Perkins - BX9318 P47 1613 v3

~ \ vp ; -::-:::::-:--:-;---;:--e/1 --;-:-G_o--:-m_m_e_n_ta~r:-:-ie-=v-=:1}1-o_n--~--- 1 _,.,;_"'~ 1 ! vfc ofGods iudgcmcnts, lllC\V our fclucs to be A , v_nto his ~ifcipl~s(vpon O€cafion oflhc young Ecclcr.~Io· Ucr• Yit,1."i$o Gods children: ro 01:\ll WC fay, with Dauid Inch man, that I[ \\'3S 4f Mjicfor a Ctun~/l with much ioy :md comforr,ft isgoodfor vs that I tog_oe througl~ the Cfe ~~a needle, ';u. .for a rich weiJtuubee:umn·oubfe, Pf:d I 19. 71. ":'"'~to mt~rmto -rh~ /;.Jngdomt of!Jem!m; that Thus we iCe Mofcs choif~: now come 1s, fuch aneh man as fcts his heart to get riches i we to the thing hccrcfuCcd; Toenioytheplea- :Jnd honour, not rcgardino the rl~ioion of fm·u ofJimte fflr 11 foafm . Bypl~afores of jinne, Chrilt, \.Vhcncc alfoin ::motl~n pbce ~c prQ~ l we mufl vn~kr(lat~d the ;·ichc.r anddignitie that not~nccth this fcarcfull fcmencc againl1 them: 1 Mofcs might h.:u: ln PharaohJ Court ~!nd 1-Yoe 6e to ;ou I hat arerich,for ;ou hmu ,.e_ceiKingdrmu:, VVhtch -:~re called thep!eafwesof uedyour confo!.:uiou: 24. The-ythctefnnc, nor bcc-aufe they \NCrc iO in thcm!Clucs;. fore that lay afidc rcligion,1nd g1uc thcm[ducs tOr,fo thcywcrc the good gifts ofGod:but be- \\ holly to lcekc gainc :md honour, arc before clufc MotCs could not cnioy them in Pharaoh! God moit wretched & illiiCr;~.blc: and the Joncourr,withom liuing in fimK;tOr,hc tnufi hauc , gcr they continue in this courfc 1 thc more mifercfui"t:d th~ focictic of GNis Church :md pcoI rabic they arc; for the more tin11c they heape pk, and fo hauc beene a fl;-;lngcrfrom the co- rB vp, and io the dccpcrt11all be thcircondemna.: uen·:mt v:hich God made wnh .Abraham, Iftion. Wherefore if any oi vs h2ue bee-ne thus aac, and ftutcoh, :1.nd with his tCcdc after them, minded hcrcoforc,lcc n now lcauc this courfe · if hce would h:tl!C beene fonne to Ph.traohs :1.s mofl dangtrous to our fcu!cs: for what \vili daughter. it profit a man to gaigc the \\hole world, if he Here rhen the holyGhoJ1 fettcth down two loofc his foulc? notable rclfOns, ...,·hich induced Mofes to re2. Hence we mullalllcarnc, <.:fpecially they fufe thcfe honours and dignities: Fidl, becaufc that hauc any mcafure'<>fwealth more or ldfc they were the plea[ittes of fnne; And fecondto ioyne with the vfc ofour riches the fcarc of ly, bccanfc hdhould cnioy them but forA[eaGod, and the practife of true religion: for, feJon. ucrthc(e afund er, and riches arc nothmg elfc The firfi rc:1.ron affordeth vnto vs many but fi.nncfull plcafurcs. It is agood confcicn(c notable points wonhic our confidcration. 1. which rcClificrh the OINUcr in the right vfc of Here we lcarnc~ that riches, honour and dignihis honour and treafures: buc \\'ithom that, he ty fcucrcd from true religion, are nothing but pollutes the bldlings ofgod which he cnioics,. the pleafures and •profits of linne. This was and they beciog polluted !hall tournc to his Mofes iudgc:mem,as the holy GhoH here tdligreater woe. A man would hauc thought that ficth: and it is the plaine truth ofGod, asSaloKing Be! had beene an happie man, mon after lamentable experience difputeth,and C when he kept his royall feafi, and dranke ,, ine Dtn. S·'· 3 · proo"ueth at large:conduding ofriches, honor, in golden bowls before a thoufad Princes that pleafurcs;and all earthly things feparated from ·were vndcr him, and before his Concubines: the fearc of God, they arc nothing elfe but but the cndc of all that hiS iollity may lhewe true-le vanity and ve.\·arion offpmt. And Past! vs the nacurc offuch profperitie, For fo foone faithl To t!u impure aiL rhin<..'(J are impure; his as he faw the fingers of am~tns hand, writmgt~pm'catc, drinkc, an.d apparel!, which in thc:mon the wall, hee became quire confounded in (clues arc othc:rwifc the good gifts of God. him(clfc: his countcJtancc wa.r ch.mged, ttndhU The conflderation hereofis ofgreat vfC:for, thoughts trouMed him; fo rhar the ioynts of his firft it lets vs fee what is the ftatc of thcfc men loinen"~'ere loofed, 11nd hr6 k,.nus fmot~oneagainft which lay afide •religion and good confcience, the other: VVhat comfort had he now from all anti be take themfclucs "d10lly to the world,to his riches and pleafures? So DiJtn, V\'hilc he Ji.. get riches and prcfermcnt:mofi men arc ofthis ued, mighr fceme for his we:llth and riches to difpofition, and luch indeed arc onc!y counted be happic: yet all th!s d\d himlirtle good; for, wife.For,lctthcrc bt: fpccch tending to a mans hehadhut hispl~afHrefor hi,· lifo time~ Luk.r6. commendation, vfually this is the fi1.fimatrer f 25. and after this Hfc,his foule went downc tO of his praBC, that hcc is a fubllantioll wealthy D 1 hell. A \\'Ordly man would iudgc the rich man tnan; and one.that Jookcs well tohimfcJfc: as in 'the CoJj,cJ, amofi happic man, rh•rfaid to though riches, or honour were :t mans chiefc his foule, by rea(on ofhis great aboundanceof h:1ppincffc. But, howfocucr the world iudgeth outw:ard wealth, Luk. I l. 19. Soule,[ou!e, thoP. of thd"e men;yet hereby we may [cc :1oJ know haft much goodt /aide vpfor mAn})&Ares, !in~ at that their cafe is !iliferablc.For,without rcligiufo, e~ttt, drink!, and rnk! th)'fill : yet bccaufe on and the fcarc of Gorl, their riches and hoherewith he wanted religion, a. good confci- · hours arc but the plcafurcs and profits offinnc, cnce, and the fcare of God, this fCmcnce "' as ~ thcrforc the more they hcapc vp riches after denoun<cd him; Ohfoo!e 1hU night will this forr, I10t regarding C!.rifi,nor his Gofpel; th'.! fnch awa7 rh; [e11/e: rhm, "hofefhallrhefe the more they hQapcvp to thcmfclues the treathings be? \Vhercforc, vnldfe we will wilfulJy fures of finn~; and :confcqucnr!y the greater cafi :l'-'''"Y ottr ownc foulcs, let vs fanCl:ifie our condemnation: for '".vor!dly treafures feuered interdl in dl canhly blefli"ngs, by a fincerc enfrom rcligiO,arc but the Mammon of iniquity, deauour in al things,to fhrw forth the feare of which caufcth damnarim1. Hencb Chril\ fa id I Cod;with th<- keeping of faith & ogood con- ------·----' ------~--~------------[~-(~~!_-