcr~b_y d. ril1cttto , I bbour for,that when thc(e ddfcrcnr thlllgs :trC'i Jcekc the Lord, \Nhom 1n profpcnuc they for...I fet before vS,\\ emay make a wHC choicc:othl:r 1\ 1 f()oke; as we m:1y fee ac large, PlJl, 1 D].c'f. I :2 : 1 wife, we fl1cwour fclucs to be like bri1it beaHs 1 r3. 19. durown the Mmdtcne ofthe word gr:1ccs ot C·od millS chddrcn. fhc Loni (f:o1t1t without YJH!crf't~1Jlding, & .d.o ql~ite oucnurnc·l Lal~ly_,a~litt.Ion~ fcr~c to m~1ic nunlfcfi: ~h_e· vYe luuelife &end~catb,-goodand cui//, fet bc~)fC leb) kwrP:tb my wtty and triethm:c,Iob.2 3. t 01 vs, as Motes fa ideo rhepcople,Deut.3o.J 5.19. Dc:uc. ~. 2. Remember all the way (f.1ith M6lc3' Let,.~ therefore ende:mour om fclnes to chu{e I ro the Iir:1d!tes) which 1be Lord thy Cod ledde life by cm~racing :md obeying the word of theC!hU frHJriJ 7eares , for top1·uone thee antltd God: and 10 Ihall \YC foil owe both his precept B. k...,11owc whnt hnhi;;e hetwt, Hence lamu ea!.: and pr~B:ifc. leeh temptation~> the Wi~llt offt:itb, Jam. 1, :.3 J Tofitffor ad.H(rjitie with thept>ople ~(God. And Paul makes ptuiencr, thefruitc of tribllfaHerc \-\'CC mily obi"cruc wh:1t is the ordinarie tion , 5. 3· For lookc :Js the fhowers iri fhce and conJi~ion ofGods Church & people the lpring time caufc the buds to appcarc: fo· in this worl.d:namcly,robe in :111liel:ion 3nd vndoe afflitlions make manifefl Gods gr:-ces in dcr the croff.:. Hence faith, Th.1twee muff his children.Paricncc,hope,and other vertHes-,- com: ro heauen through manifoldaffliEtions; AC1s. liC clofe in the heart in the day of peace: btn: 14.22. The Lord knowctb what is befi for hiS 1 \\ 1 hen tribt.fation cams> the I) rhcy breJke: forth feruants. and children: and therefore hec harh I and Jhevv thcmfclucs. fer downc this for a ground, that all thatn'i// Hence we lcarne tllat it .is not ah,·aiCs a to ... /iucgodly in Chrijllejiu,mujlfuif'"f'rjccution,2. 1 ken ofGods wrath, To !it!rer allliClion·, Ifany Tim.3 .12. man or people be laden \ovith cro!fcs)t is no ar,: Thus the Lord dealcth with his children for gument,that thcrforc they arc not the childrctr fpeciall caufcs: torlid\, all croffcs, as lo!fc of ofGod: for, as Peter faith, Judgements begin at goods, friends, libertic,or good narne,thcy arc GodJ houj(:, 1. Pet. 4· ::: 7· and any croffe vpon a means to fiirrc vp and awake Gods people out C people, family, or particular pal-Ions, ifitbring oftheGumbring fit offinnc; for the godly are forrh the fruiroof grace in them) iS' a truc~figne, many times oucrt!ken this way. The wife virthey belong to God. Yea, when men wander gins flccpe, as well as the foolifh: Now affliClifrom God by an euill way, thcfc a!RiClions are ons rou7.Cthcnfour of the ficepe of fecuritie. mcancs to call them home to God, Pfal. rrg. Sec this in lofephs brethren, who went on a 67. Before I WM ajf!ifled, I went aflray. And long time without any rcmorfe for felling their they that forfake their fin'ne·&te'tllme to God brother : But"''hen they were fiaied in Egypt, in the time of afRiCl:ionr are ccrra'incly Gods then they arc rou·Ledvp, and e<m fay. Gen.42. people: for, the wicked mln ffetteth and rilur.. 21. ThY_troubk i'.s come vpon VJ for felling our mureth againfi God when a croffe comrneth, /n·other. and he cannot abide ic. But the godly man is Secondly, affiiC\ions fcruc to humble Gods humbled thereby, and it makes him more obc. children, Leuit, 26. 41 . So the Church ofGod diem in all duties vmoGod. fpc3kcth, I willbcarc the wrath of the Lord ,beThis we !hould confider: for by an outword caufe I hauefinn:dagdinft him, M1cha. 7·9· profdlion, wc bearc the world m hand, that Thirdly, they fcrue to ".vcane the people of D we arc Gods children, ~md therefore we cGmc God. and to- driuc them hom the 1-oue of this I to-he:lfCGods word, and to lcarnchow to be– world: for, if men might alwaics line in cafe, i h:me our fclues as hefcemeth his children. But they ""o-~ld make their hcauen vpon earth; if WC\.\'Ould be knownc tobe Gods children w_hich_may.not be~ And herein God dcalc~h indcede, then when any of Godsiudgctn_;ms \\'tth hts chtldrcn ltkc aNurfc; when fhce Will doe befall vs , \Ye mull make this vfc ofthemi wean her child,fhc lay-es fomc hinter thing vpnamely, bbour thereby to behumbled for our on the pappcs head, to make the child to loath finnes, ~md to forfakc our finnes, and to make the pappe; fo the Lord) to drawe our hearts confcienccofall bad w?yes for cucr afi:crward; from the world, and to c:mfc vs to louc and and rhen we Chew our !dues to be Gods chiJfcekc after hcauen& hcaue,:tlY things, he makes dren indccde: but if vndcr the croffc, or after vs of the bitterncfie of affiiChon in this the croffc \VC be as diffolure as tUer we were \'\'orld.Fourthly,~ffiitlions iCruc to make Gods and flill £6llow our oldc finncs, then we can~ children to goc out of thcmfclues to fceke tinnot be iudacd to be Gods people~nd chil. cer~ly~nto God_, ~nd to onelyvpon h'm: drcn, b1.1t r~fhc:ra \·vicked & fiubbornc generawhich 1n profpcr:uc they Wllnot do.Thls,Ptm/ cion, which the more they arc correCted, the confctfcth ofhimfclfc and others; We (faith he) worfc they arc ;.like a Hithy,the more it is bea... rec~iued the[cnrence ofdeath;-, ourJC!ttcs, ten 1 the harder lt is. Let vs therefore by the vfe